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Ann M. Dozier, Ph.D.

Ann M. Dozier, Ph.D.


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)

Chair - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)

Albert David Kaiser Chair of Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)

Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention - Joint



PhD | University of Rochester. Nursing. 1996

MS | University of Rochester. Nursing - Other. 1980

BS | University of Rochester. Nursing. 1977


3rd Annual Dr David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award. 2012

Antarctic Service Medal of the USA. 2006

Excellence Award; Best research paper. 2006

Sigma Theta Tau-Nursing Honor Society. 1979


Research: Maternal Child Health; Perinatal outcomes; Breastfeeding Program Evaluation; Survey design and development; Global Health; Clinical Research Recruitment; Community Based Participatory Research Twitter:

Follow on Twitter @anndphd

Dr. Dozier's current research and fieldwork fo...
Research: Maternal Child Health; Perinatal outcomes; Breastfeeding Program Evaluation; Survey design and development; Global Health; Clinical Research Recruitment; Community Based Participatory Research Twitter:

Follow on Twitter @anndphd

Dr. Dozier's current research and fieldwork focus is program evaluation methods including integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods and on maternal child health (MCH) outcomes. The latter includes data analysis, evaluation and data driven program planning through work with a federally funded Healthy Start Project (reducing disparities in infant mortality/perinatal outcomes) and leading several federally funded breastfeeding program evaluations based in Monroe County. Since 2007 Dr. Dozier has been continuously funded through NIH NICHD (R01) to promote breastfeeding among low income and minority women (Community Partnership for Breastfeeding Promotion and Support: Creating System Change). Her other MCH related work includes: faculty advisor to two distance learning programs to promote MCH data analytic capacity building among community based organizations and state health departments; oversight of the upstate New York Finger Lakes Region Perinatal Database containing extensive records on all births from 1998 to present from this nine county region; and a maternal micronutrient project in Tibet. In 2015 she received NYS Department of Health funding to establish a Maternal Infant Health Center of Excellence to serve over 40 programs across NYS that provide services to at risk women of childbearing age.

Dr. Dozier's interest in program evaluation extends to assessing system level change. She served as the first evaluator for the National Center for Deaf Health Research (a CDC funded Prevention Research Center) and current serves in a similar capacity for the URMC's Clinical Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and Center for AIDS Research.

Through the CTSI's Community Engagement (now Population Health) core Dr. Dozier spearheads the initiative to improve recruitment and retention into clinical research focusing both on improving attitudes in the community about research participation and on improving recruitment and retention methods used by investigators.

Dr. Dozier's community participatory work extends to international venues. She led or participated in Rapid Assessment Procedures used to assess community perceptions, opinions and practices in Costa Rica and India (technology and health); the Dominican Republic (formative evaluation pre/post intervention of smoking cessation intervention in disenfranchised communities) and Grenada (community based cardiovascular health initiative). Her other international work was serving as faculty on an ethnography conducted in McMurdo, Antarctica studying the intersection of culture and health in a remote environment.

Dr. Dozier has served in a variety of leadership capacities in the Maternal Child Health Section of the American Public Health Association including Program Planner, Section Councilor and Chair. She is the APHA delegate to the US Breastfeeding Committee and is a Standing Member of the Nursing and Clinical Related Sciences study section for NIH.


Journal Articles

Standards and infrastructure for multisite deployment of the research participant perception survey.

Cheng AC, Bascompte Moragas E, Thomas E, O'Neal L, Harris PA, Chatterjee R, Goodrich J, Roberts J, Cheema S, Lindo S, Ford DE, Martinez L, Carey S, Dozier A, Dykes C, Panjala P, Wagenknecht L, Andrews JE, Shuping J, Burgin D, Green NS, Mohammed S, Khoury-Shakour S, Connally L, Coffran C, Qureshi A, Schlesinger N, Kost RG

JAMIA open.. 2025 April 8 (2):ooaf017. Epub 03/12/2025.

Learning health system benefits: Development and initial validation of a framework.

Welch LC, Brewer SK, Schleyer T, Daudelin D, Paranal R, Hunt JD, Dozier AM, Perry A, Cabrera AB, Gatto CL

Learning health systems.. 2024 January 8 (1):e10380. Epub 07/11/2023.

Empowering the Participant Voice (EPV): Design and implementation of collaborative infrastructure to collect research participant experience feedback at scale.

Kost RG, Cheng A, Andrews J, Chatterjee R, Dozier A, Ford D, Schlesinger N, Dykes C, Kelly-Pumarol I, Kennedy N, Lewis-Land C, Lindo S, Martinez L, Musty M, Roberts J, Vaughan R, Wagenknecht L, Carey S, Coffran C, Goodrich J, Panjala P, Cheema S, Qureshi A, Thomas E, O'Neill L, Bascompte-Moragas E, Harris P

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e40. Epub 02/06/2024.

Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

PloS one.. 2024 19 (4):e0291840. Epub 04/03/2024.

Misperception of maternal COVID-19 test status as a barrier to recruitment for an observational cohort study of mother-preterm infant dyads.

Smazal AL, Almgren-Bell AE, Silverglade JM, Bonner LB, Dozier A, Van Horn L, Josefson J, Robinson DT

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e144. Epub 10/08/2024.

Implementation of at an academic medical center.

Dykes C, Gardner C, Chang J, Pinto D, Wilson K, Zand MS, Dozier A

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e160. Epub 10/14/2024.

Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2023 September 20 Epub 09/20/2023.

Assessment of a Brief Standardized Obstetric Ultrasound Training Program for Individuals Without Prior Ultrasound Experience.

Erlick M, Marini T, Drennan K, Dozier A, Castaneda B, Baran T, Toscano M

Ultrasound quarterly.. 2023 September 139 (3):124-128. Epub 09/01/2023.

Reflections From School Communities in Underserved Populations on Childhood COVID-19 Vaccination.

Pulgaron ER, D'Agostino EM, Johnson SB, Ko LK, Drain PK, Duran MC, Keener Mast D, Kay S, Layer MA, Kenworthy T, Dozier A

Pediatrics.. 2023 July 1152 (Suppl 1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Common Data Element Collection in Underserved School Communities: Challenges and Recommendations.

Uthappa DM, Mann TK, Goldman JL, Schuster JE, Newland JG, Anderson WB, Dozier A, Inkelas M, Foxe JJ, Gwynn L, Gurnett CA, McDaniels-Davidson C, Walsh T, Watterson T, Holden-Wiltse J, Potts JM, D'Agostino EM, Zandi K, Corbett A, Spallina S, DeMuri GP, Wu YP, Pulgaron ER, Kiene SM, Oren E, Allison-Burbank JD, Okihiro M, Lee RE, Johnson SB, Stump TK, Coller RJ, Mast DK, Haroz EE, Kemp S, Benjamin DK, Zimmerman KO

Pediatrics.. 2023 July 1152 (Suppl 1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Diagnosis of Pregnancy Complications Using Blind Ultrasound Sweeps Performed by Individuals Without Prior Formal Ultrasound Training.

Toscano M, Marini T, Lennon C, Erlick M, Silva H, Crofton K, Serratelli W, Rana N, Dozier AM, Castaneda B, Baran TM, Drennan K

Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2023 May 1141 (5):937-948. Epub 04/05/2023.

Breast Ultrasound Volume Sweep Imaging: A New Horizon in Expanding Imaging Access for Breast Cancer Detection.

Marini TJ, Castaneda B, Iyer R, Baran TM, Nemer O, Dozier AM, Parker KJ, Zhao Y, Serratelli W, Matos G, Ali S, Ghobryal B, Visca A, O'Connell A

Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.. 2023 April 42 (4):817-832. Epub 07/08/2022.

Sustainable volume sweep imaging lung teleultrasound in Peru: Public health perspectives from a new frontier in expanding access to imaging.

Marini TJ, Castaneda B, Satheesh M, Zhao YT, Reátegui-Rivera CM, Sifuentes W, Baran TM, Kaproth-Joslin KA, Ambrosini R, Rios-Mayhua G, Dozier AM

Frontiers in health services.. 2023 3 :1002208. Epub 04/03/2023.

Trends and Non-Clinical Predictors of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Influenza Diagnosis in an Urban Pediatric Population.

Feiler MO, Yucel R, Liu Z, Caserta M, Lawrence BP, Pason CH, Hardy DJ, Thevenet-Morrison K, Dozier A, Jusko TA

International journal of pediatric research.. 2023 9 (1)Epub 03/06/2023.

No sonographer, no radiologist: Assessing accuracy of artificial intelligence on breast ultrasound volume sweep imaging scans.

Marini TJ, Castaneda B, Parker K, Baran TM, Romero S, Iyer R, Zhao YT, Hah Z, Park MH, Brennan G, Kan J, Meng S, Dozier A, O'Connell A

PLOS digital health.. 2022 November 1 (11):e0000148. Epub 11/23/2022.

Volume sweep imaging lung teleultrasound for detection of COVID-19 in Peru: a multicentre pilot study.

Marini TJ, Kaproth-Joslin K, Ambrosini R, Baran TM, Dozier AM, Zhao YT, Satheesh M, Mahony Reátegui-Rivera C, Sifuentes W, Rios-Mayhua G, Castaneda B

BMJ open.. 2022 October 312 (10):e061332. Epub 10/03/2022.

How to overcome hesitancy for COVID-19 and other vaccines.

Mayo NL, Cullen JP, Dozier AM, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Russell HA

The Journal of family practice.. 2022 July 71 (6):239-244. Epub 1900 01 01.

Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes: evaluating latency and neonatal morbidity for pregnancies with expectant management ?34 weeks.

Lynch TA, Malshe A, Dozier A, Seplaki CL

The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.. 2022 June 35 (11):2135-2148. Epub 06/29/2020.

Breastfeeding Motivation Predicts Infant Feeding Intention and Outcomes: Evaluation of a Novel Adaptation of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire.

Martin H, van Wijngaarden E, Seplaki CL, Stringer J, Williams GC, Dozier AM

Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association.. 2022 May 38 (2):236-247. Epub 07/26/2021.

A Community Collaborative for the Exploration of Local Factors Affecting Black Mothers' Experiences with Perinatal Care.

Alio AP, Dillion T, Hartman S, Johnson T, Turner S, Bullock S, Dozier A

Maternal and child health journal.. 2022 April 26 (4):751-760. Epub 03/22/2022.

Implementation of Teleophthalmology to Improve Diabetic Retinopathy Surveillance: Qualitative Interview Study of Clinical Staff Informed by Implementation Science Frameworks.

Ramchandran RS, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Dadgostar P, Yilmaz S, Basant J, Dozier AM

JMIR diabetes.. 2022 March 307 (1):e32162. Epub 03/30/2022.

Prenatal Provider Breastfeeding Toolkit: Results of a Pilot to Increase Women's Prenatal Breastfeeding Support, Intentions, and Outcomes.

Rosen-Carole C, Halterman J, Baldwin CD, Martin H, Goldstein NPN, Allen K, Fagnano M, Widanka H, Dozier A

Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association.. 2022 February 38 (1):64-74. Epub 04/06/2021.

No sonographer, no radiologist: New system for automatic prenatal detection of fetal biometry, fetal presentation, and placental location.

Arroyo J, Marini TJ, Saavedra AC, Toscano M, Baran TM, Drennan K, Dozier A, Zhao YT, Egoavil M, Tamayo L, Ramos B, Castaneda B

PloS one.. 2022 17 (2):e0262107. Epub 02/09/2022.

Moving beyond annual data reports: A blueprint for communicating and disseminating actionable intelligence.

Ruiz R, Schwartz A, Orlando E, Ossip D, Zand MS, Dozier A

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2022 6 (1):e70. Epub 05/10/2022.

From insights to action: Enriching the clinical and translational research workforce by developing diverse and inclusive career programs.

Ruiz R, Vitale A, Schwartz A, Ossip D, Zand MS, Dozier A, Egede LE

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2022 6 (1):e104. Epub 08/01/2022.

Testing telediagnostic thyroid ultrasound in Peru: a new horizon in expanding access to imaging in rural and underserved areas.

Marini TJ, Weiss SL, Gupta A, Zhao YT, Baran TM, Garra B, Shafiq I, Oppenheimer DC, Egoavil MS, Ortega RL, Quinn RA, Kan J, Dozier AM, Tamayo L, Carlotto C, Castaneda B

Journal of endocrinological investigation.. 2021 December 44 (12):2699-2708. Epub 05/10/2021.

Lung ultrasound volume sweep imaging for respiratory illness: a new horizon in expanding imaging access.

Marini TJ, Weis JM, Baran TM, Kan J, Meng S, Yeo A, Zhao YT, Ambrosini R, Cleary S, Rubens D, Chess M, Castaneda B, Dozier A, O'Connor T, Garra B, Kaproth-Joslin K

BMJ open respiratory research.. 2021 November 8 (1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Participation in genetic research among Latinx populations by Latin America birth-residency concordance: a global study.

De Ver Dye T, Tavarez ZQ, Pérez Ramos JG, Fernandez ID, Vega CV, Vega Ocasio DM, Avendaño E, Cardona Cordero NR, Hering CD, Dozier AM, Groth SW

Journal of community genetics.. 2021 October 12 (4):603-615. Epub 08/10/2021.

Testing telediagnostic obstetric ultrasound in Peru: a new horizon in expanding access to prenatal ultrasound.

Toscano M, Marini TJ, Drennan K, Baran TM, Kan J, Garra B, Dozier AM, Ortega RL, Quinn RA, Zhao YT, Egoavil MS, Tamayo L, Carlotto C, Castaneda B

BMC pregnancy and childbirth.. 2021 April 2621 (1):328. Epub 04/26/2021.

Testing telediagnostic right upper quadrant abdominal ultrasound in Peru: A new horizon in expanding access to imaging in rural and underserved areas.

Marini TJ, Oppenheimer DC, Baran TM, Rubens DJ, Dozier A, Garra B, Egoavil MS, Quinn RA, Kan J, Ortega RL, Zhao YT, Tamayo L, Carlotto C, Castaneda B

PloS one.. 2021 16 (8):e0255919. Epub 08/11/2021.

