Shirley Joseph, Ph.D.
Shirley Joseph, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Neurosurgery (SMD)
PhD | Univ Rochester Sch Med/Dent. Neuroanatomy. 1967
BA | Edgecliff College. Pre-Medical. 1961
Journal Articles
Joseph SA, Lynd-Balta E, O'Banion MK, Rappold PM, Daschner J, Allen A, Padowski J
Neuroscience.. 2006 July 7140 (3):1051-65. Epub 05/04/2006.
Rappold PM, Lynd-Balta E, Joseph SA
Brain research.. 2006 May 171089 (1):171-8. Epub 04/25/2006.
Siddiqui AH, Joseph SA
Brain research.. 2005 December 201066 (1-2):129-46. Epub 1900 01 01.
Headache Pathogenesis: Monamines, Neuropeptides Purines and Nitric Oxide (1997)
Chapter: Systemic nitroglycerine activates catecholamenergic, neuropeptidergic, and nitric oxide pathways in the rat brain
Advances in child health psychology (1991)
Chapter: Stress-induced analgesia as a model for investigating procedure-related distress in pediatric population
Antibodies, antigens, and molecular mimicry (1989)
Chapter: Use of anti-idiotype antibodies in receptor immunocytochemistry
Neuronal Control of Bodily Function-Basic and Clinical Aspects (1986)
Chapter: Neuropeptides and their possible role as auxiliary messengers
Frontiers of Hormone Research: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and Peptide Hormones (1982)
Chapter: Neuropeptides in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid of children with hydrocephalus
Handbook of the Hypothalamus (1980)
Chapter: Recent advances in structure and function of the endocrine hypotalamus
The Endocrine Functions of the Brain (1980)
Chapter: Systems to the ventricles of the brain
Current Studies of Hypothalamic Function (1978)
Chapter: Changes in hypothalamic content of LRF in animals immunized against melatonin
Brain-endocrine interaction II : The Ventricular System in Neuroendocrine Mecha (1975)
Chapter: Releasing Hormones LRF and TRF in the cerebrospinal fluid
Fluid environment of the brain (1975)
Chapter: Distribution of Hormones by Cerebrospinal Fluid