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Julie Fudge, M.D.

Julie Fudge, M.D.


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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Geriatric/Psychiatry (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
University of Rochester Medical Center,
Rochester, NY 1993 - 1996

Cornell University/The New York Hospital
(Payne Whitney Clinic) 1989 - 1993


MD | Einstein College Medicine. Medicine. 1989

BA | Colgate University. Philosophy. 1980


Member. 2010

M.L. Meyers Teaching Award. 2005

Fellow,. 2003

Associate Member. 2003 - 2010

Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare.. 2002 - 2006

'One of America's Top Psychiatrists'. 2002 - 2004

Young Faculty Development Program. 1999

Pepper Pilot Award. 1998 - 1999

The Leonard Salzman Award.. 1998 - 1999

Stanley Research Award: Funding award for research in neurobiology of the dopamine system.. 1996 - 1998

Oskar Diethelm Award for Clinical Excellence. 1993


The Fudge Lab studies the Anatomy and neurochemistry of brain regions associated with symptoms in major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. Studies include the role of the amygdala in aberrant emotional processing which plays a key role in symptoms such as psychosis, and ...
The Fudge Lab studies the Anatomy and neurochemistry of brain regions associated with symptoms in major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. Studies include the role of the amygdala in aberrant emotional processing which plays a key role in symptoms such as psychosis, and the severe mood and anxiety disorders. Areas of interest include the afferent influence of the amygdala and related limbic structures on the dopamine system, and defining new limbic regions of the striatum based on amygdaloid inputs. Ongoing studies also include identifying amygdaloid subregions whose molecular and connectional features place them in a vulnerable position for aberrant plastic changes after exposure to chronic stress.


Journal Articles

Microglia morphology in the developing primate amygdala and effects of early life stress.

King DP, Abdalaziz M, Majewska AK, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

eNeuro.. 2025 January 3 Epub 01/03/2025.

Translational Insights From Cell Type Variation Across Amygdala Subnuclei in Rhesus Monkeys and Humans.

Kamboj S, Carlson EL, Ander BP, Hanson KL, Murray KD, Fudge JL, Bauman MD, Schumann CM, Fox AS

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2024 October 30 :appiajp20230602. Epub 10/30/2024.

Microglia morphology in the developing primate amygdala and effects of early life stress.

King DP, Abdalaziz M, Majewska AK, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 August 15 Epub 08/15/2024.

Amygdalo-nigral inputs target dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons in the primate: a view from dendrites and soma.

Fudge JL, Kelly EA, Love TM

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 January 16 Epub 01/16/2024.

Corticotropin-releasing factor-dopamine interactions in male and female macaque: Beyond the classic VTA.

Kelly EA, Love TM, Fudge JL

Synapse.. 2024 January 78 (1):e22284. Epub 11/23/2023.

Immature neurons in the primate amygdala: Changes with early development and disrupted early environment.

McHale-Matthews AC, DeCampo DM, Love T, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

Developmental cognitive neuroscience.. 2023 June 61 :101248. Epub 04/25/2023.

Immature neurons in the primate amygdala: changes with early development and disrupted early environment.

McHale-Matthews AC, DeCampo DM, Love T, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2023 February 12 Epub 02/12/2023.

Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) Coexpression in GABAergic, Glutamatergic, and GABA/Glutamatergic Subpopulations in the Central Extended Amygdala and Ventral Pallidum of Young Male Primates.

Fudge JL, Kelly EA, Hackett TA

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2022 November 3042 (48):8997-9010. Epub 10/24/2022.

Unbiased Stereological Estimates of Dopaminergic and GABAergic Neurons in the A10, A9, and A8 Subregions in the Young Male Macaque.

Kelly EA, Contreras J, Duan A, Vassell R, Fudge JL

Neuroscience.. 2022 August 1496 :152-164. Epub 06/20/2022.

Cortical Granularity Shapes the Organization of Afferent Paths to the Amygdala and Its Striatal Targets in Nonhuman Primate.

McHale AC, Cho YT, Fudge JL

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2022 February 2342 (8):1436-1453. Epub 12/28/2021.

Perigenual and Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Afferents Converge on Common Pyramidal Cells in Amygdala Subregions of the Macaque.

Kelly EA, Thomas VK, Indraghanty A, Fudge JL

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2021 November 2441 (47):9742-9755. Epub 10/14/2021.

Transcriptional Profiling of Primate Central Nucleus of the Amygdala Neurons to Understand the Molecular Underpinnings of Early-Life Anxious Temperament.

