Fred M. Howard, M.D.
Fred M. Howard, M.D.
About Me
Dr. Howard is an internationally-recognized expert on chronic pelvic pain in women, and is senior editor of the textbook Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management, published by Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. He is the author of numerous scientific papers on pelvic pain, endometriosis, and laparoscopic surgery. In collaborative research with his wife he has also co-authored scientific papers on breastfeeding and neonatal circumcision. His current primary areas of research interest are in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery and chronic pelvic pain in women.
Dr. Howard is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and holds Certification in Advanced Operative Laparoscopy and Advanced Operative Hysteroscopy by the Accreditation Council for Gynecologic Endoscopy. He is Chairman of the board of directors of the International Pelvic Pain Society where he has served as president and vice president. He is on the Advisory Board of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology.
Dr. Howard has received a number of honors and awards. He was awarded a National Faculty Award for Excellence in Resident Education in 1999 and 2007 by the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He received the Excellence in Teaching Award from Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency each year from 1995 to 2000. He was awarded the Association of Professors in Gynecology and Obstetrics APGO Excellence in Teaching Award in 1993. He received the Residents' Teaching Award from the department of Obstetrics ad Gynecology at the University of Rochester in 1992 and 1993. He is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society.
Dr. Howard's practice is primarily a referral practice for the care of women with chronic pelvic pain or endometriosis, and for advanced operative laparoscopic surgery.
Current areas of clinical and research interest:
Gynecologic laparoscopic surgery and chronic pelvic pain women.
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD)
MD | Vanderbilt Univ Sch Medicine. Medicine. 1976
MS | Purdue University. Biochemistry. 1972
BA | Berea College. Chemistry. 1969
Speaker of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 2006
Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology National Faculty Award. 2006 - 2007
Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology National Faculty Award for Excellence in Resident Education. 1999
Excellence in Teaching Award
Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency
Excellence in Teaching Award
Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency
Excellence in Teaching Award
Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency
Excellence in Teaching Award
Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency
Excellence in Teaching Award Rochester General Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency 1995
Association of Professors in Gynecology and Obstetrics APGO Excellence in Teaching Award. 1993
Residents' Teaching Award
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Residents' Teaching Award
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Outstanding Chief Resident Award
Fitzsimons Army Medical Center.
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society Vanderbilt University. 1975
Perley F. Ayer Memorial Award Berea College. 1968
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Berea College 1967
Austin Scholar Berea College 1967
Journal Articles
Poleshuck EL, Dworkin RH, Howard FM, Foster DC, Shields CG, Giles DE, Tu X
The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 2005 February 50 (2):91-100. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, Howard FM
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology.. 2004 September 47 (3):683-95. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, Howard FM, Lanphear B, Eberly S, deBlieck EA, Oakes D, Lawrence RA
Pediatrics.. 2003 March 111 (3):511-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard FM
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2003 March 101 (3):594-611. Epub 1900 01 01.
The role of Laparoscopy in the chronic pelvic pain patient
Howard FM.
Clinical Obstet Gynecol. 2003; : 749-66.
Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women
Howard FM.
Amer J Managed Care. 2001; : 1001-13.
Wrigley LC, Howard FM, Gabel D
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2000 December 96 (6):895-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard FM, El-Minawi AM, Sanchez RA
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2000 December 96 (6):934-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kouides PA, Phatak PD, Burkart P, Braggins C, Cox C, Bernstein Z, Belling L, Holmberg P, MacLaughlin W, Howard F
Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia.. 2000 November 6 (6):643-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard C, Howard F, Lawrence R, Andresen E, DeBlieck E, Weitzman M
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2000 February 95 (2):296-303. Epub 1900 01 01.
Adhesiolysis for pain relief
Howard FM.
Operative Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery. 2000; 5(1): 3-12.
An evidence-based medicine approach to treatment of endometriosis-associated chronic pelvic pain
Howard FM.
J Amer Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2000; : 477-88.
The role of laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool in chronic pelvic pain
Howard FM.
Bailliere's Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2000; : 467-94.
Howard CR, Howard FM, Fortune K, Generelli P, Zolnoun D, tenHoopen C, deBlieck E
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 1999 December 181 (6):1506-11. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, de Blieck EA, ten Hoopen CB, Howard FM, Lanphear BP, Lawrence RA
Pediatrics.. 1999 November 104 (5 Pt 2):1204-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Operative laparoscopic treatment of ovarian retention syndrome
El-Minawi A; Howard FM.
J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1999; 3(6): 297-302.
The effects of early pacifier use on breastfeeding duration
Howard CR; Howard FM; Lanphear B; deBlieck EA; Eberly S; Lawrence RA.
Pediatrics. 1999; : e33.
Medical therapy for chronic pelvic pain
Howard FM.
Inf Reprod med Clin N A. 1999; : 743-63.
Dolan JG, Howard FM
Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.. 1999 19 (2):186-92. Epub 1900 01 01.
El-Minawi AM, Howard FM
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1998 May 91 (5 Pt 2):871. Epub 1900 01 01.
Management of tubal prolapse after hysterectomy
Hernandez C; Howard FM.
J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1998; 1(5): 59-62.
Neonatal circumcision and pain relief: current training practices
Howard CR; Howard FM; Garfunkel LC; de Blieck EA; Weitzman M.
Pediatrics. 1998; 3(101): 423-8.
Howard FM, Leppert PC
Journal of nurse-midwifery.. 1998 43 (1):38-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Direct laparoscopic cannula insertion at the left upper quadrant
Howard FM; el-Minawi AM. DeLoach VE.
J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1997; 5(4): 595-600.
Laparoscopic lateral ovarian transposition before radiation treatment of Hodgkin disease
Howard FM.
J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1997; 5(4): 601-604.
Residents and nonphysician health care providers
Leppert PC; Howard FM.
Academic Medicine. 1997; 3(72): 161-2.
Discharge packs: how much do they matter?
Howard CR; Howard FM.
Birth. 1997; 2(24): 98-101.
Howard FM
The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 1995 July 40 (7):495-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard FM, Vill M
The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists.. 1994 November 2 (1):91-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, Howard FM, Weitzman M, Lawrence R
Pediatrics.. 1994 July 94 (1):102-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard FM, Sweeney TR
The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 1994 May 39 (5):415-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, Howard FM, Weitzman ML
Pediatrics.. 1994 April 93 (4):641-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Howard CR, Howard FM, Weitzman ML
Birth.. 1994 March 21 (1):14-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Laparoscopic management of selected cystic adnexal masses in postmenopausal women: a multicentered study
Parker WH; Levine RL; Howard FM; Sansone B; Berek JS.
J Am Coll Surgeons. 1994; : 733-7.
Howard FM, Howard CR, Weitzman M
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1993 June 81 (6):1048-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
The role of laparoscopy in chronic pelvic pain: promise and pitfalls
Howard FM.
Obstet Gynecol Survey. 1993; : 357-87.
Howard FM, Sanchez R
Journal of gynecologic surgery.. 1993 9 (2):83-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Simsen DA, Shirts SR, Howard FM, Sims J, Hill JM
Gynecologic oncology.. 1981 February 11 (1):56-63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chronic Pelvic Pain (2011)
Chapter: The Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex 2011
Reconstructive and Reproductive Surgery in Gynecology (2010)
Chapter: Surgical options for pelvic pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Informa Healthcare, New York 2010
UpToDate (online) (2008)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: UpToDate, Waltham 2008
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management, 2nd Edition (2006)
Authors: Howard FM, Carter JE, Perry CP
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins 2006
TeLindes's Operative Gynecology (2006)
Chapter: Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2006
Protocols for High Risk Pregnancy (2006)
Chapter: Acute abdominal pain resulting from non-obstetric causes
Authors: Sukalich S, Howard FM
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing 2006
Clinical Gynecology (2006)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Elsevier Science, Philadelphia 2006
Textbook of laparoscopic Urology (2006)
Chapter: Laparoscopy for Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Marcel Dekker 2006
Encyclopedia of Pain (2006)
Chapter: Chronic pelvic pain, laparoscopic pain mapping
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2006
Encyclopedia of Pain (2006)
Chapter: Chronic pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: Spring-Verlag, Berlin 2006
Encyclopedia of Pain (2006)
Chapter: Chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2006
Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain (2006)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard, F.M.