Environmental Lead Exposure and Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Diagnoses in Young Children: A Test-Negative Case-Control Study.

Feiler MO, Caserta MT, van Wijngaarden E, Thevenet-Morrison K, Hardy DJ, Zhang YV, Dozier AM, Lawrence BP, Jusko TA

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2020 October 1917 (20)Epub 10/19/2020.

Correction to: Term birth weight and ambient air pollutant concentrations during pregnancy, among women living in Monroe County, New York.

Li R, Hopke PK, Dozier A, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Croft D, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2020 September 30 (5):899. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain and breastfeeding outcomes: a cross-sectional analysis.

Martin H, Thevenet-Morrison K, Dozier A

BMC pregnancy and childbirth.. 2020 August 1720 (1):471. Epub 08/17/2020.

Perinatal Health Outcomes Following a Community Health Worker-Supported Home-Visiting Program in Rochester, New York, 2015-2018.

Pan Z, Veazie P, Sandler M, Dozier A, Molongo M, Pulcino T, Parisi W, Eisenberg KW

American journal of public health.. 2020 July 110 (7):1031-1033. Epub 05/21/2020.

Charting the life course: Emerging opportunities to advance scientific approaches using life course research.

Hanson HA, Leiser CL, Bandoli G, Pollock BH, Karagas MR, Armstrong D, Dozier A, Weiskopf NG, Monaghan M, Davis AM, Eckstrom E, Weng C, Tobin JN, Kaskel F, Schleiss MR, Szilagyi P, Dykes C, Cooper D, Barkin SL

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2020 June 155 (1):e9. Epub 06/15/2020.

Effectiveness and Cost of Recruiting Participants to a Research Registry Using an Emergency Department Research Associate Program.

Dykes C, Glick J, Abar B, Dozier A

Clinical and translational science.. 2020 January 13 (1):53-56. Epub 10/23/2019.

Patient perceived value of teleophthalmology in an urban, low income US population with diabetes.

Ramchandran RS, Yilmaz S, Greaux E, Dozier A

PloS one.. 2020 15 (1):e0225300. Epub 01/09/2020.

High-Intensity Telemedicine Reduces Emergency Department Use by Older Adults With Dementia in Senior Living Communities.

Shah MN, McConnochie KM, Nelson D, Dozier A, Wang H, Wood NE, Wasserman EB, Gillespie SM

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2019 August 20 (8):942-946. Epub 07/15/2019.

Term birth weight and ambient air pollutant concentrations during pregnancy, among women living in Monroe County, New York.

Li R, Hopke PK, Dozier A, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Croft D, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2019 June 29 (4):500-509. Epub 04/02/2019.

Effectiveness of Peer Counselor Support on Breastfeeding Outcomes in WIC-Enrolled Women.

Assibey-Mensah V, Suter B, Thevenet-Morrison K, Widanka H, Edmunds L, Sekhobo J, Dozier A

Journal of nutrition education and behavior.. 2019 June 51 (6):650-657. Epub 04/11/2019.

Understanding stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A focus on under-represented families.

Iadarola S, Pérez-Ramos J, Smith T, Dozier A

International journal of developmental disabilities.. 2019 65 (1):20-30. Epub 07/09/2017.

Predicting Maintenance of Any Breastfeeding from Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration: A Replication Study.

Dozier AM, Brownell EA, Thevenet-Morrison K, Martin H, Hagadorn JI, Howard C

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2018 December 203 :197-203.e2. Epub 10/05/2018.

Opportunities for life course research through the integration of data across Clinical and Translational Research Institutes.

Hanson HA, Hay WW, Tobin JN, Barkin SL, Atkins M, Karagas MR, Dozier AM, Wetmore C, Konstan MW, Heubi JE

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2018 June 2 (3):156-162. Epub 1900 01 01.

Visit Attendance Patterns in Nurse-Family Partnership Community Sites.

Holland ML, Olds DL, Dozier AM, Kitzman HJ

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2018 May 19 (4):516-527. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mothers' Concerns for Personal Safety and Privacy While Breastfeeding: An Unexplored Phenomenon.

Rosen-Carole C, Allen K, Fagnano M, Dozier A, Halterman J

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2018 April 13 (3):181-188. Epub 02/28/2018.

Breastfeeding and Exposure to Past, Current, and Neighborhood Violence.

Holland ML, Thevenent-Morrison K, Mittal M, Nelson A, Dozier AM

Maternal and child health journal.. 2018 January 22 (1):82-91. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk of Coronary Events 55 Years after Thymic Irradiation in the Hempelmann Cohort.

Adams MJ, Fisher SG, Lipshultz SE, Shore RE, Constine LS, Stovall M, Dozier A, Thevenet-Morrison K, Block R, Schwartz RG, Pearson TA

Cardio-oncology.. 2018 4 Epub 02/17/2018.

