Breast Augmentation
What is breast enlargement surgery?
Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a procedure to reshape the breast
with an implant to make it larger. The procedure can also be done to reconstruct the
breast after breast surgery.
Possible complications of breast augmentation surgery
Possible complications of breast augmentation surgery include:
Infection. Infection is most common within a week after surgery. The infection can be treated
with antibiotics. Or, in severe cases, the implant is removed for several months until
the infection has resolved, and a new implant is inserted.
Capsular contracture. A capsular contracture may occur if the scar or capsule around the implant starts
to tighten. This may change the appearance of your breast. Or, in some cases, cause
discomfort. Treatment can involve either the removal of the scar tissue, making multiple
incisions through the capsule scar tissue, or the removal or replacement of the implant.
The condition can recur.
Oversensitive, undersensitive, or numb nipples. Oversensitivity, undersensitivity, or small patches of numbness near the incisions
may occur in some people. The symptoms usually disappear with time but may be permanent
in some people.
Leaking or rupturing of silicone gel or saline implants. Leaking or rupturing of the implant may occur as a result of an injury, or even from
the normal compression and movement of the breast and implant.
Rippling of the implant. In thin people, the implant edges can be seen under the skin. It's normal to feel
the implant edge at the side and bottom of the breast.
Lymphoma. There is a very small risk of developing a type of cancer, a lymphoma, in the capsule
next to an implant. This may be related to the type of shell of the implant. Discuss
this with your surgeon.
Systemic symptoms. Symptoms may include memory loss, rash, joint pain, and fatigue. These symptoms are
sometimes referred to as breast implant illness. The cause of these symptoms is still
not fully understood. In some cases, symptoms go away when the implant is removed.
A breast implant is a silicone shell filled with either silicone gel or saline:
Gel-filled implants. The leak or rupture of a gel-filled implant can cause one of two things: if the shell
breaks but the scar capsule around the implant does not, changes may not be detected.
If the scar also breaks or tears, especially following extreme pressure, the silicone
gel implant may move into surrounding tissue. The gel may collect in the breast and
cause a new scar to form around it. Or it may migrate to another area of the body.
The shape or firmness of the breast may change. A second operation and replacement
of the leaking implant may be needed. There is no evidence that a ruptured implant
will affect your health.
Each type of implant has advantages and disadvantages. Your healthcare provider will
discuss the types of implants with you and help determine which type is best for you.
There is no evidence that pregnancy or the ability to nurse will be affected by breast
implants. But pregnancy and nursing may affect the appearance of your breasts. If
you have nursed a baby within the year before breast augmentation, you may make milk
for a few days after surgery. This may cause some discomfort but can be treated with
medicine prescribed by your healthcare provider.
There is no evidence that having an implant in place will make the detection of breast
cancer more difficult. You will still need to have mammograms as advised by your healthcare
provider. Special views will be obtained. Be sure to inform the mammographer that
you have implants in place.
About the procedure
Although each procedure varies, breast augmentation surgeries generally cover the
following considerations:
Where the procedure may be done
Anesthesia choices
How long will it take?
Location of incision
The method of inserting and positioning the implant depends on your anatomy and the
surgeon's recommendation. The incision can be made:
Working through the incision, the surgeon lifts the breast tissue and skin to create
a pocket, either directly behind the breast tissue or underneath the pectoral muscle
in the chest wall. The implants are centered beneath the nipples.
Recovery period
When the dressings are removed, you may be given a surgical bra. Stitches will be
removed in a week or so. Your surgeon will direct you about the need to wear a bra
and activity restrictions.