UR Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) 2021 Mentoring-Up Resolution Challenge CONTEST RESULTS
Contest Details:
Full-time UR grad students (gender-inclusive) in biomedical, biological, or chemical sciences took charge of their futures by setting and, through mentoring-up, achieving professional and personal goals for Spring 2021. Participants submitted their goals in a January write-up and progress reports on their professional goals in May. The anonymous faculty evaluation committee selected finalists to present on May 20th. All four presenters were selected to win $1500 ea. in technology-related (hardware, software and/or peripherals) prizes. Of note, submissions for this contest were received from graduate students of 12 different programs!
Congratulations, Mentoring-Up Resolution Challenge Winners:
Taylor Uccello
Immunology, Microbiology & Virology Grad Student
4th year | Gerber Lab
Ashlin Poruthoor
Biophysics, Structural & Computational Biology Grad Student
3rd year | Grossfield Lab
Lily Cisco
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology Grad Student
3rd year | Lueck Lab
Shraddha Shah
Neuroscience Grad Student
5th year | Briggs Lab
Honorable Mentions:
Medina Afandiyeva, Chemistry Grad Student, 1st year, Kennedy Lab
Sara Ali, BSCB Grad Student, 2nd year, Mathews Lab
Debamitra Chakraborty, Materials Science Grad Student, 3rd year, Sobolewski Lab
Brandon Davis, BMB Grad Student, 4th year, O'Connell Lab
Lananh Ho, Biomedical Engineering Grad Student, 1st year, rotating
Mary Moran, IMV Grad Student, 4th year MBI/1st year MPH, Beck & Gill Labs
Kuan-Lin (Zona) Yeh, Nursing Grad Student, 3rd year, Groth Lab
Frances Tolibzoda Zakusilo, Neuroscience Grad Student, 3rd year, Gorbunova & O'Banion Labs
Sponsored by GWIS, an initiative of the NIH T32 Predoctoral Training Grant in Cellular, Biochemical and Molecular Sciences.