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Gary J. Myers, M.D.

Gary J. Myers, M.D.


About Me

Dr. Myers graduated from the U of Kansas with a BA in Biology in 1957 and from the U of Kansas School of Medicine in 1963. He completed his Pediatric residency at the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston. Following military service at Fort Bragg, NC, he returned to Children's or a residenc...
Dr. Myers graduated from the U of Kansas with a BA in Biology in 1957 and from the U of Kansas School of Medicine in 1963. He completed his Pediatric residency at the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston. Following military service at Fort Bragg, NC, he returned to Children's or a residency in Child Neurology. He started his academic career at the U of R in 1971 and in 1978 moved to the U of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) where he rose to a tenured Professorship. At UAB he practiced Pediatric Neurology, attended in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and served as director of the UAB Sparks Center training professionals in the care of children with disabilities. In 1990 he returned to the U of R as a Professor in Neurology, Pediatrics, and Environmental Medicine. In addition to practicing and teaching Child Neurology throughout his career, he has been active in research on the relationship of environmental toxicants to children's development. He has worked with the Seychelles Child Development Study for over 30 years studying the relationship of fish consumption with its nutritional benefits and exposure to methylmercury to children's development.

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Neurology, Child Neurology (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Residency in Neurology, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, Director: Dr. C. Barlow 1969 - 1971

Residency in Neurology, Neurological Unit, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, Director Dr. D. Denny-Brown 1966 - 1967

Internship and Residency in Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, Director: Dr. C. Janeway 1963 - 1966

M.D., University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas University of Kansas


MD | Univ Kansas Coll Hlth Sci/Hosp. Medicine. 1963

BA | University of Kansas. Biology. 1957


Dr. Myers primary research interest is environmental toxins, specifically mercury. He started studying methyl mercury exposure following the 1971-2 epidemic in Iraq and has worked with the Rochester mercury research group since then. In 1986 the Rochester mercury research group began a prospective...
Dr. Myers primary research interest is environmental toxins, specifically mercury. He started studying methyl mercury exposure following the 1971-2 epidemic in Iraq and has worked with the Rochester mercury research group since then. In 1986 the Rochester mercury research group began a prospective longitudinal study of mercury exposure from fish consumption in the Seychelles Islands called the Seychelles Child Development Study (SCDS). Seychellois consume fish with 10-12 meals each week and the fish mercury content there is similar to that of oceanic fish sold in the US. This prospective, longitudinal, observational epidemiological study has been ongoing for over 25 years. Dr. Myers is also the follow up site PI for the Neonatal Research Network studying the outcomes of extremely premature infants.


Journal Articles

Associations of Prenatal Mercury Exposure and PUFA with Telomere Length and mtDNA Copy Number in 7-Year-Old Children in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Cohort 2.

Stajnko A, Pineda D, Klus JK, Love TM, Thurston SW, Mulhern MS, Strain JJ, McSorley EM, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Shroff E, Shamlaye CF, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environmental health perspectives.. 2025 February 133 (2):27002. Epub 02/04/2025.

Associations between maternal fish intake and polyunsaturated fatty acid status with childhood asthma in a high fish-eating population.

Henry CO, Allsopp PJ, Yeates AJ, Spence T, Conway MC, Mulhern MS, Shroff E, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, McSorley EM

Pediatric allergy and immunology : official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.. 2025 January 36 (1):e70019. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dietary selenium and mercury intakes from fish consumption during pregnancy: Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Wesolowska M, Yeates AJ, McSorley EM, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Bodin N, Govinden R, Jean-Baptiste J, Desnousse S, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Mulhern MS

Neurotoxicology.. 2024 March 101 :1-5. Epub 12/20/2023.

Synchrotron speciation of umbilical cord mercury and selenium after environmental exposure in Niigata.

Weng M, Dolgova NV, Vogt LI, Qureshi M, Sokaras D, Kroll T, Sait? H, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Sekikawa T, Pickering IJ, George GN

Neurotoxicology.. 2024 January 100 :117-123. Epub 12/20/2023.

Associations between serum taurine concentrations in mothers and neonates and the children's anthropometrics and early neurodevelopment: Results from the Seychelles Child Development Study, Nutrition Cohort 2.

Beggan LA, Mulhern MS, Mæhre HK, McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Zavez A, Thurston SW, Shamlaye C, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Elvevoll EO

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :43-49. Epub 08/25/2023.

Potential role of selenium in modifying the effect of maternal methylmercury exposure on child neurodevelopment - A review.

Wesolowska M, Yeates AJ, McSorley EM, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Mulhern MS

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :59-69. Epub 08/31/2023.

Relationship of mercury and selenium in ocean fish frequently consumed in the Seychelles: A comparison to levels in ocean fish consumed in the US.

Zareba G, Harrington D, Scrimale T, LeEsperance A, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Nicholas T, Myers GJ, Thurston SW

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :34-42. Epub 09/05/2023.

Synchrotron X-ray methods in the study of mercury neurotoxicology.

James AK, Popescu BF, Weng M, Myers GJ, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Pickering IJ, George GN

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :129-138. Epub 10/05/2023.

Fish consumption and its lipid modifying effects - A review of intervention studies.

McMullan JE, Yeates AJ, Allsopp PJ, Mulhern MS, Strain JJ, van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Shroff E, Shamlaye CF, McSorley EM

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :82-96. Epub 10/11/2023.

Postnatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Klus JK, Thurston SW, Myers G, Watson GE, Rand MD, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Shamlaye C, van Wijngaarden E

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :115-119. Epub 10/11/2023.

Net effects explains the benefits to children from maternal fish consumption despite methylmercury in fish.

Spiller P, van Wijngaarden E, Adams HR, Strain JJ, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Conway MC, Yeates AJ, Carrington C, Bolger PM, Morgan KM, Taylor CM, Ralston NVC, Crawford MA, Hibbeln JR, Brenna JT, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :195-205. Epub 10/20/2023.

Maternal fish consumption and child neurodevelopment in Nutrition 1 Cohort: Seychelles Child Development Study.

Conway MC, Yeates AJ, Love TM, Weller D, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Wesolowska M, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ

The British journal of nutrition.. 2023 October 28130 (8):1366-1372. Epub 02/10/2023.

The association of auditory function measures with low-level methylmercury from oceanic fish consumption and mercury vapor from amalgam: The Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition 1 Cohort.

Orlando MS, Love T, Harrington D, Dziorny AC, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 March 95 :46-55. Epub 01/05/2023.

Incidence of and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Late-Onset Meningitis Among Children Born Extremely Preterm.

Brumbaugh JE, Bell EF, Do BT, Greenberg RG, Stoll BJ, DeMauro SB, Harmon HM, Hintz SR, Das A, Puopolo KM,

JAMA network open.. 2022 December 15 (12):e2245826. Epub 12/01/2022.

Development of a long-term time-weighted exposure metric that accounts for missing data in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mruzek DW, Shamlaye C, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E

Neurotoxicology.. 2022 September 92 :49-60. Epub 07/19/2022.

Contribution of child ABC-transporter genetics to prenatal MeHg exposure and neurodevelopment.

Love TM, Wahlberg K, Pineda D, Watson GE, Zareba G, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand M, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Neurotoxicology.. 2022 July 91 :228-233. Epub 05/30/2022.

Molecular Fates of Organometallic Mercury in Human Brain.

James AK, Dolgova NV, Nehzati S, Korbas M, Cotelesage JJH, Sokaras D, Kroll T, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Pickering IJ, George GN

ACS chemical neuroscience.. 2022 June 1513 (12):1756-1768. Epub 05/11/2022.

Phil Davidson Obituary for Neurotoxicology.

Davidson PW

Neurotoxicology.. 2022 May 2 Epub 05/02/2022.

Hydrocortisone to Improve Survival without Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.

Watterberg KL, Walsh MC, Li L, Chawla S, D'Angio CT, Goldberg RN, Hintz SR, Laughon MM, Yoder BA, Kennedy KA, McDavid GE, Backstrom-Lacy C, Das A, Crawford MM, Keszler M, Sokol GM, Poindexter BB, Ambalavanan N, Hibbs AM, Truog WE, Schmidt B, Wyckoff MH, Khan AM, Garg M, Chess PR, Reynolds AM, Moallem M, Bell EF, Meyer LR, Patel RM, Van Meurs KP, Cotten CM, McGowan EC, Hines AC, Merhar S, Peralta-Carcelen M, Wilson-Costello DE, Kilbride HW, DeMauro SB, Heyne RJ, Mosquera RA, Natarajan G, Purdy IB, Lowe JR, Maitre NL, Harmon HM, Hogden LA, Adams-Chapman I, Winter S, Malcolm WF, Higgins RD,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2022 March 24386 (12):1121-1131. Epub 1900 01 01.

Serum cytokines are associated with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and not with methylmercury measured in infant cord blood in the Seychelles child development study.

Spence T, Zavez A, Allsopp PJ, Conway MC, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Thurston SW, McSorley EM

Environmental research.. 2022 March 204 (Pt A):112003. Epub 09/04/2021.

Mortality, In-Hospital Morbidity, Care Practices, and 2-Year Outcomes for Extremely Preterm Infants in the US, 2013-2018.

Bell EF, Hintz SR, Hansen NI, Bann CM, Wyckoff MH, DeMauro SB, Walsh MC, Vohr BR, Stoll BJ, Carlo WA, Van Meurs KP, Rysavy MA, Patel RM, Merhar SL, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Hibbs AM, Cotten CM, D'Angio CT, Winter S, Fuller J, Das A,

JAMA.. 2022 January 18327 (3):248-263. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal and child fatty acid desaturase genotype as determinants of cord blood long-chain PUFA (LCPUFA) concentrations in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Conway MC, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Spence T, Weslowska M, Strain JJ, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Wahlberg KE, Shamlaye CF, Cobice DF, Hyland BW, Pineda D, Broberg K, Yeates AJ

The British journal of nutrition.. 2021 December 14126 (11):1687-1697. Epub 02/02/2021.