Kovner R, Souaiaia T, Fox AS, French DA, Goss CE, Roseboom PH, Oler JA, Riedel MK, Fekete EM, Fudge JL, Knowles JA, Kalin NH

Biological psychiatry.. 2020 October 1588 (8):638-648. Epub 05/19/2020.

Neural Insensitivity to the Effects of Hunger in Women Remitted From Anorexia Nervosa.

Kaye WH, Wierenga CE, Bischoff-Grethe A, Berner LA, Ely AV, Bailer UF, Paulus MP, Fudge JL

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2020 July 1177 (7):601-610. Epub 03/12/2020.

Translating Fear Circuitry: Amygdala Projections to Subgenual and Perigenual Anterior Cingulate in the Macaque.

Sharma KK, Kelly EA, Pfeifer CW, Fudge JL

Cerebral cortex.. 2020 March 2130 (2):550-562. Epub 1900 01 01.

A tale of two pathways.

Oler JA, Fudge JL

eLife.. 2019 November 58 Epub 11/05/2019.

Somatostatin Gene and Protein Expression in the Non-human Primate Central Extended Amygdala.

Kovner R, Fox AS, French DA, Roseboom PH, Oler JA, Fudge JL, Kalin NH

Neuroscience.. 2019 February 21400 :157-168. Epub 01/02/2019.

The neuroanatomic complexity of the CRF and DA systems and their interface: What we still don't know.

Kelly EA, Fudge JL

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2018 July 90 :247-259. Epub 04/25/2018.

Beyond the Classic VTA: Extended Amygdala Projections to DA-Striatal Paths in the Primate.

Fudge JL, Kelly EA, Pal R, Bedont JL, Park L, Ho B

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.. 2017 July 42 (8):1563-1576. Epub 02/21/2017.

Response in taste circuitry is not modulated by hunger and satiety in women remitted from bulimia nervosa.

Ely AV, Wierenga CE, Bischoff-Grethe A, Bailer UF, Berner LA, Fudge JL, Paulus MP, Kaye WH

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2017 July 126 (5):519-530. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal deprivation alters expression of neural maturation gene tbr1 in the amygdala paralaminar nucleus in infant female macaques.

de Campo DM, Cameron JL, Miano JM, Lewis DA, Mirnics K, Fudge JL

Developmental psychobiology.. 2017 March 59 (2):235-249. Epub 12/04/2016.

Connectivity between the central nucleus of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the non-human primate: neuronal tract tracing and developmental neuroimaging studies.

Oler JA, Tromp DP, Fox AS, Kovner R, Davidson RJ, Alexander AL, McFarlin DR, Birn RM, E Berg B, deCampo DM, Kalin NH, Fudge JL

Brain structure & function.. 2017 January 222 (1):21-39. Epub 02/23/2016.

The Architecture of Cortex-in Illness and in Health.

Cho YT, Fudge JL, Ross DA

Biological psychiatry.. 2016 December 1580 (12):e95-e97. Epub 10/18/2016.

Overexpressing Corticotropin-Releasing Factor in the Primate Amygdala Increases Anxious Temperament and Alters Its Neural Circuit.

Kalin NH, Fox AS, Kovner R, Riedel MK, Fekete EM, Roseboom PH, Tromp DP, Grabow BP, Olsen ME, Brodsky EK, McFarlin DR, Alexander AL, Emborg ME, Block WF, Fudge JL, Oler JA

Biological psychiatry.. 2016 September 180 (5):345-55. Epub 01/30/2016.

Altered sensitization patterns to sweet food stimuli in patients recovered from anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

Wagner A, Simmons AN, Oberndorfer TA, Frank GK, McCurdy-McKinnon D, Fudge JL, Yang TT, Paulus MP, Kaye WH

Psychiatry research.. 2015 December 30234 (3):305-13. Epub 11/10/2015.

Proliferating cells in the adolescent rat amygdala: Characterization and response to stress.

Saul ML, Helmreich DL, Rehman S, Fudge JL

Neuroscience.. 2015 December 17311 :105-17. Epub 10/19/2015.

Letter to the Editor.

Helmreich DL, Fudge JL

Psychoneuroendocrinology.. 2015 October 60 :57. Epub 06/12/2015.

Resting state connectivity of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis at ultra-high field.

Torrisi S, O'Connell K, Davis A, Reynolds R, Balderston N, Fudge JL, Grillon C, Ernst M

Human brain mapping.. 2015 October 36 (10):4076-88. Epub 07/14/2015.

