Recent Publications
Recent Publications
- "Look Who's Talking": Language Patterns in Autistic and Non-Autistic Youth Across Different Conversation Partners.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2024 Oct 16.
- Perception and adaptation of receptive prosody in autistic adolescents.; Scientific reports; Vol 14(1), pp. 16409. 2024 Jul 16.
- Applications of identity-based theories to understand the impact of stigma and camouflaging on mental health outcomes for autistic people.; Frontiers in psychiatry; Vol 14, pp. 1243657. 2023 Sep 06.
- Grammaticality judgments in autism: Deviance or delay - CORRIGENDUM.; Journal of child language. 2023 Feb 06.
- Atypical visual motion prediction abilities in autism spectrum disorder.; Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science; Vol 9(5). 2021 Sep 01.
- Visual Attention Preference for Intermediate Predictability in Young Children.; Child development. 2021 Jan 08.
- Computer Vision Analysis of Reduced Interpersonal Affect Coordination in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder.; Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2020 Jul 15.
- Interactional Synchrony and Its Association with Social and Communication Ability in Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2020 Feb 17.
- Initial eye gaze to faces and its functional consequence on face identification abilities in autism spectrum disorder.; Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders; Vol 11(1). 2019 Dec 28.
- The Importance of Adolescent Self-Report in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Integration of Questionnaire and Autonomic Measures.; Journal of abnormal child psychology. 2018 Aug 02.
- The Influence of Noise on Autonomic Arousal and Cognitive Performance in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2018 Jul 25.
- High internal noise and poor external noise filtering characterize perception in autism spectrum disorder.; Scientific reports; Vol 7(1). 2017 Dec 14.
- Expanding the neurodevelopmental phenotype of PURA syndrome.; American journal of medical genetics. Part A. 2017 Nov 17.
- Larger Receptive Field Size as a Mechanism Underlying Atypical Motion Perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder.; Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science; Vol 5(5). 2017 Sep.
- I tawt i taw a puddy tat: Gestures in canary row narrations by high-functioning youth with autism spectrum disorder.; Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research; Vol 10(8). 2017 Aug.
- Temporal synchrony and audiovisual integration of speech and object stimuli in autism.; Research in autism spectrum disorders; Vol 39. 2017 Jul.
- Auditory spatial attention to speech and complex non-speech sounds in children with autism spectrum disorder.; Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2017 Apr 01.
- Children with autism spectrum disorder have reduced otoacoustic emissions at the 1 kHz mid-frequency region.; Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2016 Jul 12.
- Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of Sensory Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Integration of the Neural and Symptom Literatures.; Frontiers in neuroscience; Vol 10. 2016.
- The relationship between contact and attitudes: Reducing prejudice toward individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.; Research in developmental disabilities; Vol 47. 2015 Dec.
- A strong interactive link between sensory discriminations and intelligence.; Current biology : CB; Vol 23(11). 2013 Jun 3.
- Speech-and-gesture integration in high functioning autism.; Cognition; Vol 115(3). 2010 Jun.
- Grammaticality judgments in autism: deviance or delay.; Journal of child language; Vol 36(5). 2009 Nov.
- Reference production in young speakers with and without autism: effects of discourse status and processing constraints.; Cognition; Vol 110(2). 2009 Feb.
- Resolving ambiguity: a psycholinguistic approach to understanding prosody processing in high-functioning autism.; Brain and language; Vol 106(2). 2008 Aug.
- Olfaction and taste processing in autism.; Biological psychiatry; Vol 62(9). 2007 Nov 1.
- Audiovisual speech integration and lipreading in autism.; Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines; Vol 48(8). 2007 Aug.
- Beyond pragmatics: morphosyntactic development in autism.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders; Vol 37(6). 2007 Jul.
- Patterns of nonverbal cognitive functioning in young children with autism spectrum disorders.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders; Vol 37(5). 2007 May.
- Story recall and narrative coherence of high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders.; Journal of abnormal child psychology; Vol 34(1). 2006 Feb.
- The use of two language tests to identify pragmatic language problems in children with autism spectrum disorders.; Language, speech, and hearing services in schools; Vol 36(1). 2005 Jan.
- Profile of cognitive functioning in women with the fragile X mutation.; Neuropsychology; Vol 15(2). 2001 Apr.
- Imitation and pantomime in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.; Child development; Vol 67(5). 1996 Oct.
- Molecular/clinical correlations in females with fragile X.; American journal of medical genetics; Vol 64(2). 1996 Aug 9.
- Intact and impaired memory functions in autism.; Child development; Vol 67(4). 1996 Aug.