Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
Right hemisphere brain damage (RHD) is an acquired injury to the right hemisphere (side) of the brain which results in challenges with thinking, communication, memory, personality and emotions. These difficulties are sometimes subtle and not readily apparent. Typical causes of right hemisphere brain damage include stroke, traumatic brain injury, and brain tumors.
Information adapted from righthemisphere.org
Speech-Language Pathology Evaluation & Therapy
A speech language pathologist will evaluate communication abilities, use of emotions in expression, organization of spoken communication, attention, memory and other aspects of thinking abilities. Evaluations include an individualized and detailed assessment of a person’s use of melody in speech production(prosody), emotional affect while speaking, use of language, and thinking (attention, memory and executive functioning.)
Treatment plans are developed collaboratively between a person with right hemisphere damage, caregivers and the speech-language pathologist. Treatment may address improvement of speaking, listening, theory of mind, use of language and executive function abilities. Strategy use may also be included in the treatment plan.
Additional Information
Right Hemisphere Support Group Nazareth College www.naz.edu