The Program for Advanced Immune Bioimaging (NIH Program Project P01) has funds to support a limited number of meritorious Pilot Projects in 2023
The Program for Advanced Immune Bioimaging (NIH Program Project P01) has funds to support a limited number of meritorious Pilot Projects.
The P01 focuses on the cellular dynamics of inflammatory disease and the regulation of immune function. The goal of this pilot program is to develop new collaborations with researchers developing novel imaging techniques, computational image processing and data analysis, single cell and spatial transcriptomics, optogenetics and new mouse models of infections or immune mediated disease. Successful projects will have a collaborative component with one of the existing P01 faculty (Drs. Deborah Fowell, Minsoo Kim, David Topham, Jim Miller, Patrick Oakes, Nozomi Nishimura). Applicants are encouraged to contact P01 faculty members to discuss their potential project before submission.
Applicants may request a maximum of $40,000 Direct Costs for the duration of one year and must hold a faculty level position. Funds are restricted to research expenses and staff salaries, and cannot be used to support travel, faculty salary, or equipment purchases.
Initial applications should include a one-page abstract describing the goals and objectives of the proposed project, the relevance to the mission of the P01, and the investigators involved (there is no form template for the abstract portion). It is critical that research ideas are expressed in such a way that a non-expert can understand the ideas and appreciate their significance and potential impact. Additionally, funds may only be spent between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021, so awardees must commit to completing the specific aims of the project within the allowed one-year time period. Abstracts will be reviewed and those applicants selected to submit full applications will be contacted shortly thereafter.
The deadline for submitting initial applications is October 30, 2020
Questions? Contact Deborah Fowell, Minsoo Kim, or Stefanie Fingler or visit the Program for Advanced Immune Bioimaging web site.
Please submit your abstracts to Stefanie Fingler via email to the address above.
Rochester Researchers Receive $12 Million Award to Visualize the Immune System in Action
October 16, 2019
NIH grant will help identify new strategies to enhance immune response
Cutting-edge imaging technologies that allow scientists to watch the immune system work in real time are leading to a greater understanding of how we combat infection and disease. With a new $12 million grant, researchers will use this knowledge to explore strategies to better fight infections like the flu and beat back overactive immune responses in disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
The five-year project, led by Deborah J. Fowell, Ph.D., Dean’s Professor in the department of infectious diseases at the University of Rochester Medical Center, builds on a $9 million grant that her team received in 2014. Both program project grants were awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.
Experts in immunology, vaccine biology, biomedical engineering, optics and physics will come together to investigate how the immune system functions in live mice. They’ll take advantage of the University’s Multiphoton Core Facility, which contains state-of-the-art systems enabling in vivo (Latin for “in the living”) imaging and analysis.
Dr. Hen Prizant Awarded a National Institute of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Dr. Hen Prizant, Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Deborah Fowell’s Laboratory, has been chosen by the National Institutes of Health as a recipient of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, for her project titled: “Role of focal CXCL10 in shaping Th1 micro-positioning and function in inflamed skin”.
Dr. Hen Prizant has worked in Dr. Fowell’s lab as a Postdoc since November 2015.
We are very excited for Hen as she works towards becoming an independent researcher.
Immune Cells Take Cue from Animal Kingdom: Together, Everyone Achieves More
Friday, September 4, 2015
Much like birds fly in flocks to conserve energy, dolphins swim in pods to mate and find food, and colonies of ants create complex nests to protect their queens, immune cells engage in coordinated behavior to wipe out viruses like the flu. That’s according to a new study published in the journal Science by researchers at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.
The findings reveal, for the first time, how immune cells work together to get to their final destination – the site of an injury or infection. The body is expansive and a virus or bacteria can take hold in any number of locations: the lungs, the throat, the skin, the stomach or the ear, just to name a few. How do immune cells, specifically the ones that are responsible for killing foreign invaders, know where to go?
Read More: Immune Cells Take Cue from Animal Kingdom: Together, Everyone Achieves More
1st Annual Immune Imaging Symposium To Be Held November 7, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Program for Advanced Immune Bioimaging at the University of Rochester will host the 1st Annual Immune Imaging Symposium November 7th, 2015 from 8:30 am – 5pm.
The free symposium will provide a forum where the newest developments in understanding immune function through visualizing immunity ‘in action’ will be shared and discussed. The goal of the symposium is to foster lively scientific discussion, exchange of ideas and future collaborations. We have an exciting program including a distinguished group of international speakers, an interactive poster session and opportunities for oral presentations from students and postdoctoral fellows.
For more information and to register, visit the Immune Imaging Symposium website.
NIH Awards Team of U of R Scientists $9 Million to Study Immune System in Action
Friday, July 18, 2014
Since the early days of Kodak, Xerox, and Bausch & Lomb, Rochester-area innovators have been making astounding discoveries in optics and imaging. Researchers at the University of Rochester are beginning a major study that will add to the region’s imaging expertise, while also advancing global understanding of how the body’s immune system works.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a five-year, $9 million Research Program Project Grant (PO1) to scientists in the School of Medicine and Dentistry to adapt and develop cutting-edge imaging techniques, allowing them to view the immune system while it is fighting infection and disease.
Read More: NIH Awards Team of U of R Scientists $9 Million to Study Immune System in Action