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September 23, 2004

Neural Control of Coordinated Action


23 September 2004Welcome

Accomplishment of daily tasks depends upon interactions between individuals and their environment. These interactions require sensory processing leading to perception, and the development of internal representations of the external world by combining sensory information with cognitive processes like memory and attention. However, these high level processes are not the only end-point of sensory and cognitive processing. Information about the world must also be processed in order to produce behavior: coordinated motor acts. These actions form the basis for nearly all critical functions of living organisms: orientation, navigation, interaction with objects in the environment, communication. The control of movement, the integration of sensory information and the transformations required for coordination of complex behaviors, and mechanisms implemented by structures in the brainstem, cerebellum, cortex and basal ganglia in mediating these processes are critical functions of the healthy nervous system and often present the most debilitating deficits when lost due to neural damage or disease.

We are grateful to Mihail Chemiakin for allowing the use of his artwork.


Edward FreedmanHead-eye interactions during visual orienting movements

Edward G. Freedman, Ph.D., University of Rochester


David SparksThe reliability of oculomotor command signals carried by individual neurons

David L. Sparks, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine


Greg GdowskiThe vestibulospinal pathways and their roles in controlling head movements

Greg Gdowski, Ph.D., University of Rochester


Daeyeol LeeCoding of behavioral context in the supplementary motor area

Daeyeol Lee, Ph.D., Yale University


John KalaskaSingle-Neuron Correlates of Overt and Covert Decision-Making Processes in Primate Dorsal Premotor Cortex

John F. Kalaska, Ph.D., University of Montreal


Marc SchieberA role for the premotor cortex in lateralized choices of gaze, hand and target

Marc H. Schieber, M.D., Ph.D., University of Rochester


Andrew SchwartzUseful signals from motor cortex

Andrew B. Schwartz, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh


Diversity of sMartha Gdowskiignaling patterns of neurons in the globus pallidus

Martha Johnson Gdowski, Ph.D., University of Rochester


Jonathan MinkBasal Ganglia Output Activity in Parkinsonism and Dystonia

Jonathan W. Mink, M.D., Ph.D., University of Rochester


Tom ThachA cerebellar role in learning eye-hand coordination: Memory storage site, and performance error - "teacher" signals

W. Thomas Thach, M.D., Ph.D., Washington University