A qualitative study of tobacco use in eight economically disadvantaged Dominican Republic communities.

Chin N, Dozier A, Quinones Z, Diaz S, Weber E, Almonte H, Bautista A, Raman K, McIntosh S, Ossip D

Global health promotion.. 2017 December 24 (4):23-32. Epub 06/28/2016.

Patient Perspectives on Transitions of Surgical Care: Examining the Complexities and Interdependencies of Care.

González MG, Kelly KN, Dozier AM, Fleming F, Monson JRT, Becerra AZ, Aquina CT, Probst CP, Hensley BJ, Sevdalis N, Noyes K

Qualitative health research.. 2017 October 27 (12):1856-1869. Epub 05/10/2017.

Quality-of-Life (QOL) during Screening for Phase 1 Trial Studies in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors and Its Impact on Risk for Serious Adverse Events.

Anwar S, Tan W, Hong CC, Admane S, Dozier A, Siedlecki F, Whitworth A, DiRaddo AM, DePaolo D, Jacob SM, Ma WW, Miller A, Adjei AA, Dy GK

Cancers.. 2017 June 269 (7)Epub 06/26/2017.

Nausea and disturbed sleep as predictors of cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients: a multicenter NCORP study.

Peoples AR, Roscoe JA, Block RC, Heckler CE, Ryan JL, Mustian KM, Janelsins MC, Peppone LJ, Moore DF, Coles C, Hoelzer KL, Morrow GR, Dozier AM

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2017 April 25 (4):1271-1278. Epub 12/20/2016.

Quality Improvement in Cystectomy Care with Enhanced Recovery (QUICCER) study.

Baack Kukreja JE, Kiernan M, Schempp B, Siebert A, Hontar A, Dolan J, Noyes K, Dozier A, Ghazi A, Rashid HH, Wu G, Messing EM

BJU international.. 2017 January 119 (1):38-49. Epub 06/03/2016.

From Dose to Response: In Vivo Nanoparticle Processing and Potential Toxicity.

Graham UM, Jacobs G, Yokel RA, Davis BH, Dozier AK, Birch ME, Tseng MT, Oberdörster G, Elder A, DeLouise L

Advances in experimental medicine and biology.. 2017 947 :71-100. Epub 1900 01 01.

Does a Primary Health Clinic for Formerly Incarcerated Women Increase Linkage to Care?

Morse DS, Wilson JL, McMahon JM, Dozier AM, Quiroz A, Cerulli C

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health.. 2017 27 (4):499-508. Epub 03/13/2017.

Tobacco Cessation in Economically Disadvantaged Dominican Republic Communities: Who are the Ex-Users?

Ossip DJ, Quiñones Z, Diaz S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Fisher S, Holderness H, Cai X, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Sanchez JJ, Bautista A, Héctor A

Journal of smoking cessation.. 2016 December 11 (4):239-249. Epub 02/20/2015.

Feasibility of Early Palliative Care Consultation for Children With High-Risk Malignancies.

Mahmood LA, Casey D, Dolan JG, Dozier AM, Korones DN

Pediatric blood & cancer.. 2016 August 63 (8):1419-22. Epub 05/03/2016.

Demographic, Reproductive, and Dietary Determinants of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Concentrations in Human Colostrum.

Jusko T, Oktapodas M, Palkovi?ová Murinová ?, Babinska K, Babjakova J, Verner MA, DeWitt J, Thevenet-Morrison K, Conka K, Drobná B, Chovancova J, Thurston S, Lawrence BP, Dozier A, Jarvinen K, Patayova H, Trnovec T, Legler J, Hertz-Picciotto I, Lamoree MH

Environmental science & technology.. 2016 July 550 (13):7152-62. Epub 06/14/2016.

Sociocultural variation in attitudes toward use of genetic information and participation in genetic research by race in the United States: implications for precision medicine.

Dye T, Li D, Demment M, Groth S, Fernandez D, Dozier A, Chang J

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA.. 2016 July 23 (4):782-6. Epub 03/16/2016.

Patient perspective on care transitions after colorectal surgery.

Kelly KN, Noyes K, Dolan J, Fleming F, Monson JR, Gonzalez M, Sevdalis N, Dozier A

The Journal of surgical research.. 2016 June 1203 (1):103-12. Epub 02/18/2016.

Reducing Emergency Department Utilization Through Engagement in Telemedicine by Senior Living Communities.

Gillespie SM, Shah MN, Wasserman EB, Wood NE, Wang H, Noyes K, Nelson D, Dozier A, McConnochie KM

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2016 June 22 (6):489-96. Epub 01/07/2016.

Lessons Learned from Twelve Years of Partnered Tobacco Cessation Research in the Dominican Republic.

Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Holderness H, Torres E, Bautista A, Sanchez JJ, Avendaño E, De Ver Dye T, McDonald P, Bianco E

Journal of smoking cessation.. 2016 June 11 (2):99-107. Epub 05/10/2016.

High-Intensity Telemedicine Decreases Emergency Department Use by Senior Living Community Residents.

Shah MN, Wasserman EB, Wang H, Gillespie SM, Noyes K, Wood NE, Nelson D, Dozier A, McConnochie KM

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2016 March 22 (3):251-8. Epub 08/07/2015.

Prehospital Trauma Triage Decision-making: A Model of What Happens between the 9-1-1 Call and the Hospital.

Jones CM, Cushman JT, Lerner EB, Fisher SG, Seplaki CL, Veazie PJ, Wasserman EB, Dozier A, Shah MN

Prehospital emergency care.. 2016 20 (1):6-14. Epub 05/27/2015.

Participation in Genetic Research: Amazon's Mechanical Turk Workforce in the United States and India.

Groth SW, Dozier A, Demment M, Li D, Fernandez ID, Chang J, Dye T

Public health genomics.. 2016 19 (6):325-335. Epub 11/04/2016.

High-Intensity Telemedicine Decreases Emergency Department Use for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions by Older Adult Senior Living Community Residents.

Shah MN, Wasserman EB, Gillespie SM, Wood NE, Wang H, Noyes K, Nelson D, Dozier A, McConnochie KM

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2015 December 16 (12):1077-81. Epub 08/17/2015.

Disparities in psychological distress impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender cancer survivors.

Kamen C, Mustian KM, Dozier A, Bowen DJ, Li Y

Psycho-oncology.. 2015 November 24 (11):1384-91. Epub 01/28/2015.

Images of a Healthy Worksite: A Group-Randomized Trial for Worksite Weight Gain Prevention With Employee Participation in Intervention Design.

Fernandez ID, Chin NP, Devine CM, Dozier AM, Martina CA, McIntosh S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Yang H

American journal of public health.. 2015 October 105 (10):2167-74. Epub 03/19/2015.

Developing Common Metrics for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs): Lessons Learned.

Rubio DM, Blank AE, Dozier A, Hites L, Gilliam VA, Hunt J, Rainwater J, Trochim WM

Clinical and translational science.. 2015 October 8 (5):451-9. Epub 06/15/2015.

Effectiveness and safety of extended-duration prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in major urologic oncology surgery.

Kukreja JE, Levey HR, Scosyrev E, Kiernan M, Berrondo C, McNamee C, Wu G, Joseph JV, Ghazi A, Rashid H, Dozier A, Messing EM

Urologic oncology.. 2015 September 33 (9):387.e7-16. Epub 01/29/2015.

Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding at 4 months postpartum in a sample of urban Hispanic mothers in Kentucky.

Linares AM, Rayens MK, Dozier A, Wiggins A, Dignan MB

Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association.. 2015 May 31 (2):307-14. Epub 01/16/2015.

Attitudes and practices towards micronutrient supplementation among pregnant women in rural Tibet.

De Ver Dye T, Pelto G, Kristensen S, Samen A, Dozier A

Global public health.. 2015 January 10 (1):119-128. Epub 09/03/2014.

Developing the Evidence Base to Inform Best Practice: A Scoping Study of Breast and Cervical Cancer Reviews in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.

Demment MM, Peters K, Dykens JA, Dozier A, Nawaz H, McIntosh S, Smith JS, Sy A, Irwin T, Fogg TT, Khaliq M, Blumenfeld R, Massoudi M, De Ver Dye T

PloS one.. 2015 10 (9):e0134618. Epub 09/01/2015.

Understanding sociodemographic and sociocultural factors that characterize tobacco use and cessation during pregnancy among women in the Dominican Republic.

Torres ET, Guido J, de Monegro ZQ, Diaz S, Dozier AM, McInstosh S, Ossip DJ

Maternal and child health journal.. 2014 December 18 (10):2275-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Patient evaluation of an acute care pediatric telemedicine service in urban neighborhoods.

McIntosh S, Cirillo D, Wood N, Dozier AM, Alarie C, McConnochie KM

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.. 2014 December 20 (12):1121-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Patterns of visit attendance in the nurse-family partnership program.

Holland ML, Xia Y, Kitzman HJ, Dozier AM, Olds DL

American journal of public health.. 2014 October 104 (10):e58-65. Epub 08/14/2014.

Measuring adequacy of prenatal care: does missing visit information matter?

Kurtzman JH, Wasserman EB, Suter BJ, Glantz JC, Dozier AM

Birth.. 2014 September 41 (3):254-61. Epub 04/21/2014.

Accrual and recruitment practices at Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) institutions: a call for expectations, expertise, and evaluation.

Kost RG, Mervin-Blake S, Hallarn R, Rathmann C, Kolb HR, Himmelfarb CD, D'Agostino T, Rubinstein EP, Dozier AM, Schuff KG

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2014 August 89 (8):1180-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Environmental risks and children's health: what can PRAMS tell us?

Korfmacher KS, Suter BJ, Cai X, Brownson SA, Dozier AM

Maternal and child health journal.. 2014 July 18 (5):1155-68. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adapting the pregnancy risk assessment monitoring survey to enhance locally available data: methods.

Dozier AM, Brownell E, Guido J, Yang H, Howard CA, Doniger A, Ossip D, Lawrence R

Maternal and child health journal.. 2014 July 18 (5):1196-204. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluating community engagement in an academic medical center.

Szilagyi PG, Shone LP, Dozier AM, Newton GL, Green T, Bennett NM

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2014 April 89 (4):585-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identifying emerging research collaborations and networks: method development.

Dozier AM, Martina CA, O'Dell NL, Fogg TT, Lurie SJ, Rubinstein EP, Pearson TA

Evaluation & the health professions.. 2014 March 37 (1):19-32. Epub 09/08/2013.

Patterns of postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone administration among low-income mothers.

Dozier AM, Nelson A, Brownell EA, Howard CR, Lawrence RA

Journal of women's health.. 2014 March 23 (3):224-30. Epub 01/20/2014.

Cohort study of smoke-free homes in economically disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic.

Dozier AM, Diaz S, Guido J, Quiñones de Monegro Z, McIntosh S, Fisher SG, Ossip DJ

Revista panamericana de salud pu?blica = Pan American journal of public health.. 2014 January 35 (1):30-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cohort Study of Smoke-free homes in Economically Disadvantaged Communities in the Dominican Republic

Dozier A, Diaz S, Guido J, Quinones Z, McIntosh S, Fisher S, Ossip-Klein DJ.

Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014; 35(1): 30-7.

Patient Evaluation of an Acute Care Pediatric Telemedicine Service in Urban Neighborhoods

McIntosh S, Cirillo D, Wood N, Alarie C, Dozier A, McConnochie K.

Telemedicine and e-Health. 2014; 20(12): 1121-1126 PMCID: PMC4270158.

Measuring Adequacy of Prenatal Care: Does Missing Visit Information Matter?

Kurtzman JH, Wasserman EB, Suter BJ, Glanz JC, Dozier AM.

Birth. 2014; 41(13): 254-61.

The discordance between planned use and actual receipt of immediate postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone among low-income women

Brownell, E. A.; Lussier, M. M.; Dozier, A. M.; Howard, C. R.; Fisher, S. G.; Duckett, J. W.; Lawrence, R. A.; Fernandez, I. D.;.

Breastfeed Med. 2014; 9(6): 290-293.

Accrual and recruitment practices at Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) institutions: a call for expectations, expertise, and evaluation

Kost, R. G.; Mervin-Blake, S.; Hallarn, R.; Rathmann, C.; Kolb, H. R.; Himmelfarb, C. D.; D'Agostino, T.; Rubinstein, E. P.; Dozier, A. M.; Schuff, K. G.;.

Acad.Med. 2014; 89(8): 1180-1189.

Patient evaluation of an acute care pediatric telemedicine service in urban neighborhoods

McIntosh, S.; Cirillo, D.; Wood, N.; Dozier, A. M.; Alarie, C.; McConnochie, K. M.;.

Telemed.J.E.Health. 2014; 20(12): 1121-1126.

The discordance between planned use and actual receipt of immediate postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone among low-income women.

Brownell EA, Lussier MM, Dozier AM, Howard CR, Fisher SG, Duckett JW, Lawrence RA, Fernandez ID

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2014 9 (6):290-3. Epub 06/03/2014.

Deaf mothers and breastfeeding: do unique features of deaf culture and language support breastfeeding success?

Chin NP, Cuculick J, Starr M, Panko T, Widanka H, Dozier A

Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association.. 2013 November 29 (4):564-71. Epub 03/14/2013.

High-intensity telemedicine-enhanced acute care for older adults: an innovative healthcare delivery model.

Shah MN, Gillespie SM, Wood N, Wasserman EB, Nelson DL, Dozier A, McConnochie KM

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2013 November 61 (11):2000-7. Epub 10/28/2013.

The effect of immediate postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone on early breastfeeding cessation.

Brownell EA, Fernandez ID, Fisher SG, Howard CR, Ternullo SR, Lawrence RA, Duckett JW, Dozier AM

Contraception.. 2013 June 87 (6):836-43. Epub 11/12/2012.

Labor epidural anesthesia, obstetric factors and breastfeeding cessation.

Dozier AM, Howard CR, Brownell EA, Wissler RN, Glantz JC, Ternullo SR, Thevenet-Morrison KN, Childs CK, Lawrence RA

Maternal and child health journal.. 2013 May 17 (4):689-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

A qualitative evaluation of a telemedicine-enhanced emergency care program for older adults.