Extending the amygdala in theories of threat processing.

Fox AS, Oler JA, Tromp DP, Fudge JL, Kalin NH

Trends in neurosciences.. 2015 May 38 (5):319-29. Epub 04/04/2015.

Hunger does not motivate reward in women remitted from anorexia nervosa.

Wierenga CE, Bischoff-Grethe A, Melrose AJ, Irvine Z, Torres L, Bailer UF, Simmons A, Fudge JL, McClure SM, Ely A, Kaye WH

Biological psychiatry.. 2015 April 177 (7):642-52. Epub 10/22/2014.

Differences in amygdala cell proliferation between adolescent and young adult rats.

Saul ML, Helmreich DL, Callahan LM, Fudge JL

Developmental psychobiology.. 2014 April 56 (3):517-28. Epub 06/15/2013.

Intrinsic connection of the central extended amygdala in primate: implications for translational studies.

Fudge, JL; deCampo, DM; Berg, B.

Neuroimage. 2014; .

Altered brain response to reward and punishment in adolescents with Anorexia nervosa.

Bischoff-Grethe A, McCurdy D, Grenesko-Stevens E, Zoe Irvine LE, Wagner A, Wendy Yau WY, Fennema-Notestine C, Wierenga CE, Fudge JL, Delgado MR, Kaye WH

Psychiatry research.. 2013 December 30214 (3):331-40. Epub 10/19/2013.

Amygdala projections to the lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the macaque: comparison with ventral striatal afferents.

Decampo DM, Fudge JL

The Journal of comparative neurology.. 2013 October 1521 (14):3191-216. Epub 1900 01 01.

Altered insula response to sweet taste processing after recovery from anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

Oberndorfer TA, Frank GK, Simmons AN, Wagner A, McCurdy D, Fudge JL, Yang TT, Paulus MP, Kaye WH

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2013 October 170 (10):1143-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cortico-amygdala-striatal circuits are organized as hierarchical subsystems through the primate amygdala.

Cho YT, Ernst M, Fudge JL

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2013 August 2833 (35):14017-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intrinsic functional connectivity of amygdala-based networks in adolescent generalized anxiety disorder.

Roy AK, Fudge JL, Kelly C, Perry JS, Daniele T, Carlisi C, Benson B, Xavier Castellanos F, Milham MP, Pine DS, Ernst M

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2013 March 52 (3):290-299.e2. Epub 02/07/2013.

Nucleus accumbens, thalamus and insula connectivity during incentive anticipation in typical adults and adolescents.

Cho YT, Fromm S, Guyer AE, Detloff A, Pine DS, Fudge JL, Ernst M

NeuroImage.. 2013 February 166 :508-21. Epub 10/13/2012.

Resting state functional connectivity of amygdala-based networks in adolescent generalized anxiety disorder.

Roy, AK, Fudge, JL, Kelly, C, Perry, JSA, Daniele, T, Carlisi, C, Benson, B, Castellanos, FX, Milham, MP, Pine, DS, Ernst, M.

J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013; 52: 290-9.

Differences in amygdala cell proliferation between adolescent and young adult rats,

Saul, ML, Helmreich, DL, Callahan, L, Fudge JL.

Developmental Psychobiology. 2013; .

Revisiting the hippocampal-amygdala pathway in primates: association with immature-appearing neurons.

Fudge JL, Decampo DM, Becoats KT

Neuroscience.. 2012 June 14212 :104-19. Epub 04/19/2012.

Long-term behavioral consequences of stress exposure in adolescent versus young adult rats.

Saul ML, Tylee D, Becoats KT, Guerrero BG, Sweeney P, Helmreich DL, Fudge JL

Behavioural brain research.. 2012 April 1229 (1):226-34. Epub 01/20/2012.

Where and what is the paralaminar nucleus? A review on a unique and frequently overlooked area of the primate amygdala.

Decampo DM, Fudge JL

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2012 January 36 (1):520-35. Epub 09/01/2011.

Neurocircuity of eating disorders.

Kaye WH, Wagner A, Fudge JL, Paulus M

Current topics in behavioral neurosciences.. 2011 6 :37-57. Epub 1900 01 01.

Heterogeneous dopamine populations project to specific subregions of the primate amygdala.

Cho YT, Fudge JL

Neuroscience.. 2010 February 17165 (4):1501-18. Epub 11/13/2009.

New insights into symptoms and neurocircuit function of anorexia nervosa.