Association Between Increased Seizures During Rewarming After Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study.

Chalak LF, Pappas A, Tan S, Das A, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Davis AS, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Tyson JE, Ball MB, Bara R, Grisby C, Sokol GM, D'Angio CT, Hamrick SEG, Dysart KC, Cotten CM, Truog WE, Watterberg KL, Timan CJ, Garg M, Carlo WA, Higgins RD,

JAMA neurology.. 2021 December 178 (12):1484-1493. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of Increased Seizures During Rewarming With Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study.

Chalak LF, Pappas A, Tan S, Das A, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Davis AS, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Tyson JE, Ball MB, Bara R, Grisby C, Sokol GM, D'Angio CT, Hamrick SEG, Dysart KC, Cotten CM, Truog WE, Watterberg KL, Timan CJ, Garg M, Carlo WA, Higgins RD,

JAMA neurology.. 2021 October 18 Epub 10/18/2021.

Growth Rates of Infants Randomized to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or Intubation After Extremely Preterm Birth.

Salas AA, Carlo WA, Do BT, Bell EF, Das A, Van Meurs KP, Poindexter BB, Shankaran S, Younge N, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2021 October 237 :148-153.e3. Epub 06/19/2021.

Arterial and Venous Air Emboli in Health Care.

Myers GJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2021 September 53 (3):220-224. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants enrolled in myo-inositol randomized controlled trial.

Adams-Chapman I, Watterberg KL, Nolen TL, Hirsch S, Cole CA, Cotten CM, Oh W, Poindexter BB, Zaterka-Baxter KM, Das A, Lacy CB, Scorsone AM, Duncan AF, DeMauro SB, Goldstein RF, Colaizy TT, Wilson-Costello DE, Purdy IB, Hintz SR, Heyne RJ, Myers GJ, Fuller J, Merhar S, Harmon HM, Peralta-Carcelen M, Kilbride HW, Maitre NL, Vohr BR, Natarajan G, Mintz-Hittner H, Quinn GE, Wallace DK, Olson RJ, Orge FH, Tsui I, Gaynon M, Hutchinson AK, He YG, Winter TW, Yang MB, Haider KM, Cogen MS, Hug D, Bremer DL, Donahue JP, Lucas WR, Phelps DL, Higgins RD,

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2021 August 41 (8):2072-2087. Epub 03/23/2021.

Limitations of Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Death or Disability Following Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in the Late Hypothermia Trial.

Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Barnes P, Rollins N, Do BT, Parikh NA, Hamrick S, Hintz SR, Tyson JE, Bell EF, Ambalavanan N, Goldberg RN, Pappas A, Huitema C, Pedroza C, Chaudhary AS, Hensman AM, Das A, Wyckoff M, Khan A, Walsh MC, Watterberg KL, Faix R, Truog W, Guillet R, Sokol GM, Poindexter BB, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2021 March 230 :106-111.e6. Epub 11/13/2020.

Associations of prenatal methylmercury exposure and maternal polyunsaturated fatty acid status with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age: results from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Strain JJ, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Weller D, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Mruzek D, Broberg K, Rand MD, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2021 February 2113 (2):304-313. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal methylmercury exposure and DNA methylation in seven-year-old children in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Cediel Ulloa A, Gliga A, Love TM, Pineda D, Mruzek DW, Watson GE, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E, Ruegg J, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2021 February 147 :106321. Epub 12/16/2020.

Associations of prenatal methylmercury exposure and maternal polyunsaturated fatty acid status with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age: results from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Strain JJ, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Weller D, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Mruzek D, Broberg K, Rand MD, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2021 February 113 (2):304-313. Epub 1900 01 01.

Associations between maternal thyroid function in pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes at 20 months in the Seychelles Child Development Study, Nutrition Cohort 2 (SCDS NC2).

Monaghan AM, Mulhern MS, Mc Sorley EM, Strain JJ, Winter T, van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye C, Gedeon J, Yeates AJ

Journal of nutritional science.. 2021 10 :e71. Epub 08/31/2021.

Higher or Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds for Preterm Infants.

Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Hintz SR, Tan S, Schmidt B, Chaudhary AS, Johnson KJ, Crawford MM, Newman JE, Vohr BR, Carlo WA, D'Angio CT, Kennedy KA, Ohls RK, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Whyte RK, Widness JA, Zupancic JAF, Wyckoff MH, Truog WE, Walsh MC, Chock VY, Laptook AR, Sokol GM, Yoder BA, Patel RM, Cotten CM, Carmen MF, Devaskar U, Chawla S, Seabrook R, Higgins RD, Das A,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2020 December 31383 (27):2639-2651. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association between prenatal dietary methyl mercury exposure and developmental outcomes on acquisition of articulatory-phonologic skills in children in the Republic of Seychelles.

Young EC, Davidson PW, Wilding G, Myers GJ, Shamlaye C, Cox C, de Broeck J, Bennett CM, Reeves JS

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 December 81 :353-357. Epub 10/14/2020.

Scholastic achievement among children enrolled in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Sloane-Reeves J, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Shamlaye C, Leste A, Huang LS, Thurston S

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 December 81 :347-352. Epub 10/14/2020.

The Seychelles Child Development Study: two decades of collaboration.

Shamlaye C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 December 81 :315-322. Epub 10/14/2020.

The Seychelles Child Development Study of methyl mercury from fish consumption: analysis of subscales from the Child Behaviour Checklist at age 107 months in the main cohort.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Kost J, Beck C, Huang LS, Weiss B

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 December 81 :331-338. Epub 10/14/2020.

Methyl mercury exposure and poisoning at Niigata, Japan.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Weiss B

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 December 81 :358-359. Epub 10/09/2020.

Reply to Comments on "Rethinking the Minamata Tragedy: What Mercury Species Was Really Responsible?".

James AK, Nehzati S, Dolgova NV, Sokaras D, Kroll T, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Krone PH, Pickering IJ, George GN

Environmental science & technology.. 2020 July 754 (13):8484-8485. Epub 06/08/2020.

Reply to Comments on "Rethinking the Minamata Tragedy: What Mercury Species Was Really Responsible?".

James AK, Nehzati S, Dolgova NV, Sokaras D, Kroll T, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Krone PH, Pickering IJ, George GN

Environmental science & technology.. 2020 July 754 (13):8488-8490. Epub 06/19/2020.

Maternal Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Status, Methylmercury Exposure, and Birth Outcomes in a High-Fish-Eating Mother-Child Cohort.

Yeates AJ, Zavez A, Thurston SW, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Alhamdow A, Engström K, Wahlberg K, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Broberg K, van Wijngaarden E

The Journal of nutrition.. 2020 July 1150 (7):1749-1756. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neuropathology associated with exposure to different concentrations and species of mercury: A review of autopsy cases and the literature.

O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Brewer R, Zareba G, Eto K, Takahashi H, Marumoto M, Love T, Harrington D, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 May 78 :88-98. Epub 02/22/2020.

Methylmercury and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are associated with immune dysregulation in young adults from the Seychelles child development study.

Strain JJ, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Conway MC, Allsopp PJ, Jusko TA, Love T, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mulhern MS, Spence T, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, McSorley EM

Environmental research.. 2020 April 183 :109072. Epub 01/07/2020.

Behavior Profiles at 2 Years for Children Born Extremely Preterm with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.

Brumbaugh JE, Bell EF, Grey SF, DeMauro SB, Vohr BR, Harmon HM, Bann CM, Rysavy MA, Logan JW, Colaizy TT, Peralta-Carcelen MA, McGowan EC, Duncan AF, Stoll BJ, Das A, Hintz SR,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2020 April 219 :152-159.e5. Epub 01/31/2020.

Timing of postnatal steroids for bronchopulmonary dysplasia: association with pulmonary and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Harmon HM, Jensen EA, Tan S, Chaudhary AS, Slaughter JL, Bell EF, Wyckoff MH, Hensman AM, Sokol GM, DeMauro SB,

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2020 April 40 (4):616-627. Epub 02/04/2020.

Rethinking the Minamata Tragedy: What Mercury Species Was Really Responsible?

George GN, Pickering IJ, Krone PH, Myers GJ, Watson G, O'Donoghue JL, Eto K, Kroll T, Sokaras D, Dolgova NV, Nehzati S, James AK

Environmental science & technology.. 2020 March 354 (5):2726-2733. Epub 02/12/2020.

Achieved oxygen saturations and retinopathy of prematurity in extreme preterms.

Gantz MG, Carlo WA, Finer NN, Rich W, Faix RG, Yoder BA, Walsh MC, Newman NS, Laptook A, Schibler K, Das A, Higgins RD,

Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition.. 2020 March 105 (2):138-144. Epub 06/22/2019.

Association of Audiometric Measures with plasma long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in a high-fish eating population: The Seychelles Child Development Study.

Orlando MS, Dziorny AC, Love T, Harrington D, Shamlaye CF, Watson G, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Davidson PW, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Strain JJ, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 March 77 :137-144. Epub 01/23/2020.

Associations between maternal inflammation during pregnancy and infant birth outcomes in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Yeates AJ, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Spence T, Crowe W, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ

Journal of reproductive immunology.. 2020 February 137 :102623. Epub 10/23/2019.

Putting findings from the Seychelles Child Development Study into perspective: The importance of a historical special issue of the Seychelles Medical and Dental Journal.

Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye C, Strain JJ, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 January 76 :111-113. Epub 11/07/2019.

Developmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants with a Need for Child Protective Services Supervision.

McGowan EC, Laptook AR, Lowe J, Peralta-Carcelen M, Chowdhury D, Higgins RD, Hintz SR, Vohr BR,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2019 December 215 :41-49.e4. Epub 09/06/2019.

An abundance of seafood consumption studies presents new opportunities to evaluate effects on neurocognitive development.

Spiller P, Hibbeln JR, Myers G, Vannice G, Golding J, Crawford MA, Strain JJ, Connor SL, Brenna JT, Kris-Etherton P, Holub BJ, Harris WS, Lands B, McNamara RK, Tlusty MF, Salem N, Carlson SE

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.. 2019 December 151 :8-13. Epub 10/11/2019.

Relationships between seafood consumption during pregnancy and childhood and neurocognitive development: Two systematic reviews.

Hibbeln JR, Spiller P, Brenna JT, Golding J, Holub BJ, Harris WS, Kris-Etherton P, Lands B, Connor SL, Myers G, Strain JJ, Crawford MA, Carlson SE

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.. 2019 December 151 :14-36. Epub 10/11/2019.

Maternal immune markers during pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 20 months in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Irwin JL, McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Love TM, Smith TH, Broberg K, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden

Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2019 October 15335 :577023. Epub 08/14/2019.

Maternal Gestational Immune Response and Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotypes at 7 Years of Age in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Irwin JL, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Love TM, Smith TH, Mruzek DW, Shamlaye CF, Monthy C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

Molecular neurobiology.. 2019 July 56 (7):5000-5008. Epub 11/14/2018.

Associations of blood mercury and fatty acid concentrations with blood mitochondrial DNA copy number in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Xu Y, Wahlberg K, Love TM, Watson GE, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Rand MD, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2019 March 124 :278-283. Epub 01/17/2019.

Behavioral Deficits at 18-22 Months of Age Are Associated with Early Cerebellar Injury and Cognitive and Language Performance in Children Born Extremely Preterm.

Duncan AF, Bann CM, Dempsey A, Peralta-Carcelen M, Hintz S,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2019 January 204 :148-156.e4. Epub 10/03/2018.

Prenatal and recent methylmercury exposure and heart rate variability in young adults: the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Zareba W, Thurston SW, Zareba G, Couderc JP, Evans K, Xia J, Watson GE, Strain JJ, McSorley E, Yeates A, Mulhern M, Shamlaye CF, Bovet P, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2019 74 :106810. Epub 05/23/2019.

Associations of maternal immune response with MeHg exposure at 28 weeks' gestation in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, van Wijngaarden E, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Spence T, Crowe W, Davidson PW, Zareba G, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ

American journal of reproductive immunology : AJRI.. 2018 November 80 (5):e13046. Epub 09/17/2018.

Dietary Determinants of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Status in a High Fish-Eating Cohort during Pregnancy.

Conway MC, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Yeates AJ

Nutrients.. 2018 July 2010 (7)Epub 07/20/2018.

Maternal polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes are associated with maternal mercury concentrations and early child neurodevelopment in a population with a fish-rich diet.

Wahlberg K, Love TM, Pineda D, Engström K, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Smith TH, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2018 June 115 :142-149. Epub 03/21/2018.

Outcome of Preterm Infants with Transient Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia on Serial Cranial Imaging Up to Term Equivalent Age.

Sarkar S, Shankaran S, Barks J, Do BT, Laptook AR, Das A, Ambalavanan N, Van Meurs KP, Bell EF, Sanchez PJ, Hintz SR, Wyckoff MH, Stoll BJ, Carlo WA,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2018 April 195 :59-65.e3. Epub 02/02/2018.

Analysis of Nonlinear Associations between Prenatal Methylmercury Exposure from Fish Consumption and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in the Seychelles Main Cohort at 17 Years.

Huang LS, Cory-Slechta DA, Cox C, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW

Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment : research journal.. 2018 April 32 (4):893-904. Epub 09/06/2017.

Posthemorrhagic perils of prematurity.

Myers GJ, Cowan FM

Neurology.. 2018 February 2090 (8):351-352. Epub 01/24/2018.

Maternal Vitamin D Status and the Relationship with Neonatal Anthropometric and Childhood Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: Results from the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Laird E, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Watson GE, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Yeates AJ, Ward M, McNulty H, Strain JJ

Nutrients.. 2017 November 119 (11)Epub 11/11/2017.

Outcomes of Preterm Infants following Discussions about Withdrawal or Withholding of Life Support.

James J, Munson D, DeMauro SB, Langer JC, Dworetz AR, Natarajan G, Bidegain M, Fortney CA, Seabrook R, Vohr BR, Tyson JE, Bell EF, Poindexter BB, Shankaran S, Higgins RD, Das A, Stoll BJ, Kirpalani H,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2017 November 190 :118-123.e4. Epub 06/21/2017.

PUFA Status and Methylmercury Exposure Are Not Associated with Leukocyte Telomere Length in Mothers or Their Children in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Yeates AJ, Thurston SW, Li H, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

The Journal of nutrition.. 2017 November 147 (11):2018-2024. Epub 10/04/2017.

Air in intravenous lines: a need to review old opinions.

Myers GJ

Perfusion.. 2017 September 32 (6):432-435. Epub 04/20/2017.

Endothelial Glycocalyx and Cardiopulmonary Bypass.

Myers GJ, Wegner J

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2017 September 49 (3):174-181. Epub 1900 01 01.

CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment.

Llop S, Tran V, Ballester F, Barbone F, Sofianou-Katsoulis A, Sunyer J, Engström K, Alhamdow A, Love TM, Watson GE, Bustamante M, Murcia M, Iñiguez C, Shamlaye CF, Rosolen V, Mariuz M, Horvat M, Tratnik JS, Mazej D, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Rand MD, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2017 August 105 :34-42. Epub 05/10/2017.

Survival and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among Periviable Infants.

Younge N, Goldstein RF, Bann CM, Hintz SR, Patel RM, Smith PB, Bell EF, Rysavy MA, Duncan AF, Vohr BR, Das A, Goldberg RN, Higgins RD, Cotten CM,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2017 February 16376 (7):617-628. Epub 1900 01 01.

Methyl mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes in the Seychelles Child Development Study Main cohort at age 22 and 24 years

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GM, Harrington D, Cory-Slechta DA, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Zareba G, Love T, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW.

Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2017; 59: 35-42.

Methyl mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes in the Seychelles Child Development Study Main cohort at age 22 and 24years.

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Harrington D, Cory-Slechta DA, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Zareba G, Love T, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2017 59 :35-42. Epub 10/28/2016.

Polymorphisms in ATP-binding cassette transporters associated with maternal methylmercury disposition and infant neurodevelopment in mother-infant pairs in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Engström K, Love TM, Watson GE, Zareba G, Yeates A, Wahlberg K, Alhamdow A, Thurston SW, Mulhern M, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2016 September 94 :224-229. Epub 06/02/2016.

Growth Outcomes of Preterm Infants Exposed to Different Oxygen Saturation Target Ranges from Birth.

Navarrete CT, Wrage LA, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Rich W, Gantz MG, Das A, Schibler K, Newman NS, Piazza AJ, Poindexter BB, Shankaran S, Sánchez PJ, Morris BH, Frantz ID, Van Meurs KP, Cotten CM, Ehrenkranz RA, Bell EF, Watterberg KL, Higgins RD, Duara S,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2016 September 176 :62-68.e4. Epub 06/22/2016.

Methods for Individualized Determination of Methylmercury Elimination Rate and De-Methylation Status in Humans Following Fish Consumption.

Rand MD, Vorojeikina D, van Wijngaarden E, Jackson BP, Scrimale T, Zareba G, Love TM, Myers GJ, Watson G

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.. 2016 February 149 (2):385-95. Epub 11/15/2015.

Genetic variation in FADS genes is associated with maternal long-chain PUFA status but not with cognitive development of infants in a high fish-eating observational study.

Yeates AJ, Love TM, Engström K, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Grzesik K, Alhamdow A, Wahlberg K, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Broberg K

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.. 2015 December 102-103 :13-20. Epub 09/14/2015.

Developmental outcomes of extremely preterm infants born to adolescent mothers.

Hoffman L, Bann C, Higgins R, Vohr B,

Pediatrics.. 2015 June 135 (6):1082-92. Epub 05/11/2015.

Associations of baroreflex sensitivity, heart rate variability, and initial orthostatic hypotension with prenatal and recent postnatal methylmercury exposure in the Seychelles Child Development Study at age 19 years.

Périard D, Beqiraj B, Hayoz D, Viswanathan B, Evans K, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Bovet P

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2015 March 2312 (3):3395-405. Epub 03/23/2015.

PaCO2 in surfactant, positive pressure, and oxygenation randomised trial (SUPPORT).

Ambalavanan N, Carlo WA, Wrage LA, Das A, Laughon M, Cotten CM, Kennedy KA, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Walsh MC, Higgins RD,

Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition.. 2015 March 100 (2):F145-9. Epub 11/25/2014.

Cognitive outcomes after neonatal encephalopathy.

Pappas A, Shankaran S, McDonald SA, Vohr BR, Hintz SR, Ehrenkranz RA, Tyson JE, Yolton K, Das A, Bara R, Hammond J, Higgins RD,

Pediatrics.. 2015 March 135 (3):e624-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal exposure to methyl mercury from fish consumption and polyunsaturated fatty acids: associations with child development at 20 mo of age in an observational study in the Republic of Seychelles.

Strain J, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Watson GE, Love TM, Smith TH, Yost K, Harrington D, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Myers GJ, Davidson PW

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2015 March 101 (3):530-7. Epub 01/21/2015.

Methylmercury exposure and developmental neurotoxicity.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Strain JJ, Shamlaye CF, Bovet P

Bulletin of the World Health Organization.. 2015 February 193 (2):132. Epub 12/19/2014.

Neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm infants.

Hintz SR, Barnes PD, Bulas D, Slovis TL, Finer NN, Wrage LA, Das A, Tyson JE, Stevenson DK, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Laptook AR, Yoder BA, Van Meurs KP, Faix RG, Rich W, Newman NS, Cheng H, Heyne RJ, Vohr BR, Acarregui MJ, Vaucher YE, Pappas A, Peralta-Carcelen M, Wilson-Costello DE, Evans PW, Goldstein RF, Myers GJ, Poindexter BB, McGowan EC, Adams-Chapman I, Fuller J, Higgins RD,

Pediatrics.. 2015 January 135 (1):e32-42. Epub 12/01/2014.

Functional status at 18 months of age as a predictor of childhood disability after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Natarajan G, Shankaran S, Pappas A, Bann C, Tyson JE, McDonald S, Das A, Hintz S, Vohr B, Higgins R,

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2014 November 56 (11):1052-8. Epub 06/24/2014.

Prophylactic indomethacin and intestinal perforation in extremely low birth weight infants.

Kelleher J, Salas AA, Bhat R, Ambalavanan N, Saha S, Stoll BJ, Bell EF, Walsh MC, Laptook AR, Sánchez PJ, Shankaran S, VanMeurs KP, Hale EC, Newman NS, Ball MB, Das A, Higgins RD, Peralta-Carcelen M, Carlo WA,

Pediatrics.. 2014 November 134 (5):e1369-77. Epub 10/27/2014.

Understanding Off-Label Use and Reference Blood Flows in Modern Membrane Oxygenators.

Myers GJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2014 September 46 (3):192-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Respiratory outcomes of the surfactant positive pressure and oximetry randomized trial (SUPPORT).

Stevens TP, Finer NN, Carlo WA, Szilagyi PG, Phelps DL, Walsh MC, Gantz MG, Laptook AR, Yoder BA, Faix RG, Newman JE, Das A, Do BT, Schibler K, Rich W, Newman NS, Ehrenkranz RA, Peralta-Carcelen M, Vohr BR, Wilson-Costello DE, Yolton K, Heyne RJ, Evans PW, Vaucher YE, Adams-Chapman I, McGowan EC, Bodnar A, Pappas A, Hintz SR, Acarregui MJ, Fuller J, Goldstein RF, Bauer CR, O'Shea TM, Myers GJ, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2014 August 165 (2):240-249.e4. Epub 04/13/2014.

Surgery and neurodevelopmental outcome of very low-birth-weight infants.

Morriss FH, Saha S, Bell EF, Colaizy TT, Stoll BJ, Hintz SR, Shankaran S, Vohr BR, Hamrick SE, Pappas A, Jones PM, Carlo WA, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Sánchez PJ, Hale EC, Newman NS, Das A, Higgins RD,

JAMA pediatrics.. 2014 August 168 (8):746-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Developmental outcomes of very preterm infants with tracheostomies.

DeMauro SB, D'Agostino JA, Bann C, Bernbaum J, Gerdes M, Bell EF, Carlo WA, D'Angio CT, Das A, Higgins R, Hintz SR, Laptook AR, Natarajan G, Nelin L, Poindexter BB, Sanchez PJ, Shankaran S, Stoll BJ, Truog W, Van Meurs KP, Vohr B, Walsh MC, Kirpalani H,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2014 June 164 (6):1303-10.e2. Epub 01/25/2014.

Evaluating retinopathy of prematurity screening guidelines for 24- to 27-week gestational age infants.

Kennedy KA, Wrage LA, Higgins RD, Finer NN, Carlo WA, Walsh MC, Laptook AR, Faix RG, Yoder BA, Schibler K, Gantz MG, Das A, Newman NS, Phelps DL,

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2014 April 34 (4):311-8. Epub 02/06/2014.

Prenatal exposure to methylmercury and LCPUFA in relation to birth weight.

van Wijngaarden E, Harrington D, Kobrosly R, Thurston SW, O'Hara T, McSorley EM, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Davidson PW

Annals of epidemiology.. 2014 April 24 (4):273-8. Epub 01/16/2014.

Apolipoprotein E genotype and outcome in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Cotten CM, Goldstein RF, McDonald SA, Goldberg RN, Salhab WA, Carlo WA, Tyson JE, Finer NN, Walsh MC, Ehrenkranz RA, Laptook AR, Guillet R, Schibler K, Van Meurs KP, Poindexter BB, Stoll BJ, O'Shea TM, Duara S, Das A, Higgins RD, Shankaran S,

Pediatric research.. 2014 March 75 (3):424-30. Epub 12/09/2013.

Going beyond manufacturers' limitations is not in the best interest of our patients.

Myers GJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2014 March 46 (1):101-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants with spontaneous intestinal perforation or surgical necrotizing enterocolitis.

Wadhawan R, Oh W, Hintz SR, Blakely ML, Das A, Bell EF, Saha S, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Stoll BJ, Walsh MC, Higgins RD,

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2014 January 34 (1):64-70. Epub 10/17/2013.

Associations between prenatal and recent postnatal methylmercury exposure and auditory function at age 19 years in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Orlando MS, Dziorny AC, Harrington D, Love T, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2014 46 :68-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b protein conjugate vaccines in very low birth weight infants.

D'Angio CT, Murray TE, Li L, Heyne RJ, O'Shea TM, Schelonka RL, Shankaran S, Duara S, Goldberg RN, Stoll BJ, Stevenson DK, Vohr BR, Phelps DL, Carlo WA, Pichichero ME, Das A, Higgins RD,

The Pediatric infectious disease journal.. 2013 December 32 (12):1400-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Apgar scores at 10 min and outcomes at 6-7 years following hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy.

Natarajan G, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Pappas A, Bann CM, McDonald SA, Das A, Higgins RD, Hintz SR, Vohr BR,

Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition.. 2013 November 98 (6):F473-9. Epub 07/29/2013.

Neurodevelopmental outcome of extremely low birth weight infants with Candida infection.

Adams-Chapman I, Bann CM, Das A, Goldberg RN, Stoll BJ, Walsh MC, Sánchez PJ, Higgins RD, Shankaran S, Watterberg KL, Duara S, Miller NA, Heyne RJ, Peralta-Carcelen M, Goldstein RF, Steichen JJ, Bauer CR, Hintz SR, Evans PW, Acarregui MJ, Myers GJ, Vohr BR, Wilson-Costello DE, Pappas A, Vaucher YE, Ehrenkranz RA, McGowan EC, Dillard RG, Fuller J, Benjamin DK,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2013 October 163 (4):961-7.e3. Epub 05/30/2013.

Cerebral palsy and growth failure at 6 to 7 years.

Vohr BR, Stephens BE, McDonald SA, Ehrenkranz RA, Laptook AR, Pappas A, Hintz SR, Shankaran S, Higgins RD, Das A,

Pediatrics.. 2013 October 132 (4):e905-14. Epub 09/09/2013.

Neurophysiologic measures of auditory function in fish consumers: associations with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and methylmercury.

Dziorny AC, Orlando MS, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2013 September 38 :147-57. Epub 10/12/2012.

Association between feeding difficulties and language delay in preterm infants using Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Third Edition.

Adams-Chapman I, Bann CM, Vaucher YE, Stoll BJ,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2013 September 163 (3):680-5.e1-3. Epub 04/10/2013.

Autism spectrum disorder phenotypes and prenatal exposure to methylmercury.

van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Smith TH, Evans K, Yost K, Love T, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Zareba G, Burns CM, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ

Epidemiology.. 2013 September 24 (5):651-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Choline status and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Strain JJ, McSorley EM, van Wijngaarden E, Kobrosly RW, Bonham MP, Mulhern MS, McAfee AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Wallace JM, Ueland PM, Myers GJ

The British journal of nutrition.. 2013 July 28110 (2):330-6. Epub 01/09/2013.

Outcomes of small for gestational age infants born at <27 weeks' gestation.

De Jesus LC, Pappas A, Shankaran S, Li L, Das A, Bell EF, Stoll BJ, Laptook AR, Walsh MC, Hale EC, Newman NS, Bara R, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2013 July 163 (1):55-60.e1-3. Epub 02/14/2013.

Ten-year review of major birth defects in VLBW infants.

Adams-Chapman I, Hansen NI, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Boghossian NS, Murray JC, Laptook AR, Walsh MC, Carlo WA, Sánchez PJ, Van Meurs KP, Das A, Hale EC, Newman NS, Ball MB, Higgins RD, Stoll BJ,

Pediatrics.. 2013 July 132 (1):49-61. Epub 06/03/2013.

Blood pressure and cognitive function: a prospective analysis among adolescents in Seychelles.

Lyngdoh T, Viswanathan B, Kobrosly R, van Wijngaarden E, Huber B, Davidson PW, Cory-Slechta DA, Strain S, Myers GJ, Bovet P

Journal of hypertension.. 2013 June 31 (6):1175-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Epidemiology and public health research productivity in Africa.

Gedeon J, Shamlaye C, Myers GJ, Bovet P

International journal of epidemiology.. 2013 June 42 (3):913. Epub 05/06/2013.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low-gestational-age neonates with low-grade periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage.

Payne AH, Hintz SR, Hibbs AM, Walsh MC, Vohr BR, Bann CM, Wilson-Costello DE,

JAMA pediatrics.. 2013 May 167 (5):451-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Elevated temperature and 6- to 7-year outcome of neonatal encephalopathy.

Laptook AR, McDonald SA, Shankaran S, Stephens BE, Vohr BR, Guillet R, Higgins RD, Das A,

Annals of neurology.. 2013 April 73 (4):520-8. Epub 04/17/2013.

Prenatal methyl mercury exposure in relation to neurodevelopment and behavior at 19 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Weiss B, Zarcone T, Watson GE, Zareba G, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Yeates AJ, Henderson J, Gedeon J, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2013 39 :19-25. Epub 06/14/2013.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years in children exposed prenatally to maternal dental amalgam: the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Love TM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhern MS, Yeates AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Zareba G, Wallace JM, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2013 39 :57-62. Epub 07/13/2013.

Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations between Body Mass Index and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Adolescents in a Country of the African Region.

Lyngdoh T, Viswanathan B, van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Bovet P

International journal of endocrinology.. 2013 2013 :801832. Epub 08/22/2013.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes in the early CPAP and pulse oximetry trial.

Vaucher YE, Peralta-Carcelen M, Finer NN, Carlo WA, Gantz MG, Walsh MC, Laptook AR, Yoder BA, Faix RG, Das A, Schibler K, Rich W, Newman NS, Vohr BR, Yolton K, Heyne RJ, Wilson-Costello DE, Evans PW, Goldstein RF, Acarregui MJ, Adams-Chapman I, Pappas A, Hintz SR, Poindexter B, Dusick AM, McGowan EC, Ehrenkranz RA, Bodnar A, Bauer CR, Fuller J, O'Shea TM, Myers GJ, Higgins RD,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2012 December 27367 (26):2495-504. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal exposure to dental amalgam in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study: associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 9 and 30 months.

Watson GE, Evans K, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhern MS, McAfee AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Love T, Zareba G, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2012 December 33 (6):1511-1517. Epub 10/12/2012.

Impact of different adiposity measures on the relation between serum uric acid and blood pressure in young adults.

Lyngdoh T, Viswanathan B, Myers GJ, Bochud M, Bovet P

Journal of human hypertension.. 2012 November 26 (11):677-83. Epub 09/22/2011.

Maternal PUFA status but not prenatal methylmercury exposure is associated with children's language functions at age five years in the Seychelles.

Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mulhern MS, McAfee AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Watson GE, Zareba G, Cory-Slechta DA, Lynch M, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Stokes-Riner A, Sloane-Reeves J, Janciuras J, Wong R, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ

The Journal of nutrition.. 2012 November 142 (11):1943-9. Epub 09/26/2012.

Intakes and adequacy of potentially important nutrients for cognitive development among 5-year-old children in the Seychelles Child Development and Nutrition Study.

McAfee AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Wallace JM, Bonham MP, Faure J, Romain S, Esther C, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW, Strain J

Public health nutrition.. 2012 September 15 (9):1670-7. Epub 02/10/2012.

Conclusions based on in vitro GME studies using different oxygenator blood flow limitations.

Myers G

Perfusion.. 2012 September 27 (5):447. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association between neonatal iron overload and early human brain development in premature infants.

Amin SB, Myers G, Wang H

Early human development.. 2012 August 88 (8):583-7. Epub 02/18/2012.

Are outcomes of extremely preterm infants improving? Impact of Bayley assessment on outcomes.

Vohr BR, Stephens BE, Higgins RD, Bann CM, Hintz SR, Das A, Newman JE, Peralta-Carcelen M, Yolton K, Dusick AM, Evans PW, Goldstein RF, Ehrenkranz RA, Pappas A, Adams-Chapman I, Wilson-Costello DE, Bauer CR, Bodnar A, Heyne RJ, Vaucher YE, Dillard RG, Acarregui MJ, McGowan EC, Myers GJ, Fuller J,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 August 161 (2):222-8.e3. Epub 03/14/2012.

Empiric antifungal therapy and outcomes in extremely low birth weight infants with invasive candidiasis.

Greenberg RG, Benjamin DK, Gantz MG, Cotten CM, Stoll BJ, Walsh MC, Sánchez PJ, Shankaran S, Das A, Higgins RD, Miller NA, Auten KJ, Walsh TJ, Laptook AR, Carlo WA, Kennedy KA, Finer NN, Duara S, Schibler K, Ehrenkranz RA, Van Meurs KP, Frantz ID, Phelps DL, Poindexter BB, Bell EF, O'Shea TM, Watterberg KL, Goldberg RN, Smith PB,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 August 161 (2):264-9.e2. Epub 03/15/2012.

Risk factors for post-neonatal intensive care unit discharge mortality among extremely low birth weight infants.

De Jesus LC, Pappas A, Shankaran S, Kendrick D, Das A, Higgins RD, Bell EF, Stoll BJ, Laptook AR, Walsh MC,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 July 161 (1):70-4.e1-2. Epub 02/10/2012.

Effect of ethnicity and race on cognitive and language testing at age 18-22 months in extremely preterm infants.

Duncan AF, Watterberg KL, Nolen TL, Vohr BR, Adams-Chapman I, Das A, Lowe J,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 June 160 (6):966-71.e2. Epub 01/23/2012.

Childhood outcomes after hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy.

Shankaran S, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Vohr BR, Hintz SR, Yolton K, Gustafson KE, Leach TM, Green C, Bara R, Petrie Huitema CM, Ehrenkranz RA, Tyson JE, Das A, Hammond J, Peralta-Carcelen M, Evans PW, Heyne RJ, Wilson-Costello DE, Vaucher YE, Bauer CR, Dusick AM, Adams-Chapman I, Goldstein RF, Guillet R, Papile LA, Higgins RD,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2012 May 31366 (22):2085-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Outcome of extremely low birth weight infants who received delivery room cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Wyckoff MH, Salhab WA, Heyne RJ, Kendrick DE, Stoll BJ, Laptook AR,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 February 160 (2):239-244.e2. Epub 09/17/2011.

Fish consumption and prenatal methylmercury exposure: cognitive and behavioral outcomes in the main cohort at 17 years from the Seychelles child development study.

Davidson PW, Cory-Slechta DA, Thurston SW, Huang LS, Shamlaye CF, Gunzler D, Watson G, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Klein JD, Clarkson TW, Strain JJ, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2011 December 32 (6):711-7. Epub 08/25/2011.

The chemical forms of mercury and selenium in whale skeletal muscle.

George GN, Macdonald TC, Korbas M, Singh SP, Myers GJ, Watson GE, O'Donoghue JL, Pickering IJ

Metallomics : integrated biometal science.. 2011 November 3 (11):1232-7. Epub 09/21/2011.

Identification of extremely premature infants at high risk of rehospitalization.

Ambalavanan N, Carlo WA, McDonald SA, Yao Q, Das A, Higgins RD,

Pediatrics.. 2011 November 128 (5):e1216-25. Epub 10/17/2011.

Prenatal exposure to dental amalgam: evidence from the Seychelles Child Development Study main cohort.

Watson GE, Lynch M, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Thurston SW, Zareba G, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW

The Journal of the American Dental Association.. 2011 November 142 (11):1283-94. Epub 1900 01 01.

Predictive value of an early amplitude integrated electroencephalogram and neurologic examination.

Shankaran S, Pappas A, McDonald SA, Laptook AR, Bara R, Ehrenkranz RA, Tyson JE, Goldberg R, Donovan EF, Fanaroff AA, Das A, Poole WK, Walsh M, Higgins RD, Welsh C, Salhab W, Carlo WA, Poindexter B, Stoll BJ, Guillet R, Finer NN, Stevenson DK, Bauer CR,

Pediatrics.. 2011 July 128 (1):e112-20. Epub 06/13/2011.

Hypocarbia and adverse outcome in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

Pappas A, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Langer JC, Bara R, Ehrenkranz RA, Goldberg RN, Das A, Higgins RD, Tyson JE, Walsh MC,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2011 May 158 (5):752-758.e1. Epub 12/10/2010.

Varying coefficient function models to explore interactions between maternal nutritional status and prenatal methylmercury toxicity in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Lynch ML, Huang LS, Cox C, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Bonham MP, Shamlaye CF, Stokes-Riner A, Wallace JM, Duffy EM, Clarkson TW, Davidson PW

Environmental research.. 2011 January 111 (1):75-80. Epub 10/18/2010.

A longitudinal analysis of prenatal exposure to methylmercury and fatty acids in the Seychelles.

Stokes-Riner A, Thurston SW, J Myers G, Duffy EM, Wallace J, Bonham M, Robson P, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Watson G, Davidson PW

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2011 33 (2):325-8. Epub 12/09/2010.

The chemical nature of mercury in human brain following poisoning or environmental exposure.

Korbas M, O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Pickering IJ, Singh SP, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, George GN

ACS chemical neuroscience.. 2010 December 151 (12):810-8. Epub 10/15/2010.

Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in very low-birth-weight infants after administration of heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

Ang JY, Lua JL, Asmar BI, Shankaran S, Heyne RJ, Schelonka RL, Das A, Li L, Jackson DM, Higgins RD, D'Angio CT,

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2010 December 164 (12):1173-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Seizures in extremely low birth weight infants are associated with adverse outcome.

Davis AS, Hintz SR, Van Meurs KP, Li L, Das A, Stoll BJ, Walsh MC, Pappas A, Bell EF, Laptook AR, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2010 November 157 (5):720-5.e1-2. Epub 06/14/2010.

Fish consumption, mercury exposure, and their associations with scholastic achievement in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Davidson PW, Leste A, Benstrong E, Burns CM, Valentin J, Sloane-Reeves J, Huang LS, Miller WA, Gunzler D, van Wijngaarden E, Watson GE, Zareba G, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2010 September 31 (5):439-47. Epub 05/31/2010.

Impact of timing of birth and resident duty-hour restrictions on outcomes for small preterm infants.

Bell EF, Hansen NI, Morriss FH, Stoll BJ, Ambalavanan N, Gould JB, Laptook AR, Walsh MC, Carlo WA, Shankaran S, Das A, Higgins RD,

Pediatrics.. 2010 August 126 (2):222-31. Epub 07/19/2010.

Heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunogenicity in very-low-birth-weight, premature infants.

D'Angio CT, Heyne RJ, O'Shea TM, Schelonka RL, Shankaran S, Duara S, Goldberg RN, Stoll BJ, Van Meurs KP, Vohr BR, Das A, Li L, Burton RL, Hastings B, Phelps DL, Sanchez PJ, Carlo WA, Stevenson DK, Higgins RD,

The Pediatric infectious disease journal.. 2010 July 29 (7):600-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

The chemical forms of mercury in human hair: a study using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

George GN, Singh SP, Myers GJ, Watson GE, Pickering IJ

Journal of biological inorganic chemistry : JBIC : a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry.. 2010 June 15 (5):709-15. Epub 03/12/2010.

Rationale and use of perfusion variables in the 2010 update of the society of thoracic surgeons congenital heart surgery database.

Shann KG, Giacomuzzi CR, Jacobs JP, Myers GJ, Paugh TA, Mellas N, Puis L, Ojito JW, Gomez D, Olshove V, Fitzgerald DC, Itoh H, Brabant C, Thuys CA, Charette K, Calaritis C, Parpard M, Chancy T, Baker RA, Pourmoghadam KK, Likosky DS

World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery.. 2010 April 1 (1):34-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Iron status in pregnant women in the Republic of Seychelles.

Duffy EM, Bonham MP, Wallace JM, Chang CK, Robson PJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ

Public health nutrition.. 2010 March 13 (3):331-7. Epub 08/26/2009.

Arterial filter bypass loop: what occurs in this area during cardiopulmonary bypass and are there potential patient implications.

Hawkins JL, Myers GJ, Légaré JF, Swyer W

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2010 March 42 (1):71-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

The chemical nautre of mercury in human brain.

Malgorzata, K; O'Donoghue J.L.; Watson G; Pickering, I.J.; Singh, S.P.; Myers, G.J.; Clarkson, T.W.; George, G.N.

ACS CHem Neurosci. 2010; .

Contribution of fish to intakes of micronutrients important for fetal development: a dietary survey of pregnant women in the Republic of Seychelles.

Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Robson PJ, Wallace JM, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Livingstone MB

Public health nutrition.. 2009 September 12 (9):1312-20. Epub 11/06/2008.

The effect of Diprivan (propofol) on phosphorylcholine surfaces during cardiopulmonary bypass--an in vitro investigation.

Myers GJ, Voorhees C, Eke B, Johnstone R

Perfusion.. 2009 September 24 (5):349-55. Epub 11/25/2009.

Interpreting epidemiological evidence in the presence of multiple endpoints: an alternative analytic approach using the 9-year follow-up of the Seychelles child development study.

van Wijngaarden E, Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW

International archives of occupational and environmental health.. 2009 August 82 (8):1031-41. Epub 02/11/2009.

Can one get amnesia from canned tuna? What are we forgetting?

Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Strain JJ, Watson G, Davidson PW

Lancet.. 2009 May 16373 (9676):1672; author reply 1672. Epub 1900 01 01.

Postnatal exposure to methyl mercury from fish consumption: a review and new data from the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Pearson AT, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2009 May 30 (3):338-49. Epub 01/21/2009.

Maternal age, multiple birth, and extremely low birth weight infants.

Vohr BR, Tyson JE, Wright LL, Perritt RL, Li L, Poole WK,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2009 April 154 (4):498-503.e2. Epub 12/25/2008.

Post-arterial filter gaseous microemboli activity of five integral cardiotomy reservoirs during venting: an in vitro study.

Myers GJ, Voorhees C, Haynes R, Eke B

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2009 March 41 (1):20-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Does surgical approach influence component positioning with Birmingham Hip Resurfacing?

Myers GJ, Morgan D, McBryde CW, O'Dwyer K

International orthopaedics.. 2009 February 33 (1):59-63. Epub 10/30/2007.

Hyperbilirubinemia and language delay in premature infants.

Amin SB, Prinzing D, Myers G

Pediatrics.. 2009 January 123 (1):327-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Complications relating to perfusion and extracorporeal circulation associated with the treatment of patients with congenital cardiac disease: consensus definitions from the Multi-Societal Database Committee for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease.

Shann KG, Giacomuzzi CR, Harness L, Myers GJ, Paugh TA, Mellas N, Groom RC, Gomez D, Thuys CA, Charette K, Ojito JW, Tinius-Juliani J, Calaritis C, McRobb CM, Parpard M, Chancy T, Bacha E, Cooper DS, Jacobs JP, Likosky DS

Cardiology in the young.. 2008 December 18 Suppl 2 :206-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental effects of maternal nutritional status and exposure to methylmercury from eating fish during pregnancy.

Davidson PW, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, Thurston SW, Bonham MP, Shamlaye CF, Stokes-Riner A, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Duffy EM, Georger LA, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Canfield RL, Cox C, Huang LS, Janciuras J, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2008 September 29 (5):767-75. Epub 06/11/2008.

Associations of maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, methyl mercury, and infant development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Stokes-Riner A, Thurston SW, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Shamlaye CF, Georger LA, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Canfield RL, Cox C, Huang LS, Janciuras J, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2008 September 29 (5):776-82. Epub 06/11/2008.

Habitual fish consumption does not prevent a decrease in LCPUFA status in pregnant women (the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study).

Bonham MP, Duffy EM, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.. 2008 June 78 (6):343-50. Epub 06/26/2008.

Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and visuospatial ability at 10.7 years in the seychelles child development study.

Davidson PW, Jean-Sloane-Reeves , Myers GJ, Hansen ON, Huang LS, Georger LA, Cox C, Thurston SW, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2008 May 29 (3):453-9. Epub 03/02/2008.

Valgus osteotomy: a solution for late presentation of hinge abduction in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.

Myers GJ, Mathur K, O'Hara J

Journal of pediatric orthopedics.. 2008 March 28 (2):169-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

Homocysteine concentration, related B vitamins, and betaine in pregnant women recruited to the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Wallace JM, Bonham MP, Strain J, Duffy EM, Robson PJ, Ward M, McNulty H, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW, Molloy AM, Scott JM, Ueland PM

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2008 February 87 (2):391-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The three-pin modified 'Harrington' procedure for advanced metastatic destruction of the acetabulum.

Tillman RM, Myers GJ, Abudu AT, Carter SR, Grimer RJ

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume.. 2008 January 90 (1):84-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Homocysteine concentration, related B-vitamins and betainme in pregnant women recruited to Seychelles Child Development Study.

Wallace JMW; Bonham MP; Strain JJ; Duffy EM; Robson PJ; Ward M; McNulty H; Davidson PW; Myers GJ; Shamlaye CF; Clarkson TW; Molloy AM; Scott JM; Ueland PM.

Am J Clinic. Nutrit. 2008; 87: 391-397.

Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and visuospacial ability at 10.7 years in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Davidson PW; Sloane-Reeves J; Myers GJ; Hansen ON; Huang LS; Georger LA; Cox C; Thurston SW; Shamlaye CF; Clarkson TW.

Neurotoxicology. 2008; 29: 543-549.

Nutrients from eating fish in pregnancy balance fetal methylmercury exposure

Davidson PW; Strain JJ; Myers GJ; Wallace JMW; Robson PJ; Bonham MP; Duffy EM; Thurston SW; Georger LA; Shamlaye CF; Sloane-Reeves J; Cernichiari E; Canfield RL; Cox C; Huang LS; Janciuras J; Clarkson TW.

Neurotoxicology. 2008; .

Associations of maternal long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, methyl mercury, and infant development in the Seychelles Child Development and Nutrition Study

Strain JJ; Davidson PW; Bonham MP; Duffy EM; Stokes-Riner A; Thurston SW; Wallace JMW; Robson PJ; Shamlaye CF; Georger LA; Sloane-Reeves J; Cernichiari E; Canfield RL; Cox C; Huang LS; Janciuras J; Myers GJ; Clarkson TW.

Neurotoxicology. 2008; .

Exeter-Ogee total hip replacement using the Hardinge approach; the ten to twelve year results.

Myers GJ, Morgan D, O'Dwyer K

Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy.. 2008 18 (1):35-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nutrient and methyl mercury exposure from consuming fish.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Strain JJ

The Journal of nutrition.. 2007 December 137 (12):2805-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The long-term results of endoprosthetic replacement of the proximal tibia for bone tumours.

Myers GJ, Abudu AT, Carter SR, Tillman RM, Grimer RJ

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume.. 2007 December 89 (12):1632-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Is susceptibility to prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption non-homogeneous? Tree-structured analysis for the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Huang LS, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Xiao F, Thurston SW, Cernichiari E, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Georger L, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2007 November 28 (6):1237-44. Epub 08/25/2007.

The biological monitoring of prenatal exposure to methylmercury.

Cernichiari E, Myers GJ, Ballatori N, Zareba G, Vyas J, Clarkson T

Neurotoxicology.. 2007 September 28 (5):1015-22. Epub 02/23/2007.

Does prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption affect blood pressure in childhood?

Thurston SW, Bovet P, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Georger LA, Shamlaye C, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2007 September 28 (5):924-30. Epub 06/16/2007.

Preventing gaseous microemboli during blood sampling and drug administration: an in vitro investigation.

Myers GJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2007 September 39 (3):192-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of premature infants with severe respiratory failure enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of inhaled nitric oxide.

Hintz SR, Van Meurs KP, Perritt R, Poole WK, Das A, Stevenson DK, Ehrenkranz RA, Lemons JA, Vohr BR, Heyne R, Childers DO, Peralta-Carcelen M, Dusick A, Johnson YR, Morris B, Dillard R, Vaucher Y, Steichen J, Adams-Chapman I, Konduri G, Myers GJ, de Ungria M, Tyson JE, Higgins RD,

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2007 July 151 (1):16-22, 22.e1-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Point of care hematocrit and hemoglobin in cardiac surgery: a review.

Myers GJ, Browne J

Perfusion.. 2007 May 22 (3):179-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Endoprosthetic replacement of the distal femur for bone tumours: long-term results.

Myers GJ, Abudu AT, Carter SR, Tillman RM, Grimer RJ

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume.. 2007 April 89 (4):521-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

One of the best editorials.

Myers GJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2007 March 39 (1):55-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal fish consumption benefits children's development.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW

Lancet.. 2007 February 17369 (9561):537-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Symposium on heavy metals and nutrition. Fish Consumption: Known Benefits from Nutrients, Possible Risks from Methyl Mercury.

Myers GJ; Davidson PW; Strain JJ.

Journal of Nutrition. 2007; 37: 2805-8.

Prenatal methyl mercury exposure from fish consumption and child development: a review of evidence and perspectives from the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Weiss B, Shamlaye CF, Cox C

Neurotoxicology.. 2006 December 27 (6):1106-9. Epub 04/15/2006.

Development and validation of a test battery to assess subtle neurodevelopmental differences in children.

Davidson PW, Weiss B, Beck C, Cory-Slechta DA, Orlando M, Loiselle D, Young EC, Sloane-Reeves J, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2006 December 27 (6):951-69. Epub 04/28/2006.

