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Discovering a Career Path on the Road to Drug Discovery

Discovering a Career Path on the Road to Drug Discovery

By Alan Wahl, PhD, Principal of Westwahl LLC and previous VP of Discovery at Ambrx Inc

In graduate school I remember coming across a quote taken from Tolkien and carved into the rocky shore of Lake Ontario somewhere near Webster NY: ‘All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost’. The past few decades in drug discovery, biotech and consulting have made me appreciate its significance. 

Lunch with NIH Director Dr. Collins

Lunch with NIH Director Dr. Collins

News Article by Sarah Latchney, PhD, and Solomon Abiola, PhD graduate student and MS

As part of his visit during UR’s Meliora Weekend, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins requested to meet with students and post docs for lunch. Seventy-seven trainees applied and fifteen were selected. Attendees Dr. Sarah Latchney and Solomon Abiola share their insights.

Next Step: Post Doc

Next Step: Post Doc

News Article by Letitia Jones, PhD

A postdoctoral position is not always the obvious next step. In this Q&A, Letitia Jones shares her thoughts on academia vs. industry and making the transition after graduate school and provides some tips for achieving success...whatever that might look like to you.

What I’ve Learned in My First Two Years as URBEST Executive Director

What I’ve Learned in My First Two Years as URBEST Executive Director

News Article by Tracey Baas, PhD, Executive Director of URBEST

Many people are surprised when I tell them that I’ve only been at UR and with URBEST for two years and my “unofficial” anniversary is Halloween. My initiation into the NIH BEST program occurred in Bethesda at the first annual NIH BEST meeting, October 29-31, 2014. In fact, my first interaction with URBEST co-PI Sarah Peyre, Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education, was on a plane flying to the meeting. Even though I’ve only been here two years at UR, I’ve learned a lot. I believe that what I’ve learned will not only benefit me, but can also benefit you. Many of these points were reinforced by experiences with organizing the recent URBEST Retreat and Career Workshop. (Next year’s URBEST Retreat is Thursday Sept 14, 2017 if you’d like to mark your calendar.)

A Scientific Collaboration in Teaching

A Scientific Collaboration in Teaching

News Article by Zachary Murphy, PhD Candidate and "Roving Educator"

While there are many opportunities for internships in several career fields, the ugly truth remains that an internship for teaching is not a clearly defined entity. Therefore, upon the advice of a colleague, I sought out my own opportunity through the Active Teaching and Learning (MALT) program. Zachary Murphy explains how.