Recruit Diverse Learners, Faculty, and Staff
Recruit Diverse Learners, Faculty, and Staff
Recruit an array of people from widely diverse backgrounds; provide tools and supports that encourage people to stay at URMC and advance as far as talent takes them; expand work opportunities for the least privileged in our community.
Major Themes
- Academic and career pipeline programs
- Workforce development programs (MCC, city of Rochester)
- Professional networks
- Robust and centralized diversity recruitment office
- Career Paths
- Scholarships
Key Milestones for FY2021
- All pipeline and networking relationships inventoried
- Search committee members trained in implicit bias
- Staff career path program in development
- Workforce development program with city, MCC, and others
- Baseline metrics established for key areas of recruitment
- Improve and sustain academic and career pipeline programs proven to increase diversity
- Inventory of current pipeline programs throughout UR/URMC; survey past participants and determine funding mechanisms
- Targeted workforce development programs (city of Rochester, MCC, etc.)
- Align workforce learning needs/opportunities with University tuition program (certificates, masters)
- Bolster professional networks to identify and increase diverse candidates
- Build and/or strengthen relationships with professional networks and affinity groups
- Connect employees and learners to Rochester affinity groups and resources
- Recruit diverse faculty, staff, students, trainees, postdoctoral researchers
- Implement and follow best practice recruitment strategies to attract diverse candidates; focused effort on Leadership roles
- Grow a centralized recruitment function
- Provide financial assistance to students/trainees underrepresented in health care and science (scholarships, travel support, academic prep work, etc.)
- Improve career tracks for all; focused effort on retaining diverse candidates already recruited to URMC
- Professional and mentorship programs targeted at junior faculty
- Inclusive leadership certification
- Career Path Modernization Project; a multi-year initiative to completely transform job title and compensation program creating a modern and relevant library of job titles and job descriptions; career paths to guide employees’ professional development
In Progress
- Developed talent acquisition and metrics structure for leadership positions.
- Currently piloting the Faculty Recruitment Best Practices and Toolkit with the CheT Director and Office of Health Equity Research Directors searches.
- Developed eight career pathways for high need positions with associated budget to support education for advancement. This pilot program includes partnerships with MCC, FLPPS, East High and others (Phillip, LPN).
- Providing Implicit Bias training for all search committees.
- Professional network development—IBERO.
- Started a search for Associate Dean of Research and Education.
- Develop Career Ladder/Mentorship Program for staff. Got funding which begins July 1st. Identified 10 positions to pilot.
- Modification of tuition reimbursement policy. Approved for pilot.
- Katherine Greenberg, M.D., has accepted the interim position of Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion. Dr. Greenberg will focus on mentorship and coaching of learners, trainees, and early career faculty.
- Hired Director for Staff Diversity, URMC. Dominica Ranieri will help measure, monitor and track EARAP progress.