Limited Submission Opportunities
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Limited submission funding opportunities are those in which the sponsoring agency limits the number of proposals (applicants) it will allow from an institution. Occasionally, certain funding opportunities that do not limit the number of proposals from an institution but require institutional space, resources, or faculty appointments (such as the NIH S10 or NSF MRI) are also treated as limited submissions. Such funding opportunities may come from federal agencies, foundations, and—in some instances—private corporations.
The Office of the Vice President for Research coordinates with the deans’ offices, Foundation Relations, and the Office of Research & Project Administration on the limited submission process for the University of Rochester.
To receive notifications of limited submission funding opportunities, contact Sharon Pomeroy, Administrator for the Office of the Vice President for Research, with a request to be added to the VPR Funding Opportunities listserv.
Current Open Limited Submission Opportunities
Limited Submission Opportunity | Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) | Internal Application Deadline | Sponsor Deadline |
Overview and process
Limited submission funding opportunities are announced through the VPR_Funding_Opps listserv open to all researchers, and posted to this website. Announcements provide a description of the opportunity, award amounts, deadlines, and required internal application elements.
If you wish to join the listserv and receive notification of limited submission funding opportunities, please contact Sharon Pomeroy, Administrator for the Office of the Vice President for Research.
Every effort is made to announce limited submission opportunities in a timely manner. If you identify a limited submission opportunity yourself, please contact our office as soon as possible to ensure coordination and compliance.
Internal Application Process
Researchers interested in applying for a limited submission opportunity are required to submit an internal application, following the steps below, which is then reviewed by an Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is responsible for selecting which applicant(s’) proposals are approved to submit a formal proposal to the sponsoring agency.
If you are considering applying for one of the ARPA-H Mission Office Innovative Solutions or the NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06), please contact our office to ensure proper coordination, preferably 8-12 months ahead of the NOFO deadline.
Research Security Training: For DOE Applications: Applicants should complete Research Security Training in MyPath prior to submitting applications. For more information, visit the OVPR website.
- Complete the required internal application documents:
- Cover sheet and research abstract
- For the NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program specifically, please utilize the NSF MRI Research Abstract.
- For the NIH Director’s Early Independence Award (DP5) specifically, please utilize the NIH DP5 Research Abstract.
- For the NIH Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities (R24) specifically, please utilize the NIH R24 Research Abstract.
- For the NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06) specifically, please utilize the NIH C06 Research Abstract.
- For the ARPA-H Mission Office Innovative Solutions openings, please utilize the ARPA-H Internal Cover Sheet, the ARPA-H Research Abstract and complete the Heilmeier Catechism.
- Biosketch or Curriculum Vitae
- Budget (only required when cost sharing is proposed)
- Cover sheet and research abstract
- Submit the internal application documents to the designated divisional contact:
- School of Arts & Sciences: Lindsey Harrington or Hilary Mosher or Charlie Bush
- Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences: Cindy Gary
- All Other Schools and MAG: Libby Reitz
- Internal application is then reviewed by Advisory Committee
- Advisory Committee selects final proposal(s)
- Vice President for Research notifies all applicants of Advisory Committee decision
- Applicant works with their department research administrator or their dean’s office research team to prepare the formal proposal. If the opportunity is from a foundation, applicant consults with the Office of Foundation Relations as well.
- Applicant submits formal proposal to foundation / sponsoring agency
Please contact our office if you need assistance accessing the internal application documents.
All internal applications are reviewed by an Advisory Committee comprised of senior leaders from across the institution. On occasion, ad hoc reviewers are called upon based on the area of research, type of award, and/or interests of the sponsoring agency.
All internal applicants are notified of the determination of the Advisory Committee in writing from the Vice President for Research. The applicant’s department chair (or center director) and assigned Research Administrator from the Office of Research & Project Administration are simultaneously notified.
Formal Submission
If a limited submission internal application is selected, applicants should work with either their department research administrator, their dean’s office research team, and—if it’s a foundation opportunity—the Office of Foundation Relations on the formal proposal submission to the sponsoring agency.