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URMC / Cardiovascular Research Institute / Available Positions


Available Positions

Date Added Contact Description
12/01/2023 Craig Morrell      


The Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry invites applications for tenured/tenure-track faculty position in any area of cardiovascular research. The Department has long-standing strengths in vascular biology, cardiac biology, and platelets/thrombosis. The Institute and medical center provide access to state-of-the art resources through both institute and medical center supported cores. This includes microscopy, microsurgery, histology, functional genomics, and flow cytometry cores, amongst many others. Successful candidates are encouraged to be highly collaborative and integrate well with many established research programs in the Aab CVRI and throughout the medical center. Tenure status and rank of the position depends on qualifications. Highly competitive start-up packages will be offered.

Successful applicants will have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree, will be highly creative, and must have demonstrated exceptional scholarly success in their field. Demonstration of sustained grant or equivalent support is required for appointments at a mid-career or senior rank.

Application Information: Please provide a cover letter describing your past projects and career goals and a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) to Craig Morrell, D.V.M., Ph.D.

12/01/2023 Douglas Anderson

Postdoctoral Associate (Anderson Lab)

A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Douglas M. Anderson in the Cardiovascular Research Institute and Center for RNA Biology is available to develop novel RNA and DNA targeting technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas systems, to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular biology and as potential therapeutics for treating cardiovascular disease. Candidates should have recently earned a Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D degree(s). Expertise in cell and molecular biology is required, and experience with mouse handling a plus. Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae, a brief description of research interests, and contact information of three references to Dr. Douglas Anderson at:

12/01/2023 Zheng-Gen Jin

Postdoctoral Associate (Jin Lab)

Two postdoctoral associate positions or staff scientist positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Zheng-Gen Jin at Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute/Department of Medicine, the University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA. The positions are supported by the United States National Institute of Health (NIH)-funded grants focused on molecular and epigenetic regulation of cardiovascular metabolism, inflammation, and atherosclerosis.

We are looking for candidates with experiences or interest in following areas: vascular biology, gene regulation, cell metabolism, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and genetic and disease animal models. Priority will be given to motivated candidates with a strong background and prior experience in molecular and cell biology, epigenetics, metabolism, immunology, and animal studies. We will provide competitive salary/benefits for individuals who are motivated, creative, capable of conducting research independently, and have excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter with a brief summary of research interests, curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to:

12/01/2023 Peng_Yao

Postdoctoral Associate (Yao Lab)

A full-time postdoctoral associate position is available in Dr. Peng Yao’s laboratory in Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Research in the Yao laboratory focuses on the roles of RNA-binding proteins and noncoding RNAs in cardiovascular health and disease. We aim to understand how translational regulation of protein synthesis influence cardiac health and disease and provide new insights into discovery of novel RNA-based therapeutic approaches to treat heart disease. This position represents an opportunity to join a top-rated biomedical research campus. We are looking for candidates with experiences or interest in following areas: cardiac biology, cardiovascular disease, biochemistry and molecular biology, RNA biology, genetic and disease animal models, and RNA-based drug development. With the tremendous advancement of RNA technology and FDA-approved RNA-based therapeutics (e.g., siRNA, antisense oligos, COVID19 mRNA vaccine), it is promising to utilize the knowledge of RNA biology and translational regulation to develop novel therapeutics for treatment of cardiovascular disorders among many other human diseases. We currently have NIH funding to support a research program of translational control of cardiac health and disease and industry funding from Novo Nordisk company to develop novel RNA-based drug for treating cardiac and liver fibrosis.

The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and the adjacent School of Arts & Sciences and Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences are part of an internationally renowned life sciences research campus, providing excellent opportunities for collaborations between basic scientists, clinical researchers, and physicians. We provide competitive salary/benefits, excellent core facilities and a highly interactive group of scientists for individuals who are motivated and capable of conducting research independently. Our lab currently has collaborative research projects with Dr. Lynne Maquat (US National Academy of Science Member and 2020 Wolf Award winner) lab and Dr. Bradford Berk (former CEO of URMC and Distinguished Professor of UofR) lab. We are also associated with Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, the Center for RNA Biology: From Genome to Therapeutics, and the Center for Biomedical Informatics.

  Eric Small

Postdoctoral Associate (Small Lab)

NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Eric M. Small in the Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) at the University of Rochester to study the molecular mechanisms leading to cardiac fibrosis in ischemic heart disease and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. For information on the lab, please see: (Small Lab). Candidates should have recently earned a Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D. degree(s). Expertise in cell/molecular biology is required. Experience with mouse handling and/or computational biology will be a plus.

Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae, a brief description of research interests, and the contact information of three references to Dr. Eric Small at: