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UR Medicine

UR Medicine / Neurology / Our Divisions / Neuromuscular Disease Center / Neuromuscular Pathology Lab

Neuromuscular Pathology Lab

The Neuropathology Lab provides physicians and their patients with a unique resource for diagnosing muscle and nerve diseases and disorders. An integral part our nationally renowned Neuromuscular Disease Center, the laboratory’s team of experts uses state-of-the-art techniques for sampling and processing tissues while minimizing patient inconvenience and discomfort.

The Neuromuscular pathology lab processes and reads muscle, nerve and skin biopsies for epidermal innervation. The Lab is directed by Dr. Johanna Hamel and Dr. David Herrmann.

Our Services

Muscle, nerve, and skin biopsies are performed by physicians with specialized expertise in these procedures.

Neuropathology Lab