Outreach Services
- Annual on-site quality of care visits to each affiliate which include as time permits the review of:
- Available perinatal data
- The affiliate’s internal quality assurance program, policies, & procedures
- Care provided by medical, nursing, & other health care practitioners
- The appropriateness & timeliness of maternal & newborn referrals and transfers, as well as the outcomes of patients retained at the affiliate hospital who met the criteria for transfer to a higher level of care
- Adverse perinatal events & outcomes such as fatalities, morbidity, nosocomial infections, and high-risk procedures
- Pathology related to all deaths & significant surgical specimens
- The effectiveness of any plans for correcting quality of care problems
- Review & identification of problems: review of data, adverse outcomes, transports and non-transports, and the affiliates internal QA/QI activities
- Solutions/recommendations and their effectiveness
- Outreach and education including identification of needs
- Attending level perinatal consultations
- Development, updating, and implementing affiliation agreements
- Patient transport
Outreach Meeting Schedule 2023
Outreach Schedule:
FF Thompson Monday September 18, 2023 7:00am - 9:00am
Unity Wednesday October 4, 2023 7:30am - 8:30am
Noyes Tuesday October 17, 2023 0800a – 1000a
Highland Thursday November 2, 2023 0730a – 0830a
RGH Thursday November 30, 2023 0730a – 0830a
Newark-Wayne TBD
Arnot & Corning TBD