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Education / Medical School Registrar's Office / Request for Replacement Diploma

Request for Replacement Diploma

Replacement MD Diploma

Each graduate from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry MD program is given one original diploma and one 8.5 x 11 copy of their diploma. A replacement diploma will only be approved for a lost, stolen or damaged original diploma. Any replacement diploma will bear the same name as the original diploma.*  

*The exception is a legal name change in conjunction with a court-ordered gender change. The original diploma must be returned.

Request for Replacement MD Diplomas:

  1. Submit a Diploma Replacement Request form
  2. Submit $100 processing fee
    1. Make check/money order payable to University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
  3. The original diploma must be returned
    1. If the original diploma has been lost, please send:
      1. Signed attestation that the diploma was lost; and
      2. Copy of current legal photo identification (example: driver’s license, state issued identification card, passport)
    2. If a diploma has been stolen, please send:
      1. Signed attestation that the diploma was stolen;
      2. Copy of police report or insurance claim documenting theft of the diploma; and
      3. Copy of current legal photo identification (example: driver’s license, state issued identification card, passport)

There is a six (6) to eight (8) week processing time for a replacement diploma.

For questions regarding a replacement diploma, contact Monique Williams:
(585) 275-4541,