Career Counseling
Identifying a career path in medicine can be challenging. Some students know exactly what they want but many find the decision daunting. Important factors to consider in this decision come from self-reflection, listening to feedback, and immersing yourself into medical student experiences that expose you to many opportunities.The URSMD Career Counseling Office and this website will assist in this process. This information should be coupled with advice from your Advisory Dean and department specific mentors. We look forward to sharing this exciting journey with you!
Overview of the Career Counseling Program at URSMD
Begin working individually with your Advisory Dean
August: Introduction to Career Counseling team during Orientation Week
August: Student Organization and Specialty Interest Group Fair, Students of Rochester Outreach (community service) and Affinity Group Fair
November: Summer Planning: Research, International, Service and Career Exploration Opportunities
December: Phase 1: All Class Meeting
January-May: Careers in Medicine: Specialty Exploration, Career Interest Assessments
April: Clinical Specialties information session “Preparing for a Competitive Specialty”
Ongoing: Advisory Dean meetings - Exploring career interests
- Careers in Medicine
- Personality and Specialty Inventories
- Career exploration
- Mentoring
- Outreach Opportunities
August: Student Organization and Specialty Interest Group Fair, Students of Rochester Outreach (community service) and Affinity Group Fair
December: Phase 2 All Class Meeting: Updates with Career Counseling Team
January: Career Counseling Session: Maximizing your Step 1 Studying
Ongoing: Work with Advisory Deans on:
- Choosing a Specialty
- Ruling out Specialties
- Work/Life Balance
- Building Resilience in Combating Fatigue
February and April: Phase 3 Class Sessions: Applying to Residency Overview
Mentorship: Identifying and connecting with a specialty mentor
Careers in Medicine: Choosing your specialtyOngoing: Continue to work with your Advisory Dean throughout the year
August and September:
- Submit ERAS Application, Urology and SF Match
- Register for Match
- Career Counseling Session: Preparing for Interview Season
- Mock Interview Session with URMC Faculty Member
- Career Counseling Session: You’ve Applied...Now what? Various Stages of the Process
- Early Match (Urology, SF Match)
- Submit your Rank Order List
- Match Week
- Successful Interning Course
- Graduation