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The thoughtfully designed curriculum ensures that everything you need to know is covered in a manner that is tailored to your learning style and offers flexibility so you can develop a focus of expertise within REI:

Clinical Experience

The clinical experience will span 12 contiguous months starting during the 1st year of fellowship and conclude with 6 contiguous months at the end of the 3rd year of fellowship.  The clinical fellow will participate in one week of weeknight call per month and one weekend call per month. 

Weeknight and Weekend Call

Fellows will respond to patient questions via phone calls while on at-home call with a supervising faculty member available for indirect supervision and oversight. Fellows may mange protocol and medication related questions with conditional independence and supervising faculty member oversight. In the event of an inpatient admission or surgery, the supervising faculty member will provide direct supervision.

First Year

Fellows will complete a one-year rotation in REI/ART/IVF. In addition, they will spend 8 half days during the first year of fellowship rotating in Medical Endocrinology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Urology and Genetics and will operate with REI and Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery faculty.

REI/ART/IVF – The 1st year fellow will spend approximately 3-4 days a week participating in office visits, procedures, protocol management and outpatient surgeries.  The 1st year fellow will spend one week per month participating in IVF procedures and office hysteroscopies.

  • Fellows will be assigned patients through a longitudinal fellows’ clinic during the REI/ART/IVF rotation that will be supervised by a faculty member.  Fellows will evaluate and treat individuals and couples with reproductive endocrine and infertility disorders as well as individuals seeking fertility preservation and pursuing third-party reproduction. Fellows will formulate treatment plans with the faculty member’s direct supervision and be granted progressive authority and responsibility for the patient care.
  • Fellows will manage protocols for ovulation induction, superovulation, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, frozen embryo transfer and early pregnancy monitoring for the fellow and faculty members’ patients under faculty supervision with progressively increasing independence.
  • Fellows will perform transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography, saline sonograms, hysterosalpingograms, and intrauterine inseminations with direct supervision by a faculty member until the fellow demonstrates competence.
  • Fellows will perform oocyte retrievals, trial embryo transfers, office hysteroscopies, with direct supervision with a supervising faculty physically present with the fellow and patient. Fellows will serve in a supervisory role to residents in recognition of their progress toward independence during hysteroscopies, laparoscopies and robotic surgeries.

Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery – The 1st year fellow will conduct operative hysteroscopies and laparoscopies with the REI faculty and perform advanced laparoscopy and robotic surgical cases with MIGS faculty as need for REI patients. Fellows will also have opportunities to participate in myomectomies and endometriosis surgeries with MIGS faculty in non-REI patients.

Urology – The 1st year fellow will spend 4 half days over a 2-month period participating in urology office visits and procedures.

Reproductive Genetics – The 1st year fellow will spend 4 half days over a 2-month period participating in genetics office visits and procedures.

Medical Endocrinology – The 1st year fellow will spend 4 half days over a 2-month period participating in medical endocrine office visits.

Pediatric Endocrinology – The 1st year fellow will spend 4 half days over a 2-month period participating in pediatrics endocrine office visits.

  • Fellows on the MIGS, urology, reproductive genetics, medical endocrinology and pediatric endocrinology rotations will receive direct supervision of patient care by clinical faculty.

Second Year

The second year fellow will devote 12 contiguous months to research and will take call one weekend per month.

Third Year

The third year fellows will complete 6 months of elective rotations and 6 months of REI/ART/IVF as well as completing their rotations in Medical Endocrinology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Urology and Genetics and will operate with REI and Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery faculty.

The third year fellow will develop elective rotations based on their career goals.   All fellows will complete a 1 month IVF Lab rotation.   Examples of additional electives include transgender medicine, obesity medicine, advanced MIGS experience and medical ethics and law.