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UR CTSI and Vanderbilt Team Up to Make Surveys More Accessible

A Deaf health research center within the UR CTSI and the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research have launched a user-friendly tool that makes it easier for anyone to create research surveys that are accessible for use with Deaf and DeafBlind people.

Speeding Clinical Data to Our Researchers

UR CTSI’s “i2b2 to REDCap” program offers researchers a way to access, sort, and export clinical data from Electronic Health Records quickly and efficiently, so they can make new discoveries faster.  

REDCap Tip of the Month: Adding Progress Bars in REDCap

Including a progress bar in your survey may help reduce survey dropout. While REDCap does not have the capability to create a progress bar out of the box, you can add one with some clever use of HTML.

REDCap Tip of the Month: Boost REDCap Survey Response Rates

You always want the highest response rate possible when conducting a REDCap survey. But sometimes getting recipients to even open your email can be a challenge. Read on to learn four fundamentals that will help your survey rise above the clutter and increase response rates.


REDCap Tip of the Month: Leveraging the Codebook

REDCap projects often have multiple stakeholders, each with a different area of interest for the project and with varying REDCap proficiencies. Read on to find out how to leverage REDCap's Codebook to allow stakeholders to quickly view and follow a variable name, field label, branching logic, and field attributes for each and every variable in your project.

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