Rochester Center for Brain Imaging
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research at University of Rochester
Cariola COVID Study
Cariola COVID Study
COVID-19 testing and tracking at Mary Cariola Center
The GOAL of this study is to test students and staff at MCC to help detect the virus that causes COVID-19 and prevent spread of the disease in the Center. We also want to understand how immunity to the virus changes in staff and students over time.
What will research subjects do?
- Complete questionnaires
- Get tested for COVID-19 every 5 - 14 days
- Get a blood test to detect your body’s defenses against the virus
COVID-19 Vaccine Questions?
We are recruiting Staff and Students at the Mary Cariola Center
We are recruiting Staff and Students at the Mary Cariola Center
If you would like us to contact you with more information, please complete the form below: