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URMC / Labs / Sheftall Lab / Publications


Ayer, L., Hassler, G., Ohana, E., Sheftall, A. H., Anderson, N. W., & Griffin, B. A. (2024). Longitudinal trajectories of suicidal ideation among child welfare-involved 7- to 12-year-old childrenJournal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 10.1111/jcpp.13999. Advance online publication. 

Wang, C., Keilp, J. G., Galfalvy, H., Bridge, J. A., Sheftall, A. H., & Szanto, K. (2023). Entrapment and social problem-solving in suicidal behavior across the adult lifespanJournal of affective disorders329, 176-183.

Bridge, J. A., Ruch, D. A., Sheftall, A. H., Hahm, H. C., O'Keefe, V. M., Fontanella, C. A., Brock, G., Campo, J. V., & Horowitz, L. M. (2023). Youth Suicide During the First Year of the COVID-19 PandemicPediatrics151(3), e2022058375. 

Sheftall, A. H., Vakil, F., Ruch, D. A., Boyd, R. C., Lindsey, M. A., & Bridge, J. A. (2022). Black Youth Suicide: Investigation of Current Trends and Precipitating Circumstances. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry61(5), 662–675. 

Romanelli, M., Sheftall, A. H., Irsheid, S. B., Lindsey, M. A., & Grogan, T. M. (2022). Factors Associated with Distinct Patterns of Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Plans, and Suicide Attempts Among US AdolescentsPrevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research23(1), 73–84. 

Buerke, M., Galfalvy, H., Keilp, J. G., Sheftall, A. H., Burke, A. K., Bridge, J. A., Mann, J. J., & Szanto, K. (2021). Age effects on clinical and neurocognitive risk factors for suicide attempt in depression - Findings from the AFSP lifespan studyJournal of affective disorders295, 123–130. 

Michaels NL, Spiller HA, Badeti J, Sheftall AH, Funk AR, Smith GA. "Benzodiazepine exposures among women of reproductive age in the US, 2004-2018." Human & experimental toxicology.. 2021 Nov; 40(11):1807-1816. Epub 2021 Apr 28.

Sheftall AH, Miller AB. "Setting a Ground Zero Research Agenda for Preventing Black Youth Suicide." JAMA pediatrics.. 2021 Sep 1; 175(9):890-892.

Schlagbaum P, Tissue JL, Sheftall AH, Ruch DA, Ackerman JP, Bridge JA. "The impact of peer influencing on adolescent suicidal ideation and suicide attempts." Journal of psychiatric research.. 2021 Aug; 140:529-532. Epub 2021 Jun 15.

Ruch DA, Heck KM, Sheftall AH, Fontanella CA, Stevens J, Zhu M, Horowitz LM, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Characteristics and Precipitating Circumstances of Suicide Among Children Aged 5 to 11 Years in the United States, 2013-2017." JAMA network open.. 2021 Jul 1; 4(7):e2115683. Epub 2021 Jul 01.

Sheftall AH, Vakil F, Armstrong SE, Rausch JR, Feng X, Kerns KA, Brent DA, Bridge JA. "Clinical risk factors, emotional reactivity/regulation and suicidal ideation in elementary school-aged children." Journal of psychiatric research.. 2021 Jun; 138:360-365. Epub 2021 Apr 19.

Ruch D, Sheftall AH, Heck K, McBee-Strayer SM, Tissue J, Reynolds B, Ackerman J, Brent DA, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Neurocognitive vulnerability to youth suicidal behavior." Journal of psychiatric research.. 2020 Dec; 131:119-126. Epub 2020 Sep 02.

Schlagbaum P, Ruch DA, Tissue JL, Sheftall AH, Bridge JA. "Depressed Mood Prior to Death." Crisis.. 2020 Nov; 41(6):445-452. Epub 2020 Apr 02.

Sheftall AH, Bergdoll EE, James M, Bauer C, Spector E, Vakil F, Armstrong E, Allen J, Bridge JA. "Emotion Regulation in Elementary School-Aged Children with a Maternal History of Suicidal Behavior: A Pilot Study." Child psychiatry and human development.. 2020 Oct; 51(5):792-800.

Bridge JA, Greenhouse JB, Ruch D, Stevens J, Ackerman J, Sheftall AH, Horowitz LM, Kelleher KJ, Campo JV. "Association Between the Release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and Suicide Rates in the United States: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2020 Feb; 59(2):236-243. Epub 2019 Apr 28.

McBee-Strayer SM, Alexy ER, Sheftall AH, Heck KM, Dombrowski-Stork CA, Bergdoll EE, Schlagbaum PM, Bridge JA. "Old-for-Grade Status and Suicide Risk in U.S. High School Students." Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2020 24(sup2):S282-S292. Epub 2019 Jun 10.

Sheftall AH, Tissue JL, Schlagbaum P, Singer JB, Young N, Stevens JH, Ackerman JP. "Newspaper Adherence to Media Reporting Guidelines for the Suicide Deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain." JAMA network open.. 2019 Nov 1; 2(11):e1914517. Epub 2019 Nov 01.

