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URMC / Labs / Walsh-Falsey Lab / Projects


  • Identification of whole blood mRNA gene expression patterns for distinguishing bacterial from viral and non-infectious respiratory illness (Figure 1)1

Figure 1 A and B: Differential gene expression
Figure 1. (A) Differential gene expression in patients with viral, bacterial, and co-infections. (B) Gene expression according to clinical syndrome

  • Identification of the relationship between nasal epithelial gene expression changes during viral infection and effects on respiratory microbiome as it relates to viral-bacterial co-infection2
  • Assessing RSV disease severity relative to viral gene variation, differences in gene expression of peripheral blood CD4, CD8 T cells, and nasal epithelial cells (Figure 2)1,3

Figure 2: Study design of AsPIRES project
Figure 2. Study design of AsPIRES project illustrating interacting parameters related to RSV disease severity in primary RSV infection.

  • Evaluation of the role of nasal microbiota in pathogenesis of RSV in infants1,3
  • Clinical trials of anti-RSV antivirals in adults
  • Epidemiology studies of clinical impact and population-based incidence of RSV hospitalization in adults

1 In collaboration with Tom Mariani, Department of Pediatrics Transcriptomics Laboratory, and Steve Gill, director of the Genomics Core Laboratory

2 In collaboration with Angela Branche, ID unit

3 In collaboration with Mary Caserta, Department of Pediatrics