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URMC / Labs / Yi-Fen Lee Lab / Projects / Roles of extracellular vesicles in cellular defense in the context of cisplatin sensitivity and resi

Roles of extracellular vesicles in cellular defense in the context of cisplatin sensitivity and resistance

This is a highly translational project to investigate cancer extracellular vesicles’ roles in promoting cisplatin resistance in bladder study the chemoresistance mechanism driven by extracellular vesicle machinery as well as to establish extracellular vesicle profiles (size, concentration, subpopulation, genes in extracellular vesicles pathways and molecular contents) that can be used as predictive markers for treatment. The accomplishment of this proposed study would reveal potential mechanisms of intrinsic and acquired cisplatin resistance. More importantly, the demonstration of the functional contribution of extracellular vesicle contents to drug resistance not only provides potential biomarkers for prediction of patients’ response to therapy, but also provides justification for future efforts to therapeutically target those identified molecules to improve the efficacy and durability of anticancer drugs.


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