Betty Rabinowitz, M.D.
Betty Rabinowitz, M.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Clinical Professor (Voluntary) - Department of Medicine, Primary Care Physicians (V) (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Internal Medicine Residency
Soroka Medical Center
Beer-Sheva, Israel 1985 - 1989
MD | Israel-Ben Gurion U Med Sch. Medicine. 1983
The Frederick W. Anderson Teaching Award. 1997
Award of Excellence. 1995
Clinical Faculty Teaching Award. 1994
Journal Articles
Priel B, Heimer D, Rabinowitz B, Hendler N
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.. 1994 31 (6):479-84. Epub 1900 01 01.
Priel B, Gonik N, Rabinowitz B
Journal of personality.. 1993 September 61 (3):299-315. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rabinowitz B, Williams G, Quill TE
General hospital psychiatry.. 1993 July 15 (4):208-10. Epub 1900 01 01.