Using special RF coils and pulse sequences that we developed, we have been conducting high-resolution MRI on human and small animals. Our research projects include technical developments to improve the diagnosis of arthritic diseases as well as to evaluate drug treatment for those diseases. We have been collaborating with Orthopedic, Rheumatology and Biomedical Engineering Departments on the arthritis studies.
Finger Joint Imaging
Using a dedicated finger RF coil (a), we conducted in vivo and specimens imaging of finger joints at 1.5T. Gadolinium-enhanced images from a psoriatic arthritis (PsA) subject indicate bone marrow edema in the distal interphalangeal joint (b). On another PsA subject, extensive bone erosion and joint damage are seen (c). Images from cadaver specimens (d) are compared with corresponding histology sections (e) to characterize the MRI findings.

Figure A.

Figure B.

Figure C.

Figure E.

Figure F.
Mouse Knee Joint Imaging
In a longitudinal animal study to evaluate drug treatment of rheumatic arthritis, mouse knees were imaged at 3T using a dedicated RF coil and special high-resolution sequences. Figures show images of transgenic (a,b) and wild-type (c,d) mice without (a,c) and with (b,d) contrast enhancement. Large pannus and serious bone erosions are observed in the transgenic mouse.
Figure A.
Figure B.
Figure C.
Figure D.
Selected Publications/Presentations
- Papuga MO, Kwok E, You Z, et al. TNF is required for the induction but not the maintenance of compression-induce BME signals in murine tail vertebrae: limitations of anti-TNF therapy for degenerative disc disease. J Orthop Res. In Press.
- Kwok WE, You Z, Seo G, Lerner A, Totterman S, Ritchlin C, Monu J. High-Resolution Interleaved Water-Fat MR Imaging of Finger Joints. J Magn Reson Imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging 2011;33:245-251.
- Papuga, MO, Proulx ST, Kwok E, et al. Chronic axial compression of the mouse tail segment induces MRI bone marrow edema changes that correlate with increased marrow vasculature and cellularity. J Orthop Res. 2010 Sep;28(9):1220-1228.
- Kwok WE, You Z, Monu J, Seo G, Ritchlin C. High-Resolution Uniform MR Imaging of Finger Joints Using a Dedicated RF Coil at 3 Tesla. J Magn Reson Imaging 2010;31:240-247.
- Proulx ST, Kwok E, You Z, et al. Elucidating bone marrow edema and myelopoiesis in murine arthritis using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(7):2019-2029.
- Proulx ST, Kwok E, You Z, et al. Longitudinal Assessment of Synovial, Lymph Node, and Bone Volumes in Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice using in vivo MRI and micro-CT. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2007;56(12):4024-4037.
- Proulx ST, Kwok E, You Z, et al. MRI and Quantification of Draining Lymph Node Function in Inflammatory Arthritis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007;1117:106-123.
- Kwok WE, Proulx S, You Z, Schwarz EM, Totterman SM. High-resolution in vivo MR imaging of mouse knee on a whole-body 3-Tesla system. In: Proceedings of ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle 2006, p3244.