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URMC / Encyclopedia / What Do You Know About Smoking During Pregnancy?

What Do You Know About Smoking During Pregnancy?

It's very important not to smoke during and after pregnancy. Take this quiz to learn how smoking could affect your baby.

1. Most babies of people who smoke weigh the same as babies of people who don't smoke.
2. Smoking raises the risk of having a premature or stillborn baby.
3. Not smoking after your baby is born can protect your baby from getting asthma and chronic ear infections. You didn't answer this question.
4. A baby born to someone who smokes during pregnancy is more likely to die from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
5. You should try to stay away from secondhand smoke if you're pregnant.
6. Smoking during pregnancy raises the risk for having a baby with birth defects.
7. Smoking doesn't raise the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy.
8. You shouldn't smoke while breastfeeding.

Medical Reviewers:

  • Novick, Tara, BSN, MSN
  • Trevino, Heather M, BSN, RNC