Kaye WH, Fudge JL, Paulus M

Nature reviews. Neuroscience.. 2009 August 10 (8):573-84. Epub 07/15/2009.

Amygdala projections to central amygdaloid nucleus subdivisions and transition zones in the primate.

Fudge JL, Tucker T

Neuroscience.. 2009 March 17159 (2):819-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

A developmental neurobiological model of motivated behavior: anatomy, connectivity and ontogeny of the triadic nodes.

Ernst M, Fudge JL

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2009 March 33 (3):367-82. Epub 11/06/2008.

Sucrose activates human taste pathways differently from artificial sweetener.

Frank GK, Oberndorfer TA, Simmons AN, Paulus MP, Fudge JL, Yang TT, Kaye WH

NeuroImage.. 2008 February 1539 (4):1559-69. Epub 11/19/2007.

Altered insula response to taste stimuli in individuals recovered from restricting-type anorexia nervosa.

Wagner, A, Aizenstein, H, Mazurkewicz, L, Fudge, JL, Frank, GK, Putnam, K, Bailer, UF, Fischer, L, Kaye, W.

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008; 33(3): 513-23.

The interface of oxytocin-labeled cells and serotonin transporter-containing fibers in the primate hypothalamus: a substrate for SSRIs therapeutic effects?

Emiliano AB, Cruz T, Pannoni V, Fudge JL

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.. 2007 May 32 (5):977-88. Epub 10/11/2006.

Altered reward processing in women recovered from anorexia nervosa.

Wagner, A, Aizenstein, H., Venkatraman, VK, Fudge, JL, May, C, Mazurkewicz, L, Frank, G, Bailer, UF, Fischer, L., Nguyen, V, Carter, C, Putman, K, Kaye, WH.

Am J Psychiatry. 2007; 164(12): 1842-9.

Distribution of serotonin transporter labeled fibers in amygdaloid subregions: implications for mood disorders.

O'Rourke H, Fudge JL

Biological psychiatry.. 2006 September 160 (5):479-90. Epub 01/18/2006.

Insular and gustatory inputs to the caudal ventral striatum in primates.

Fudge JL, Breitbart MA, Danish M, Pannoni V

The Journal of comparative neurology.. 2005 September 19490 (2):101-18. Epub 1900 01 01.

Amygdaloid inputs define a caudal component of the ventral striatum in primates.

Fudge JL, Breitbart MA, McClain C

The Journal of comparative neurology.. 2004 August 30476 (4):330-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

From galactorrhea to osteopenia: rethinking serotonin-prolactin interactions.

Emiliano AB, Fudge JL

Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.. 2004 May 29 (5):833-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

The extended amygdala and the dopamine system: another piece of the dopamine puzzle.

Fudge JL, Emiliano AB

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 2003 15 (3):306-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

Defining the caudal ventral striatum in primates: cellular and histochemical features.

Fudge JL, Haber SN

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2002 December 122 (23):10078-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Amygdaloid projections to ventromedial striatal subterritories in the primate.

Fudge JL, Kunishio K, Walsh P, Richard C, Haber SN

Neuroscience.. 2002 110 (2):257-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and extended amygdala inputs to dopamine subpopulations in primates.

Fudge JL, Haber SN

Neuroscience.. 2001 104 (3):807-27. Epub 1900 01 01.

Striatonigrostriatal pathways in primates form an ascending spiral from the shell to the dorsolateral striatum.

Haber SN, Fudge JL, McFarland NR

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2000 March 1520 (6):2369-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

The central nucleus of the amygdala projection to dopamine subpopulations in primates.

Fudge JL, Haber SN

Neuroscience.. 2000 97 (3):479-94. Epub 1900 01 01.

Considering the role of the amygdala in psychotic illness: a clinicopathological correlation.

Fudge JL, Powers JM, Haber SN, Caine ED

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.. 1998 10 (4):383-94. Epub 1900 01 01.

The interface between dopamine neurons and the amygdala: implications for schizophrenia.

Haber SN, Fudge JL

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 1997 23 (3):471-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

The primate substantia nigra and VTA: integrative circuitry and function.

Haber SN, Fudge JL

Critical reviews in neurobiology. 1997 11 (4):323-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Akathisia in Parkinson's disease: A preliminary Study.

Fudge JL, Wilner PJ, Leon AC, Eidelberg D.

Neuropsych Neuropsychol and Behav Neurol. 1996; 9(4): 248-253.


Young Adult Mental Health (2009)

Chapter: Converging neural roads to adolescence.