Our Residents
The URMC Anesthesiology Residency Program is approved for a total of 76 residents. We currently offer 18 categorical, integrated CBY positions and 1 PGY2, physician spot in each match cycle.
2024 - 2025 Residents
Chief Residents
Jungbin "Tony" Choi, MD
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
Amanda Koonce, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University
School of Medicine
Remington Mark, DO
Lake Erie College of
Osteopathic Medicine, Erie
CA-3 Resident Class
Lawrence Chen, MD
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
Rodney Chen, MD
University of Texas
Medical School at Dallas
Jungbin "Tony" Choi, MD
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
Vincent Choo, MD
University of Texas
Medical School at Dallas
Arum Chun, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University
School of Medicine
Nelson Del Pilar, MD
San Juan Bautista
School of Medicine
Brecken Esper, MD
State University of New York
at Stony Brook School of Medicine
Ricky Hoang, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Cecilia Karemingi, MBBS
Shri.B.M.Patil Medical College,
Rguhs, India
Amanda Koonce, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University
School of Medicine
Asha Liverpool, MD, MA
State University of New York
at Stony Brook School of Medicine
Remington Mark, DO
Lake Erie College of
Osteopathic Medicine, Erie
Courtney McPhee, MD
State University of New York
at Stony Brook School of Medicine
Caitlin Meza, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Stuart Scott, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Kevin Simpson, MD
Medical Colleg
Kevin Tantuo, MD
Temple University
School of Medicine
Shanna Yang, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
CA-2 Resident Class
Erik Baim, MD
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
Austin Bartl, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Lauren Brodell, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Matthew Brunton, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Lawrence Cheung, MD
University of California-Davis
School of Medicine
Connor Courington, MD
Herbert Wertheim
College of Medicine
Adam Davis, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Elizabeth Day, MD, MPH
Indiana University
School of Medicine
Thomas Hurysz, MD
Thomas Jefferson University
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Tyler Lang, MD, MPH
Tufts University
School of Medicine
Danielle LaPointe, MD
Medical College
Laura Lockard, MD
Medical College
Jonathan Lopes, MD
Albany Medical College
Shayann Ramedani, MD, MSEd
Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine
Tanzib Razzaki, MD
City University of New York
School of Medicine
Natasha Singh, MD, MBA
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Lulu Xie, MB
Nanjing Medical
Lucy Zhuo, MD
University of Michigan
School of Medicine
CA-1 Resident Class
Soroush Besharat, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Scott Firman, MD
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
Vardaan Gupta, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
John Hanlon, MD
Cooper Medical School
Shawna Huckell, MD
Ohio State University
College of Medicine
Franco Incitti, MD
School of Medicine
Christoffer Jakobsson, MD
LUND University
Faculty of Medicine
Jordan Nishimoto, MD
Spencer Fox Eccles
School of Medicine
Meghan O'Keefe, MD
State University of New York
Downstate College of Medicine
Jordan Pearson, MD
Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine
Jenna Matin, MD
Tulane University
School of Medicine
Maria Perez-Garcia, MD
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Bogotã Facultad de Medicina
Forrest Potter, MD
University of Washington
School of Medicine
Lauren Salgueiro, MD
Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School
John Sapunor, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Aria Soltani, MD
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
Alex Tolman, MD
Anne Burnett Marion School
of Medicine at TCU
Wendy Verola, MD
Trinity School
of Medicine
Charles Yu, MD
Medical College
CBY Resident Class
Joshua Arguello, MD,PhD, MS
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Maianna Dematteis, MD
University of Washington
School of Medicine
Amanda DiDomizio, DO, MS
Kansas City University of Medicine
and Biosciences College of
Osteopathic Medicine
William DiPasquale, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Nathan Gartland, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Andrew Hoffman, MD
University of Rochester
School of Medicine & Dentistry
Esther Kim, MD
State University of New York at
Stony Brook School of Medicine
Sydney Klugman, MD
State University of New York
Upstate Medicial University
Natalie Lebedko, MD
State University of New York
Upstate Medicial University
Jason Lieber, MD
Albany Medical College
of Union University
Wei Liu, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Jeremy Mehlman, DO
Touro University College
of Osteopathic Medicine
Maria Orlic, MD
Wake Forest University School
of Medicine
Carl Pierce, MD, PhD, MS
Albert Einstein College of
Medicine of Yeshiva University
Jeffery Seeley, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Edward Willow, MD, MS
Medicial College of Wisconsin
Eric Young, MD
State University of New York
at Buffalo School of Medicine
Henry Zimmer, MD
Drexel University College of Medicine