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URMC / Libraries / John R. Williams Health Sciences Library / Resources / Evidence-Based Healthcare

Evidence-Based Health Care

Selected Resources for Nurses

Cochrane Library
A collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.

Nursing Research Guide

Nursing Best Practice Guidelines
From the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. The purpose of this multi-year program is to support Ontario nurses by providing them with best practice guidelines for client care. There are currently 50 published guidelines as well as a toolkit and educator's resource to support implementation.

National Guideline Clearinghouse
IMPORTANT: Funding to support AHRQ's National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) ended on July 16, 2018.  ECRI Institute, the independent nonprofit organization that the United States federal government relied on to develop and maintain NGC since its inception 20 years ago, announces plans to continue providing this critical service to the healthcare community. An interim website will launch in Fall 2018. For more information, visit

Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
A variety of resource portals, including: Data Resources, Research Findings & Reports, Prevention and Chronic Care Resources, and Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence Based Handbook for Nurses (archived)

Features to help find the evidence: Clinical Queries; the EBP Special Interest limit.

Features to help find the evidence: Clinical Queries; publication type limits.

URMC Clinical Nursing Resource Center (Intranet Only. Offsite access requires VPN.)

Additional Resources from Miner Library