Publisher: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, New York 2006
Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Pain (2006)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard, FM
Publisher: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, New York 2006
Up To Date (2005)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM, Barbieri, RB
Publisher: Uptodate 2005
Primary Care for Women (2004)
Chapter: Acute abdominal pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2004
Primary Care for Women (2004)
Chapter: Dysmenorrhea
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2004
Primary Care for Women (2004)
Chapter: Abortion and ectopic pregnancy
Authors: Howard FM, MacKay HT
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2004
Primary Care Women (2004)
Chapter: Abortion and ectopic pregnancy
Authors: Howard FM, MacKay, HT.
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2004
Primary Care in Women (2004)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and WIlkins, Philadelphia 2004
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (2003)
Chapter: Pain, Pelvic
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Academic Press: San Diego 2003
Gynecology and Obstetrics (2002)
Chapter: History-taking and interview techniques and the physician-patient relationship
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2002
Handbook of Pain Management (2001)
Chapter: Gynecologic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2001
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Authors: Howard FM, Carter JE, Perry CP, El-Minawi AM.
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Introduction
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Taking a history
Authors: Howard FM, El-Minawi AM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Physical Examination
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Mangement (2000)
Chapter: Laboratory and Imaging Evaluation
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadephia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnoisis and Managment (2000)
Chapter: Endoscopy
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Adhesions
Authors: Perry CP, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Dysmenorrhea
Authors: El-Minawi AM, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Dyspareunia
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadephia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Mangement (2000)
Chapter: Endometriosis and Endosalpingiosis
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lipppincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Ovarian retention syndrome
Authors: El-Minawi AM, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Ovarian remanant syndrome
Authors: El-Minawi AM, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Pelvic inflammatory disease
Authors: Carter JE, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Irritable bowel syndrome
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Peritoneal cysts
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Interstitial cystitis
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Chronic pain as a diagnosis
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Abuse and chronic pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadephia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Mononeuropathy and nerve entrapment
Authors: El-Minawi AM, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Chronic urethral syndrome
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadephia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Pelvic floor pain syndrome
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000
Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management (2000)
Chapter: Bipolar disorders
Authors: Doleys DM, Lowery DC, Howard FM
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadephia 2000
Pelvic Pain (1999)
Chapter: In: Fast Facts Gynaecological Highlights 1998-9: What's in and What's Out
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Health Press Limitied 1999
Primary Care for Women (1997)
Authors: Leppert PC, Howard FM.
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
Primary Care for Women (1997)
Chapter: Dysmenorrhea
Authors: Howard FM, Laroia RL
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelpia 1997
Primary Care for Women (1997)
Chapter: Interstitial cystitis
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
Primary Care of Women (1997)
Chapter: Pelvic inflammatory disease
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
Primary Care for Woment (1997)
Chapter: Chronic Pelvic Pain
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
Primary Care for Women (1997)
Chapter: Abortion and ectopic pregnancy
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
Primary Care for Women (1997)
Chapter: Acute and chronic urethral syndromes
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1997
The Management and Prevention of Laparoscopic Complications (1996)
Chapter: Laparoscopic Management of adnexal masses and myomas
Authors: Howard FM
Publisher: Igaku-Shoin, New York 1996