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REDCap Tip of the Month: Adding Confirmation Emails in REDCap

REDCap Tip of the Month: Adding Confirmation Emails in REDCap

Have you ever wished REDCap could automatically send a confirmation email whenever a respondent completes your survey?  A recent upgrade to REDCap now allows you to do just that. Read on to find out how!

REDCap Tip of the Month: Creating Test Records for REDCap Surveys

REDCap Tip of the Month: Creating Test Records for REDCap Surveys

When designing forms in REDCap, it is not immediately apparent whether your branching logic or calculations will actually work as designed. To test that, you need to create test records. Read on to learn how.

REDCap Tip of the Month: Review of the Most Popular Tips of 2015

REDCap Tip of the Month: Review of the Most Popular Tips of 2015

Every month, the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (Washington) publishes a REDCap tip, shortcut, or best practice to help you get the most out of the installation. With 2015 coming to an end, we are taking a look back to see what tips readers found most valuable this year.