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Education / Medical Scientist Training Program / Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion


  • The University of Rochester’s Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment that values all individuals. We recognize that the diversity of our program does not match diversity of patients and researchers within the greater Rochester community and on a nationwide scale, and are consistently acting to recruit diverse students and faculty. We support and encourage our students to find space to be advocates within the University, the MSTP, and their own communities; and we welcome our applicants to have these same advocacy aspirations. We believe that every individual brings a unique perspective to the human experience, and a supportive culture to celebrate this is crucial to the success of each student as a researcher, clinician, and community member. 


  • MSTP staff and students attend outreach conferences to network with and recruit students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds (ABRCMS & SACNAS)
  • Establishment of our Summer Scholars program
  • We currently do a holistic application review. While we understand that the diversity of our program does not reflect the diversity of our Rochester community, we are working towards mirroring our program with our community. 
  • ​MSTP admissions committee is trained to help address implicit bias in interviewing and application review
  • Student-to-student guides and mentorship within the admissions process 
  • Opportunities for our applicants to meet with URMC Affinity Groups during the admissions process


  • Student involvement/efforts within URMC, in the Rochester community, and nationwide, including but not limited to APSA, WC4BL, SNMA, social justice advocacy, community outreach, mentoring and teaching, LGBTQ and Disability inclusion
  • ​We are proud of our MSTP students who consistently strive for MELIORA - ever better. They get involved with advocacy opportunities not just at the University but throughout the Rochester community as well. Check out what they are doing at our Student Advocacy & Involvement page.
  • Outreach Fair every 3-5 years to increase knowledge of MD/PhD track amongst high school students within the local community.
  • ​Connecting our students with faculty and keynote speakers from different background during Upstate NY MD/PhD annual meeting and annual Medical Scientist Research Symposium
  • Nationwide opportunities for students to network, present research and hear about important topics within medicine and research
  • Program participation in​ ABRCMS & SACNAS with student involvement at each of these conferences


  • Creation of the MSTP JEDI mission statement, with a commitment to revisit such goals and initiatives each year as a program (students, faculty, and administration) at our annual Retreat.
  • Supporting our student-advocates to be involved in JEDI initiatives outside of the MSTP and UofR
  • ​Commitment of MSTP leadership to support equity and inclusion within the program and in future recruitment
  • Director participates on Leadership Conference Planning Committee, with direct diversity and inclusion mission
  • ​Annual progress meetings with MSTP leadership where students can address any concerns


  • Working on an NIH-funded grant supplement to develop an effective mentoring and faculty development strategy for MD/PhD mentors, which will include training in mentorship, bias, and anti-racism
  • ​New mentor meetings between all parties to discuss expectations and culture for a lab placement
  • Vertical mentoring between students
  • MSTP alumni at UofR invited to attend events for students to network, working on a plan to connect MSTP alumni with prospective and current students