Content Owner Agreement Form
As an account manager for your new social media platform, you are responsible for posting content and maintaining compliance with URMC policies including those related to HIPAA, Human Subjects Protection, Conflict of Interest, Security, Safety, Non-endorsement, and Human Resources. You're also responsible for ensuring that your content is accurate, protects intellectual property and privacy, and that any comments are respectful/adhere to basic URMC policies. By submitting this form you are agreeing to comply with the terms outlined below and in the Professional Use Guidelines.
Each account manager agrees:
- To protect patient privacy. URMC protocols around HIPAA consent must be followed, including working with URMC’s PR team to fill out authorization forms for the release of a patient’s medical information or images to the general public.
- To ensure that only qualified URMC professionals will provide general medical or health information. Social media cannot be used to provide individualized medical advice.
- To respect copyrights and disclosures. Account managers are responsible for obtaining the consent of all parties involved in publication of recordings, photos, images, and text.
- To prevent stagnant conversation. Social media content must be refreshed regularly. Aim for at least three times weekly for Facebook and four times weekly for Twitter and Instagram.
- To use social media efficiently. All social media platforms should have a specific purpose; content posted should be relevant to the mission of URMC.
- To moderate all comments and reviews. Account managers agree to take all reasonably possible steps to abide by, prevent, and eliminate such comments as outlined in the guidelines below.
- Comments should be managed promptly - ideally within 24 hours at all times, including evenings and weekends. Comments that are illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any other person or entity, or that breach confidentiality are not acceptable and should be removed/reported. Note: Comments that are negative about URMC should not be deleted, i.e. negative reviews.
- To involve URMC officers in managing negative or threatening feedback about our organization.
- Commercial activity unrelated to Medical Center or University business is not acceptable.
- Proprietary information may not be disclosed.
- To abide by URMC branding guidelines. This includes using the appropriate profile image provided to you by a PR representative upon approval of your application.