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Students Research Tobacco User Behaviors Using Social Media Data and AI Technologies Through Data Science Collaboration

A collaboration between UR CTSI and the Goergen Institute for Data Science helps students use data science in their social media research.

CTSI Now Offers Advanced Certificate in Regulatory Science

The CTSI, in partnership with the Department of Public Health Sciences, is rolling out a new advanced certificate in regulatory science for graduate students, postdocs, and researchers from a broad range of fields. The program is just one of several efforts by the CTSI to advance regulatory science and promote student and trainee interest in learning how new drugs and devices are developed and ultimately reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

CTSI in the News

A reporter from the Rochester Business Journal recently caught up with CTSI co-director Karl Kieburtz, M.D., M.P.H., to talk about what the CTSI has been up to in the past 10 years.

Meet the winner of the 3rd Annual “America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent” competition

Angela Ryck is the winner of the University of Rochester’s 3rd Annual America’s Got Regulatory Science Talent Student Competition Winner. She spoke with CTSI Stories about her project.