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UR Medicine


Electromyography and Nerve Conduction (EMG) Lab

The team at our URMC Electromyography and Nerve Conduction (EMG) Lab provides comprehensive and detailed services for both adult and pediatric patients that are not available anywhere else in the region.

What is EMG?
Electromyography is one of the major diagnostic tests for diseases of nerve and muscle.  This test actually consists of 3 parts :

For individual nerve or nerve root entrapments, or traumatic injuries, EMG evaluation provides precise information about the exact site of injury, its severity, and prognosis.

For generalized neuropathies, EMG provides important information about the type of nerves affected, the part of the nerve fiber affected, whether the neuropathy is inherited or acquired, whether it is likely to be inflammatory and open to various therapies, as well as its severity and prognosis.

For disorders of muscle, EMG again gives important information about the kind and severity of muscle disease, the muscle groups most affected, and whether it is likely to be inflammatory and open to various therapies.

Appointment Information

  • Physicians are available to answer specific questions prior to referral
  • Final reports are sent or faxed within 24 hours after test completion
  • Preliminary reports available immediately after test completion

A Center for Innovation and Research

The EMG Lab is actively involved in clinical research, including development of electrodiagnostic techniques for detection and measurement of:

  • Entrapment neuropathies in the upper and lower extremities
  • Generalized polyneuropathies
  • Inflammatory demyelinating neuropathies
  • Small fiber sensory neuropathies
  • Myotonia in myotonic myopathies

We are also researching the treatment of various neuromuscular diseases, including:

  • Painful polyneuropathies
  • Myotonic myopathies
  • Periodic paralysis

We are also a teaching facility:

  • Accredited for closely supervised specialty training of Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuromuscular Medicine Fellows
  • Neurology, Neurophysiology and Physical Medicine Residents