Infections of the middle ear are also called otitis media. They are a common problem
during childhood. Seventy-five percent of children have at least 1 middle ear infection
by the time they turn 3. How much do you know about this illness? Take this quiz.
It’s based on information from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
1. An ear infection usually begins with a cold.
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Otitis media often begins when infections that cause sore throats, colds, or other
respiratory or breathing problems spread to the middle ear. Babies in particular may
have general symptoms when the infection starts. These symptoms include fever, fussiness,
refusal to eat, vomiting, and diarrhea.
2. Otitis media is more common in children.
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But this illness can also affect adults. Children are more likely to get a middle
ear infection because their immune system is still developing. A child's eustachian
tubes are shorter and straighter than in an adult.
3. The ear's eustachian tube is the main part of the ear affected in otitis media.
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The eustachian tube is usually closed. But it opens regularly to allow air into the
middle ear. This tube also equalizes air pressure in the middle ear. A eustachian
tube that is blocked by swelling of its lining or plugged with mucus from a cold or
for some other reason can't open. The lack of fresh air may allow fluid from the tissue
that lines the middle ear to collect. If the eustachian tube stays plugged, the fluid
can't drain and begins to collect in the normally air-filled middle ear.
4. The adenoids may also play a role in otitis media.
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The adenoids in children are larger than they are in adults. Adenoids are made up
mostly of cells (lymphocytes) that help fight infections. They are at the back of
the nose, near the eustachian tubes. Enlarged adenoids can keep the eustachian tube
from opening. Adenoids may also become infected. This infection may spread into the
eustachian tubes.
5. Earache and fever are 2 symptoms of otitis media.
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Children with otitis media can be in a lot of pain. This can cause them to be more
irritable than normal. They may cry and tug or pull at 1 or both ears. Other symptoms
include trouble sleeping, loss of balance, and fluid draining from the ear. The child
may not respond to quiet sounds.
6. Children who live in homes where there is cigarette smoke are more likely to get
otitis media.
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Also, children who attend daycare are more likely to get the illness. And babies who
are given a bottle while they lie down are also at risk. Keep your child away from
cigarette smoke to help prevent otitis media. Other tips include:
Teach your children when and how to wash their hands.
Keep your children up to date on their vaccines. This includes getting a flu shot
every year.
Breastfeed your baby, if possible. Hold your baby while they are drinking from a bottle.