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Lawrence F. Nazarian, M.D.

Lawrence F. Nazarian, M.D.


About Me

I have practiced primary care general pediatrics since 1967, starting with the U.S. Army Medical Corps, followed by 35 years in the Panorama Pediatric Group, and, for the last 9 years, in the Resident Continuity Clinic at the University of Rochester Medical Center. I especially enjoy practicing and...
I have practiced primary care general pediatrics since 1967, starting with the U.S. Army Medical Corps, followed by 35 years in the Panorama Pediatric Group, and, for the last 9 years, in the Resident Continuity Clinic at the University of Rochester Medical Center. I especially enjoy practicing and teaching at the same time, allowing me to share my experience with younger physicians.

Faculty Appointments

Clinical Professor Emeritus - Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Assistant Resident in Pediatrics, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT 1966 - 1967

Assistant Resident in Pediatrics, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY 1965 - 1966

Pediatrics Internship, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY 1964 - 1965


MD | University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Medicine. 1964

BA | Yale University. English. 1960


Gold Award for Best Signed Editorial. 2013

2012 Education Award. 2012

Special Recognition Certificate. 2011

Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare. 2011 - 2012

Most Valuable Player at Pediatric Morning Report. 2009

Award of Merit, given by the Rochester Academy of Medicine. 2006

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 2003

Gold Medal Award, given by Alumni Association to a faculty member. 2003

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 2002

Ambulatory Pediatric Association National Pediatric Community Teaching Award. 2002

Who's Who in the East. 2002 - 2012

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 2001

Friend of Young Children Award.. 1999

Who's Who in America. 1998 - 2013

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 1997

Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare. 1997 - 2007

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 1996

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 1995

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 1992

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, chosen by Pediatric house staff. 1990

Clinical Scholar Program, Mead-Johnson Company. 1984

American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award. 1981


Dr. Nazarian's most recent research effort has been involvement with a national task force that has developed guidelines based on available evidence that will assist physicians who have left the workforce to re-enter and resume practice. That initiative was carried on from 2007 to 2011.
Dr. Nazarian's most recent research effort has been involvement with a national task force that has developed guidelines based on available evidence that will assist physicians who have left the workforce to re-enter and resume practice. That initiative was carried on from 2007 to 2011.


Journal Articles

Pediatrics in review: a reflection of our profession.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2012 December 33 (12):539-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

More than just a friend.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2012 January 33 (1):3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pediatrician as teacher.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2011 January 32 (1):3-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Expanding our horizons.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2010 January 31 (1):3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Alexis's picture: a perspective on a different perspective.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2006 March 27 (3):e23. Epub 1900 01 01.

More lessons for the clinician.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2003 September 24 (9):319. Epub 1900 01 01.

More lessons for the clinician: #2.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2002 December 23 (12):439. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evidence-based medicine: sounds good. What is it?

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2002 September 23 (9):299. Epub 1900 01 01.

Commentary: the good, the bad, and the ugly: pondering what we do.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2001 November 22 (11):363-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Final report of the FOPE II Education of the Pediatrician Workgroup.

Johnson RL, Charney E, Cheng TL, Kittredge D, Nazarian LF, Chesney RW, Mulvey HJ, Simon JL, Alden ER

Pediatrics.. 2000 November 106 (5):1175-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

More Lessons for the Clinician.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 2000 June 21 (6):209. Epub 1900 01 01.

Practice parameters: what are they and why should we use them?

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1997 July 18 (7):219-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lifestyle and practice style: making choices.

Haggerty RJ, Charney E, Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1996 September 17 (9):299. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ampicillin and amoxicillin delayed hypersensitivity: side-chain-specific allergic reactions in a child

Castro S, Schwartz R, Nazarian L.

Pediatric Asthma, Allergy, & Immunology. 1996; 10: 197-203.

A look at the private practice of the future.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics.. 1995 October 96 (4 Pt 2):812-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

The man who has two watches: dealing with discrepancies in clinical guidelines.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1995 September 16 (9):323-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Documentation of migraine: the pattern is in the history.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1995 August 16 (8):318-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medical record review. Staying focused: documenting the management of a child who has an attentional disorder.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1995 February 16 (2):75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Taking the record review section of the pediatric recertification examination.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1994 August 15 (8):297. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anemia and other "laboratory-intensive" disorders: staying afloat in a flood of data.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1994 August 15 (8):299-300. Epub 1900 01 01.

Special records for special conditions--failure to thrive.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1994 February 15 (2):69-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

When parents become critical observers: caring for the child who has a head injury.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1993 August 14 (8):299-301. Epub 1900 01 01.

Quality improvement: doing it right.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1993 June 14 (6):207. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 1. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1993 June 14 (6):215-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 3. Mongolian spots.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1993 June 14 (6):215, 217. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 3. Mongolian spots

Nazarian,L. F.;.

Pediatr.Rev. 1993; 14(6): 215, 217.

Index of suspicion. Case 1. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Nazarian,L. F.;.

Pediatr.Rev. 1993; 14(6): 215-216.

