News, Blogs & Podcasts
News, Blogs & Podcasts
- Spectrum News 1: ACL injuries in femal athletes: Why do they happen more oftern than in males?
- WHEC News 10: First Alert Weather In-Depth: Does air pressure affect your joint pain?
- 13 WHAM: Across the county, number of studens taking part in contact sports declines
- Rochetser First: School sports and concussions: Identifying symptoms, and taking action
- 13 WHAM: Irondequoit athlete overcomes severe fracture to run again
- Rochester First: JAMA study raises questions over use of Cortisone shots
- 13 WHAM: New Study looks at concussion symptoms in children
- Rochester First: Winter Sport Safety
- Rochester First: New Guidelines of Youth Football
- University of Rochester Medical Center: How a Pediatrics Focus Enhances Sports Medicine Care
- Dr. Barry Triestman, D.C.: The Bra and Neck, Back, and Shoulder Health
- Children's Hospital Los Angles: How Is the Pandemic Affecting Young Athletes?
British Journal of Sports Medicine: Examining Health Disparities in SEM with Drs. megan Burleson and Katie Rissone (EP #529)
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British Journal of Sports Medicine: AMSSM Sports Medcast on Sports Bras with Dr. Katie Rizzone (EP #486)
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Madam Athlete: Collaboration with Sports Medicine Physician Katie Rizzone (Episode 3)
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