What is mold?
Mold is a member of the fungus family. It's rarely killed by heat or cold exposure.
Mold stays inactive (dormant) until a certain season, such as spring or fall. Then
it grows and thrives.
Where does mold grow?
Mold lives in moist conditions where there is oxygen and other chemicals. Places mold
may be found most often include:
Damp basements and closets
Food storage areas
House plants
Air conditioners and humidifiers
Mattresses or upholstered furniture that is damp
Garbage containers
What is mold allergy?
Mold spores or fragments may be breathed in through the nose and into the lungs. In
some people, they may cause allergic reactions or asthma.
There is no known relationship between an allergy to the mold Penicillium and an allergy
to the antibiotic penicillin, which is made from the mold. Talk with your child's healthcare
provider for more information.