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Daulton Myers presents on PFC networks to anterior cingulate hubs

Friday, November 17, 2023

Daulton Myers at SfN 2023Daulton showed how different afferent cortical networks overlap and segregate in the subgenal and perigenual ACC in monkeys.

Take homes so far: 1.  sgACC inputs are exquisitely sensitive to injection placement, and 2. despite some similar inputs, there are few collateral inputs to these adjoining sgACC and pgACC areas.

Dennisha King undercovers microglia changes in the PL amygdala after infant stress

Friday, November 17, 2023

Dennisha King at SfN 2023The paralaminar nucleus of the amygdala (PL)consists of immature neurons that mature slowly over childhood and adolescence, and likely add to amygdala circuitry.  Dennisha shows that infant stress results in unequivocal changes in the maturation of microglia in infant PL —a change that persists into adolescence.

Coming next: uncovering transcriptomic changes in the microglia to identify the biologic process and also what it means for synapse formation.

Welcome Chisom Ibe from CUNY

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Chisom IbeWe are happy to have Chisom Ibe join us this summer as part of the NeURoCity program. We third year graduate student Dennisha King at her side, she will tackle the question of what microglia do in the developing amygdala of young macaques. Stay tuned for her poster Aug. 3, Flaum Auditorium.

Well-done at UAB, Dennisha King

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dennisha King in front of a microscopeWonderful job again as Dennisha King traveled to University of Alabama (Birmingham) to participate in their Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Annual Meeting (NINDS R25 NS089463). Her poster on microglia morphology in the developing primate amygdala took third prize.