Lindsey MA, Sheftall AH, Xiao Y, Joe S. "Trends of Suicidal Behaviors Among High School Students in the United States: 1991-2017." Pediatrics.. 2019 Nov; 144(5)Epub 2019 Oct 14.

Ruch DA, Sheftall AH, Schlagbaum P, Rausch J, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Trends in Suicide Among Youth Aged 10 to 19 Years in the United States, 1975 to 2016." JAMA network open.. 2019 May 3; 2(5):e193886. Epub 2019 May 03.

Ruch DA, Sheftall AH, Schlagbaum P, Fontanella CA, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Characteristics and Precipitating Circumstances of Suicide Among Incarcerated Youth." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2019 May; 58(5):514-524.e1. Epub 2019 Jan 23.

Lanzillo EC, Horowitz LM, Wharff EA, Sheftall AH, Pao M, Bridge JA. "The Importance of Screening Preteens for Suicide Risk in the Emergency Department." Hospital pediatrics.. 2019 Apr; 9(4):305-307. Epub 2019 Mar 11.

Sheftall AH, Chisolm DJ, Alexy ER, Chavez LJ, Mangione-Smith RM, Ferrari RM, Song PH. "Satisfaction With Care Coordination for Families of Children With Disabilities." Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners.. 2019 33(3):255-262. Epub 2018 Nov 16.

Bridge JA, Horowitz LM, Fontanella CA, Sheftall AH, Greenhouse J, Kelleher KJ, Campo JV. "Age-Related Racial Disparity in Suicide Rates Among US Youths From 2001 Through 2015." JAMA pediatrics.. 2018 Jul 1; 172(7):697-699.

Mathias CW, Stanford MS, Liang Y, Goros M, Charles NE, Sheftall AH, Mullen J, Hill-Kapturczak N, Acheson A, Olvera RL, Dougherty DM. "A test of the psychometric characteristics of the BIS-Brief among three groups of youth." Psychological assessment.. 2018 Jul; 30(7):847-856. Epub 2018 Feb 12.

Sheftall AH, Asti L, Horowitz LM, Felts A, Fontanella CA, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Suicide in Elementary School-Aged Children and Early Adolescents." Pediatrics.. 2016 Oct; 138(4)Epub 2016 Sep 19.

Sheftall AH, Davidson DJ, McBee-Strayer SM, Ackerman J, Mendoza K, Reynolds B, Bridge JA. "Decision-making in adolescents with suicidal ideation: A case-control study." Psychiatry research.. 2015 Aug 30; 228(3):928-31. Epub 2015 Jun 27.

Bridge JA, Asti L, Horowitz LM, Greenhouse JB, Fontanella CA, Sheftall AH, Kelleher KJ, Campo JV. "Suicide Trends Among Elementary School-Aged Children in the United States From 1993 to 2012." JAMA pediatrics.. 2015 Jul; 169(7):673-7.

Ackerman JP, McBee-Strayer SM, Mendoza K, Stevens J, Sheftall AH, Campo JV, Bridge JA. "Risk-sensitive decision-making deficit in adolescent suicide attempters." Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology.. 2015 Mar; 25(2):109-13. Epub 2014 Sep 29.

Bridge JA, Reynolds B, McBee-Strayer SM, Sheftall AH, Ackerman J, Stevens J, Mendoza K, Campo JV, Brent DA. "Impulsive aggression, delay discounting, and adolescent suicide attempts: effects of current psychotropic medication use and family history of suicidal behavior." Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology.. 2015 Mar; 25(2):114-23. Epub 2015 Mar 06.

Sheftall AH, Schoppe-Sullivan SJ, Bridge JA. "Insecure attachment and suicidal behavior in adolescents." Crisis.. 2014 35(6):426-30.

Sheftall AH, Mathias CW, Furr RM, Dougherty DM. "Adolescent attachment security, family functioning, and suicide attempts." Attachment & human development.. 2013 15(4):368-83. Epub 2013 Apr 08.

Mathias CW, Michael Furr R, Sheftall AH, Hill-Kapturczak N, Crum P, Dougherty DM. "What's the harm in asking about suicidal ideation?" Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 Jun; 42(3):341-51. Epub 2012 Apr 30.

Bridge JA, McBee-Strayer SM, Cannon EA, Sheftall AH, Reynolds B, Campo JV, Pajer KA, Barbe RP, Brent DA. "Impaired decision making in adolescent suicide attempters." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2012 Apr; 51(4):394-403. Epub 2012 Feb 22.

Bridge JA, Greenhouse JB, Sheftall AH, Fabio A, Campo JV, Kelleher KJ. "Changes in suicide rates by hanging and/or suffocation and firearms among young persons aged 10-24 years in the United States: 1992-2006." The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2010 May; 46(5):503-5. Epub 2010 Jan 13.