Benchmark concentrations for methyl mercury obtained from the 9-year follow-up of the Seychelles Child Development Study.

van Wijngaarden E, Beck C, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 2006 September 27 (5):702-9. Epub 06/02/2006.

Methylmercury and neurodevelopment: longitudinal analysis of the Seychelles child development cohort.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Wilding GE, Shamlaye CF, Huang LS, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Palumbo D, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2006 28 (5):529-35. Epub 06/29/2006.

Pressure-regulated volume control ventilation vs synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation for very low-birth-weight infants: a randomized controlled trial.

D'Angio CT, Chess PR, Kovacs SJ, Sinkin RA, Phelps DL, Kendig JW, Myers GJ, Reubens L, Ryan RM

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2005 September 159 (9):868-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Clinical evaluation of the Sorin Synthesis oxygenator with integrated arterial filter.

Myers GJ, Gardiner K, Ditmore SN, Swyer WJ, Squires C, Johnstone DR, Power CV, Mitchell LB, Ditmore JE, Cook B

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2005 June 37 (2):201-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Exploring nonlinear association between prenatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and child development: evaluation of the Seychelles Child Development Study nine-year data using semiparametric additive models.

Huang LS, Cox C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cernichiari E, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2005 January 97 (1):100-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Question from the clinician: head circumference.

Imseih G, Myers GJ

Pediatrics in review. 2004 August 25 (8):295. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nancy nailing of diaphyseal forearm fractures. Single bone fixation for fractures of both bones.

Myers GJ, Gibbons PJ, Glithero PR

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume.. 2004 May 86 (4):581-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mercury exposure and child development outcomes.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Weiss B

Pediatrics.. 2004 April 113 (4 Suppl):1023-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Benign alternating hemiplegia of childhood: new features and associations.

Kavanaugh M, Myers GJ

Neurology.. 2004 February 2462 (4):672. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal exposure to methylmercury and child development: influence of social factors.

Davidson PW; Myers GJ; Shamlaye C; Cox C; Wilding GE.

Neurotoxicology & Teratology. 2004; 26: 553-559.

The Seychelles Child Development Study of methyl mercury from fish consumption: analysis of subscales from the Child Behaviour Checklist at age 107 months in the main cohort.

Myers GJ; Davidson PW; Shamlaye CF; Cox C; Kost J; Beck C; Huang L; Weiss B.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 107-114.

Principles of studying low-level neurotoxic exposures in children: Using the Seychelles Child Development Study of methyl mercury as a prototype.

Davidson PW; Myers GJ; Shamlaye CF.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 84-91.

The Seychelles Child Development Study: Two decades of collaboration.

Shamlaye CF; Davidson PW; Myers GJ.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 92-99.

Scholastic achievement among children enrolled in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Sloane-Reeves J; Davidson PW; Myers GJ; Shamlaye CF; Leste A; Huang L; Thurston S.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 121-126.

Association between prenatal dietary methylmercury exposure and developmental outcomes on acquisition of articulatory-phonologic skills in children in the Republic of Seychelles.

Carter Young E; Davidson PW; Wilding G; Myers GJ; Shamlaye CF; Cox C; de Broeck; Bennett CM; Sloane-Reeves J.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 127-131.

Methylmercury exposure and poisoning at Niigata, Japan.

Myers GJ; Davidson PW; Weiss B.

Seychelles Med Dental J. 2004; 7(1): 132-133.

Prenatal exposure to methylmercury and child development: influence of social factors.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Wilding GE

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2004 26 (4):553-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The toxicology of mercury--current exposures and clinical manifestations.

Clarkson TW, Magos L, Myers GJ

The New England journal of medicine.. 2003 October 30349 (18):1731-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Using measurement error models to assess effects of prenatal and postnatal methylmercury exposure in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Huang LS, Cox C, Wilding GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2003 October 93 (2):115-22. Epub 1900 01 01.

A multicenter investigation into the occurrence of high-pressure excursions.

Myers GJ, Weighell PR, McCloskey BJ, Holt AM, McTeer S, Maxwell SL

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2003 June 35 (2):127-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal methylmercury exposure from ocean fish consumption in the Seychelles child development study.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Palumbo D, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Wilding GE, Kost J, Huang LS, Clarkson TW

Lancet.. 2003 May 17361 (9370):1686-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of Mimesys phosphorylcholine (PC)-coated oxygenators during cardiopulmonary bypass in adults.

Myers GJ, Johnstone DR, Swyer WJ, McTeer S, Maxwell SL, Squires C, Ditmore SN, Power CV, Mitchell LB, Ditmore JE, Aniuk LD, Hirsch GM, Buth KJ

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 2003 March 35 (1):6-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Human exposure to mercury: The three modern dilemmas.

Clarkson TW; Magos L; Myers GJ.

J Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 2003; 16: 321-343.

Use of distraction osteogenesis techniques in skeletal dysplasias.

Myers GJ, Bache CE, Bradish CF

Journal of pediatric orthopedics.. 2003 23 (1):41-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Longitudinal, 15-year follow-up of children born at less than 29 weeks' gestation after introduction of surfactant therapy into a region: neurologic, cognitive, and educational outcomes.

D'Angio CT, Sinkin RA, Stevens TP, Landfish NK, Merzbach JL, Ryan RM, Phelps DL, Palumbo DR, Myers GJ

Pediatrics.. 2002 December 110 (6):1094-102. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of autologous blood as part of the perfusate for cardiopulmonary bypass: a priming technique.

Myers GJ, Legare JF, Sullivan JA, Leadon RB, Johnstone R, Swyer W, Squires C, Power C, Hirsch GM

Perfusion.. 2002 May 17 (3):211-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Studying neurotoxic exposures in children: methylmercury as a Prototype.

Davidson PW; Myers GJ.

Proceeding of National Institute of Minamata Disesase Forum. 2002; : 1-17.

Methylmercury and neurodevelopment: reanalysis of the Seychelles Child Development Study outcomes at 66 months of age.

Davidson PW, Kost J, Myers GJ, Cox C, Clarkson TW, Shamlaye CF

JAMA.. 2001 March 14285 (10):1291-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of techniques for assessing neurobehavioral development in children.

Davidson PW, Weiss B, Myers GJ, Cory-Slechta DA, Brockel BJ, Young EC, Orlando M, Loiselle D, Palumbo D, Pittelli R, Sloan-Reeves J

Neurotoxicology.. 2000 December 21 (6):957-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association between methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and child development at five and a half years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study: an evaluation of nonlinear relationships.

Axtell CD, Cox C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Choi AL, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Shamlaye CF, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2000 October 84 (2):71-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury and cognitive functioning in Seychellois children: a reanalysis of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Ability from the main cohort study.

Palumbo DR, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Choi A, Shamlaye C, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2000 October 84 (2):81-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of Seychellois children from the pilot cohort at 108 months following prenatal exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet.

Davidson PW, Palumbo D, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Wilding GE, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2000 September 84 (1):1-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Secondary analysis from the Seychelles Child Development Study: the child behavior checklist.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Palumbo D, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2000 September 84 (1):12-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Simple modified ultrafiltration.

Myers GJ, Leadon RB, Mitchell LB, Ross DB

Perfusion.. 2000 September 15 (5):447-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Twenty-seven years studying the human neurotoxicity of methylmercury exposure.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Cernichiari E, Clarkson TW

Environmental research.. 2000 July 83 (3):275-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Does methylmercury have a role in causing developmental disabilities in children?

Myers GJ, Davidson PW

Environmental health perspectives.. 2000 June 108 Suppl 3 (Suppl 3):413-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Benchmark concentrations for methylmercury obtained from the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Crump KS, Van Landingham C, Shamlaye C, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW

Environmental health perspectives.. 2000 March 108 (3):257-63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental and health outcomes in term infants treated with surfactant for severe respiratory failure.

Auten RL; Merzbach J; Myers G; Goldstein RF; Palumbo D.

J Perinatology. 2000; 5: 291-294.

Esotropia associated with Olanzapine.

Singh HK; Markowitz GD; Myers GJ.

J Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2000; 20(4): 488.

Neurodevelopmental and health outcomes in term infants treated with surfactant for severe respiratory failure.

Auten RL, Merzbach J, Myers G, Goldstein RF, Palumbo D

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2000 20 (5):291-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal and postnatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Cox C, Breazna A, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW

JAMA.. 1999 October 13282 (14):1333-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Double valve replacement in a patient with anticardiolipin antibody syndrome.

Myers GJ, Hirsch GM

Perfusion.. 1999 September 14 (5):397-401. Epub 1900 01 01.

Avoiding hyperoxemia at the start of cardiopulmonary bypass while optimizing gas flow and temperature.

Myers GJ, Légaré JF

The journal of extra-corporeal technology.. 1999 September 31 (3):145-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of interactions between in utero exposure to methylmercury from maternal fish ingestion and social and environmental factors on developmental outcomes in 19 and 29 month olds Seychellois children.

Davidson PW; Myers GJ; Gao P; Morris D; Shamlaye CF; Cox C; Sloane-Reeves J; Cernichiari E; Choisy O; Needham L; Choisy O; Choi A; Clarkson TW.

Neurotoxicology. 1999; 20: 833-842.

Semiparametric modeling of age at achieving developmental milestones after prenatal exposure to methylmercury in the Seychelles child development study.

Axtell CD, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Choi AL, Cernichiari E, Sloane-Reeves J, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Clarkson TW

Environmental health perspectives.. 1998 September 106 (9):559-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of prenatal and postnatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption on neurodevelopment: outcomes at 66 months of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Axtell C, Shamlaye C, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Needham L, Choi A, Wang Y, Berlin M, Clarkson TW

JAMA.. 1998 August 26280 (8):701-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal methylmercury exposure and children: neurologic, developmental, and behavioral research.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW

Environmental health perspectives.. 1998 June 106 Suppl 3 (Suppl 3):841-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

School-age follow-up of prophylactic versus rescue surfactant trial: pulmonary, neurodevelopmental, and educational outcomes.

