Sports Safety for Kids
Playing sports is great for children and adults. It has both physical and psychological
benefits. Sports can increase physical coordination, fitness, and self-esteem. They
also teach important lessons about teamwork and self-discipline.
Sports injuries are likely to occur in children. That's because their bodies are still
growing and their coordination is still developing. And they are still learning about
the correct form and technique of a certain sport. Children are enthusiastic about
physical activities. This can result in them not taking enough rest breaks, which
makes them more likely to get injuries. Many children ages 14 and younger are treated
for sports-related injuries each year. Half of all those injuries can be prevented
with correct use of safety gear and changes to the playing environment. Following
sports rules can help prevent injuries, too.
Most sports injuries occur due to the following:
Lack of education and awareness about safety precautions and possible injury
Inappropriate equipment or no equipment
Poorly conditioned players
These are general safety precautions to help prevent sports injuries:
Wear the right safety gear and equipment.
Have a good warm-up and cool-down routine including stretches.
Make sure the playing environment is well-lit and appropriate for the sport.
Follow safety rules.
Stay hydrated during and after sports.
Take breaks while training and during games to prevent overuse injuries.
Don't play while injured
Safety gear and equipment
Safety gear should be sport-specific. It may include such items as goggles, mouth
guards, shin-elbow-knee pads, and helmets. The safety gear should fit correctly. Sports
equipment (such as bats, baskets, and goals) should also be in good working condition.
Any damage should be repaired, or the item should be replaced. The playing area should
be free from debris and water.
The sports physical
To make sure your child is physically fit to play a certain sport, get a sports physical.
These physicals can reveal physical strengths and weaknesses. They can help determine
which sports are appropriate.
When is my child ready to participate in sports?
Starting a child in sports at too young an age may not benefit the child physically.
Children can start playing team sports when they express strong interest and you feel
they can handle it. Age and size shouldn't be the only measures used. Also, consider
their ability to understand the concept of rules and teamwork. Keep in mind that no
two children are alike. Some may not be ready physically or psychologically to take
part in a team sport until they are older. Base your decision on whether to allow
the child to take part in a particular sport on the following:
Note: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that late-developing teens not
take part in contact sports until their bodies have developmentally "caught up" to
their peers' bodies.
The importance of hydration
Sweat lost during sports must be replaced with equal amounts of fluids each hour of
intense sports activity. Your child should drink fluids before, during, and after
each practice or game. To prevent stomach cramps from drinking large amounts of fluids
at once, drink about 1 cup of water (or a type of sports drink) every 15 to 20 minutes.
Don't drink beverages with carbonation and caffeine.
The following are the most common symptoms of dehydration:
Extreme thirst
Muscle aches or cramps
Dry mouth
Headache or dizziness
Dark-colored urine
Slight weight loss
If your child has signs of dehydration, make sure your child gets fluids right away,
as well as a snack. Some symptoms of dehydration may be caused by other health problems.
Always see a healthcare provider for a diagnosis.