Trinucleotide Repeats: Fragile X Syndrome
What are trinucleotide repeats?
DNA is the chemical that makes up your genes. It contains a "code" of 3-letter words
known as codons or trinucleotides. Many genes normally contain trinucleotide sequences
that repeat. These are called trinucleotide repeats. But when the number of trinucleotide
repeats increases to a larger than normal number of copies, the DNA is changed. The
gene may not work as it should. Or it may not work at all.
Researchers don't know exactly what causes a trinucleotide repeat to expand into more
than the usual number of copies that should be in a gene. Sometimes a person may have
more than the usual number of copies but not enough to change the function of the
gene. These people are premutation carriers. But when they pass on these extra copies
to a child, the extra trinucleotide repeats cause the DNA to become unstable. The
result is that the child has a gene that is not working correctly (if at all). The
child has the full mutation. An example of a trinucleotide repeat disorder is fragile
X syndrome.
What is fragile X syndrome?
Fragile X syndrome causes learning problems. This can range from mild to moderate
to severe, in both males and females. But males are often more severely affected than
females. Symptoms of fragile X syndrome in childhood are not always specific. They
overlap with other disorders, such as autism, Prader-Willi syndrome, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder. Symptoms may include delays in development of speech, language, and motor
skills. Autistic-like behavior, frequent tantrums, anxiety, trouble paying attention,
and hyperactivity are also commonly seen with fragile X syndrome. Gaze aversion, or
the inability to make and hold eye contact, is very common among males and females
with fragile X syndrome.
The gene that causes fragile X syndrome is called FMR1., It is located on the X chromosome.
Females are usually not as severely affected as males. That is because females have
a normal X chromosome in addition to the X with the mutation. The FMR1 gene normally
contains 5 to 44 trinucleotide repeats. Premutation carriers have about 55 to 200
trinucleotide repeats. People with fragile X syndrome full mutation have more than
200 repeats.