Sinkin RA, Kramer BM, Merzbach JL, Myers GJ, Brooks JG, Palumbo DR, Cox C, Kendig JW, Mercier CE, Phelps DL

Pediatrics.. 1998 May 101 (5):E11. Epub 1900 01 01.

A review of methylmercury and child development.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF

Neurotoxicology.. 1998 April 19 (2):313-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

X-linked female band heterotopia-male lissencephaly syndrome.

Berg MJ, Schifitto G, Powers JM, Martinez-Capolino C, Fong CT, Myers GJ, Epstein LG, Walsh CA

Neurology.. 1998 April 50 (4):1143-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mercury in fish.

Clarkson T, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Science.. 1998 January 23279 (5350):459, 461. Epub 1900 01 01.

X-linked female band heterotopia-male lissencephaly syndrome.

Berg MJ; Schifitto G; Powers JM; Martinez-Capolino C; Fong C-T; Myers GJ; Epstein LG; Walsh CA.

Neurology. 1998; 19: 313-328.

School age follow-up of prophylactic vs. rescue surfactant trial: Pulmonary, neurodevelopmental and educational outcomes.

Sinkin RA; Kramer BM; Merzbach JL; Myers GJ; Brooks JG; Palumbo DR; Cox C; Kendig JW; Mercier CE; Phelps DL.

Pediatrics. 1998; 101: 1-7.

The Seychelles child development study: results and new directions through twenty-nine months.

Myers GJ; Davidson PW; Cox C; Shamlaye CF; Choisy O; Cernichiari E; Choi A; Sloane-Reeves J; Axtell C; Gao P; Clarkson TW.

Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1997; 97: 53-61.

The contribution of heavy metals to developmental disabilities in children.

Myers GJ; Davidson PW; Weitzman M; Lanphear B.

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. 1997; 3: 239-245.

Effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure from a high fish diet on developmental milestones in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Axtell CD, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Choi A, Cox C, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1997 18 (3):819-29. Epub 1900 01 01.

Scapuloperoneal syndromes. Absence of linkage to the 4q35 FSHD locus.

Tawil R, Myers GJ, Weiffenbach B, Griggs RC

Archives of neurology.. 1995 November 52 (11):1069-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Seychelles study of fetal methylmercury exposure and child development: introduction.

Marsh DO, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Cernichiari E, Tanner MA, Lednar W, Shamlaye C, Choisy O

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):583-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Seychelles child development study on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet: background and demographics.

Shamlaye CF, Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Cox C, Davidson PW, Choisy O, Cernichiari E, Choi A, Tanner MA, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):597-612. Epub 1900 01 01.

The biological monitoring of mercury in the Seychelles study.

Cernichiari E, Toribara TY, Liang L, Marsh DO, Berlin MW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Choisy O, Davidson P

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):613-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

A pilot neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet.

Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Cox C, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):629-38. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes of Seychellois children sixty-six months after in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet: pilot study.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Choisy O, Sloane-Reeves J, Marsh D, Cernichiari E, Choi A

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):639-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Main neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from a maternal fish diet: outcome at six months.

Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner M, Choi A, Cernichiari E, Choisy O, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):653-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neurodevelopmental test selection, administration, and performance in the main Seychelles child development study.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye C, Choisy O, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Marsh DO, Berlin M, Tanner M

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):665-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Longitudinal neurodevelopmental study of Seychellois children following in utero exposure to methylmercury from maternal fish ingestion: outcomes at 19 and 29 months.

Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Marsh DO, Tanner MA, Berlin M, Sloane-Reeves J, Cernichiari E, Choisy O

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):677-88. Epub 1900 01 01.

An analysis of autopsy brain tissue from infants prenatally exposed to methymercury.

Lapham LW, Cernichiari E, Cox C, Myers GJ, Baggs RB, Brewer R, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):689-704. Epub 1900 01 01.

Monitoring methylmercury during pregnancy: maternal hair predicts fetal brain exposure.

Cernichiari E, Brewer R, Myers GJ, Marsh DO, Lapham LW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Berlin M, Davidson PW, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):705-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Summary of the Seychelles child development study on the relationship of fetal methylmercury exposure to neurodevelopment.

Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Cox C, Shamlaye CF, Tanner MA, Marsh DO, Cernichiari E, Lapham LW, Berlin M, Clarkson TW

Neurotoxicology.. 1995 16 (4):711-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fracture of the internal lumen of a Datascope Percor Stat-DL Balloon, resulting in stroke.

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The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 1994 May 57 (5):1335-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Measuring Neurodevelopmental outcomes of young children following prenatal dietary low-dose methylmercury exposures.

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Clinical neurologic examination of the preterm and term neonate.

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Dose-response analysis of infants prenatally exposed to methyl mercury: an application of a single compartment model to single-strand hair analysis.

Cox C, Clarkson TW, Marsh DO, Amin-Zaki L, Tikriti S, Myers GG

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Problems in study design to evaluate lumbar punctures as therapy for post-intraventricular hemorrhage hydrocephalus.

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Fetal methylmercury poisoning. Relationship between concentration in single strands of maternal hair and child effects.

Marsh DO, Clarkson TW, Cox C, Myers GJ, Amin-Zaki L, Al-Tikriti S

Archives of neurology.. 1987 October 44 (10):1017-22. Epub 1900 01 01.

Early clinical manifestations and intellectual outcome in children with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

Conboy TJ, Pass RF, Stagno S, Alford CA, Myers GJ, Britt WJ, McCollister FP, Summers MN, McFarland CE, Boll TJ

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Symptomatic Atlantoaxial Dislocation in Down's Syndrome.

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Elemental Mercury exposure and uptake among children of thermometer plant workers.

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Early clinical manifestations and intellectual outcome in children with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

McFarland CE; Boll TJ.

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Neuromyelitis optica (Devic syndrome) in a 12-year-old male with complete recovery following steroids.

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Surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosis does not increase the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage in the preterm infant.

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Scavenging of cardioplegic solution: a metabolic alternative.

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Myelomeningocele: the medical aspects.

Myers GJ

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Correlates of intelligence and adaptive behaviour in Down's syndrome.

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ACTH and prednisone in childhood seizure disorders.

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Paroxysmal motor dysfunction.

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The Alabama journal of medical sciences.. 1983 July 20 (3):311-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The physician's role in learning disability.

Myers GJ, Libb JW

The Alabama journal of medical sciences.. 1982 January 19 (1):69-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dose-response relationship for human fetal exposure to methylmercury.

Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Amin-Zaki L, Tikriti S, Majeed MA, Dabbagh AR

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Outcome of symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection: results of long-term longitudinal follow-up.

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Pediatrics.. 1980 November 66 (5):758-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fetal methylmercury poisoning: clinical and toxicological data on 29 cases.

Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Amin-Zaki L, Tikriti S, Majeed MA

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Educational placement of children with spina bifida.

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Candida meningitis in the newborn.

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Emotional complications of adolescent grand mal epilepsy.

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The Journal of pediatrics.. 1979 August 95 (2):309-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

The primary care physician and mental retardation.

Myers GJ

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A new use for adult face masks.

Kopelman AE, Myers GJ

Pediatrics.. 1978 January 61 (1):162. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fetal methylmercury poisoning: new data on clinical and toxicological aspects.

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Lightning-strike disaster among children.

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Acetazolamide-induced interference with primidone absorption. Case reports and metabolic studies.

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Understanding the floppy baby.

Myers GJ

Advances in neurology.. 1977 17 :295-315. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fetal methylmercury poisoning: new data on clinical and toxicological aspects.

Marsh DO, Myers GJ, Clarkson TW, Amin-Zaki L, Tikriti S

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Malignant atrophic papulosis (Kohlmeier-Degos disease) in childhood.

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Neurology.. 1976 April 26 (4):317-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Benign familial macrocephaly: report of a family and review of the literature.

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Isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis following influenza vaccination.

Felix JK, Schwartz RH, Myers GJ

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Where's the hyperactive child going?

Myers GJ, Pless IB

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Areas of responsibility in the health care of multiply handicapped children.

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Reevaluation of role of rectal biopsy in diagnosis of pediatric neurologic disorders.

Myers GJ, Hedley-Whyte ET

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The etiology of deafness in Alport's syndrome.

Myers GJ, Tyler HR

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The etiology of deafness in Alport's syndrome.

Myers GJ; Tyler, HR.

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Current Topics in Neurotoxicity (2013)

Chapter: The Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Methylmercury and Maternal Nutritional Status on Child Development: Findings from the Seychelles Child Development Study

Children with Disabilities, 6th edition (2007)

Chapter: Neurodevelopmental effects of maternal nutrients status and exposure to methyl mercury from eating fish during pregnancy: Evidence from the Seychelles Child Development Study

International Review of Research in Mental Retardation (2006)

Chapter: Developmental Disabilities Following Prenatal Exposure to Methyl Mercury from Maternal Fish Consumption: A Review of the Evidence

International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. (1990)

Chapter: The role of methylmercury toxicity in mental retardation.

Special and Medically Compromised Patients in Dentistry (1988)

Chapter: The management of seizures and syncope in the dental office

Merck Manual (1987)

Chapter: Contributor in neonatology section.

Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease (1987)

Chapter: Petit mal and absence seizures

Proceedings of the 1981 Tri-regional Workshop for Social Workers in Maternal and (1986)

Chapter: Coordinating medical services for high risk infants with social services and educational programs.

Current Pediatric Therapy (1986)

Chapter: Myelomeningocele.

Issues in the Care of Children with Chronic Disease (1985)

Chapter: Spina Bifida (myelomeningocele).

Measurements of Risk (1981)

Chapter: Dose-response relationships for adult and prenatal exposures to methylmercury.

Principles of Pediatrics. Health Care of The Young. (1978)

Chapter: Diseases of the Nervous System

Advances in Neurology volume 17 Treatment of neuromuscular diseases (1977)

Chapter: Understanding the floppy baby.


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