Index of suspicion. Case 2. Diagnosis: autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 December 13 (12):469-70. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 3. Diagnosis: prolonged QT interval.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 December 13 (12):469-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Otitis media--the forest and the trees.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 September 13 (9):355-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

A rare and special privilege.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 April 13 (4):123-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

On consulting and being consulted.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 April 13 (4):124. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

Nazarian LR

Pediatrics in review. 1992 March 13 (3):113-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medical record review. Lessons to learn from the treatment of children who have seizures.

Nazariam LF

Pediatrics in review. 1992 February 13 (2):75-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Index of suspicion. Case 3. Diagnosis: prolonged QT interval

Nazarian,L. F.;.

Pediatr.Rev. 1992; 13(12): 469-471.

Index of suspicion. Case 2. Diagnosis: autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Nazarian,L. F.;.

Pediatr.Rev. 1992; 13(12): 469-470.

Index of Suspicion" case report on acrodermatitis enteropathica

Nazarian L.

Pediatrics in Review. 1992; 13: 157.

Increased ambulatory utilization in IPA plans among children receiving hyposensitization therapy.

Szilagyi PG, Roghmann KJ, Foye HR, Parks C, MacWhinney J, Miller R, Nazarian L, McInerny T, Klein S

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing.. 1992 29 (4):467-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

The value of recording telephone contracts.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1991 June 12 (12):372-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anticipatory guidance for the parents of adolescents: the opportunity, the dilemmas, and some solutions.

Nazarian LF

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 1991 April 12 (2):129-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Hospital management of indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia by the office-based physician. Medical record documentation of indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

Nazarian L.

Pediatrics in Review. 1991; 12: 260.

The effect of independent practice association plans on use of pediatric ambulatory medical care in one group practice.

Szilagyi PG, Roghmann KJ, Foye HR, Parks C, MacWhinney J, Miller R, Nazarian L, McInerny T, Klein S

JAMA.. 1990 April 25263 (16):2198-203. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatrician's perspective. Odd thoughts on well-child care.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1990 February 11 (8):227-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reviewing the pediatrician's personal medical records. Medical record documentation of acute pharyngitis

Nazarian L.

Pediatrics in Review. 1990; 12: 133.

Recruitment of a large community of pediatricians in a collaborative research project.

Nazarian LF, Maiman LA, Becker MH

Clinical pediatrics.. 1989 May 28 (5):210-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pediatrician and the under toad.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1988 October 10 (4):99-100. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sexual behavior: can the pediatrician counsel adolescents?

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1988 September 10 (3):67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Improving pediatricians' compliance-enhancing practices. A randomized trial.

Maiman LA, Becker MH, Liptak GS, Nazarian LF, Rounds KA

American journal of diseases of children. 1988 July 142 (7):773-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Perspective of the office-based practice on the febrile infant

Nazarian L.

Nineteenth Ross Roundtable, The febrile infant and occult bacteremia. 1988; .

The pediatrician as wage earner.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1987 July 9 (1):3-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Giving to our patients--should we draw the line?

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics in review. 1986 September 8 (3):67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Normal pulmonary function measurements and airway reactivity in childhood after mild bronchiolitis.

McConnochie KM, Mark JD, McBride JT, Hall WJ, Brooks JG, Klein SJ, Miller RL, McInerny TK, Nazarian LF, MacWhinney JB

The Journal of pediatrics.. 1985 July 107 (1):54-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Waning effectiveness of mailed reminders on reducing broken appointments.

Morse DL, Coulter MP, Nazarian LF, Napodano RJ

Pediatrics.. 1981 December 68 (6):846-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Research in pediatric practice.

Nazarian LF

Pediatric clinics of North America.. 1981 August 28 (3):585-99. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prevention and therapy of serous otitis media by oral decongestant: a double-blind study in pediatric practice.

Olson AL, Klein SW, Charney E, MacWhinney JB, McInerny TK, Miller RL, Nazarian LF, Cunningham D

Pediatrics.. 1978 May 61 (5):679-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Compliance with short-term antimicrobial therapy: some techniques that help.

Lima J, Nazarian L, Charney E, Lahti C

Pediatrics.. 1976 March 57 (3):383-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pharmacist's role in patient compliance

Nazarian L.

Guidelines to Professional Pharmacy. 1976; Vol. 3(No. 2).

Sulfisoxazole as chemoprophylaxis for recurrent otitis media. A double-blind crossover study in pediatric practice.

Perrin JM, Charney E, MacWhinney JB, McInerny TK, Miller RL, Nazarian LF

The New England journal of medicine.. 1974 September 26291 (13):664-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect of a mailed appointment reminder on appointment keeping.

Nazarian LF, Mechaber J, Charney E, Coulter MP

Pediatrics.. 1974 March 53 (3):349-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Gonorrhea in children

Nazarian L.

Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. 1972; 6: 50.

The current prevalence of gonococcal infections in children.

Nazarian LF

Pediatrics.. 1967 March 39 (3):372-7. Epub 1900 01 01.


Challenges in Pediatric Diagnosis (2000)

Ambulatory Pediatrics V (1999)

Chapter: The Well-Equipped Office

Ambulatory Pediatrics IV (1990)

Chapter: The Well-Equipped Office

Ambulatory Pediatrics III (1984)

Chapter: The Well-Equipped Office