Shah MN, Morris D, Jones CM, Gillespie SM, Nelson DL, McConnochie KM, Dozier A

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2013 April 61 (4):571-6. Epub 03/01/2013.

High-intensity telemedicine-enhanced acute care for older adults: an innovative healthcare delivery model

Shah MN, Gillespie SM, Wood N, Wasserman EB, Nelson DL, Dozier A, McConnochie KM.

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013; 61(11): 2000-2007.

Delayed onset lactogenesis II predicts the cessation of any or exclusive breastfeeding.

Brownell E, Howard CR, Lawrence RA, Dozier AM

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2012 October 161 (4):608-14. Epub 05/09/2012.

Clinical and translational scientist career success: metrics for evaluation.

Lee LS, Pusek SN, McCormack WT, Helitzer DL, Martina CA, Dozier AM, Ahluwalia JS, Schwartz LS, McManus LM, Reynolds BD, Haynes EN, Rubio DM

Clinical and translational science.. 2012 October 5 (5):400-7. Epub 06/07/2012.

Is the accuracy of prior preterm birth history biased by delivery characteristics?

Hackney DN, Durie DE, Dozier AM, Suter BJ, Glantz JC

Maternal and child health journal.. 2012 August 16 (6):1241-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Quick reference breastfeeding guide available for medical students and residents.

Dozier AM

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2012 August 7 (4):320. Epub 1900 01 01.

A systematic review of early postpartum medroxyprogesterone receipt and early breastfeeding cessation: evaluating the methodological rigor of the evidence.

Brownell EA, Fernandez ID, Howard CR, Fisher SG, Ternullo SR, Buckley RJ, Dozier AM

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2012 February 7 (1):10-8. Epub 11/15/2011.

Black adolescent mothers' perspectives on sex and parenting in nonmarital relationships with the biological fathers of their children.

Nelson LE, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A

Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN. 2012 January 41 (1):82-91. Epub 1900 01 01.

Birth outcomes across three rural-urban typologies in the Finger Lakes region of New York

Strutz K, Dozier A, van Wijngaarden E, Glantz C.

J Rural Health. 2012; 28(2): 162-73 PMCID: PMC3337719.

Is the accuracy of prior preterm birth history biased by delivery charactertistics?

Hackney DN, Durie D, Dozier AM, Suter BJ, Glantz JC.

Matern Child Health J. 2012; 16(6): 1241-6.

Clinical and translational scientist career success: metrics for evaluation

Lee LS, Pusek SN, McCormack WT, Helitzer DL, Martina CA, Dozier AM, Ahluwalia JS, Schwartz LS, McManus LM, Reynolds BD, Haynes EN, Rubio DM.

Clin Transl Sci. 2012; 5(5): 400-407 PMCID: PMC3476049.

A systematic review of early postpartum medroxyprogesterone receipt and early breastfeeding cessation: evaluating the methodological rigor of the evidence

Brownell EB, Fernandez ID, Howard CF, Fisher SG, Ternullo SR, Buckley RJ, Dozier AM.

Breastfeeding Medicine. 2012; 7(1): 10-8 PMCID: PMC3270056.

Does delayed onset lactogenesis II predict the cessation of any or exclusive breastfeeding?

Brownell E, Howard C, Lawrence R, Dozier A.

J Pediatr. 2012; 161(4): 608-14 PMCID: PMC3670592.

An epidemiologic transition of cardiovascular risk in Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Grenada: the Grenada Heart Project, 2005-2007

Block RC, Dozier AM, Hazel-Fernandez L, Guido JJ, Pearson TA.

Prev Chronic Dis. 2012; 9: E90 PMCID: PMC3406739.

The relationship between life stress and breastfeeding outcomes among low-income mothers

Dozier A. Nelson A, Brownell E.

Adv Prev Med. 2012; 2012: 902487 PMCID: PMC3546433.

Black adolescent mothers' perspectives on sex and parenting in nonmarital relationships with the biological fathers of their children

Nelson LE, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A.

J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012; 41(1): 82-91 PMCID: PMC3668679.

Birth outcomes across three rural-urban typologies in the Finger Lakes region of New York.

Strutz KL, Dozier AM, van Wijngaarden E, Glantz JC

The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association.. 2012 28 (2):162-73. Epub 09/12/2011.

An epidemiologic transition of cardiovascular disease risk in Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Grenada: the Grenada Heart Project, 2005-2007.

Block RC, Dozier AM, Hazel-Fernandez L, Guido JJ, Pearson TA

Preventing chronic disease.. 2012 9 :E90. Epub 04/19/2012.

The Relationship between Life Stress and Breastfeeding Outcomes among Low-Income Mothers.

Dozier AM, Nelson A, Brownell E

Advances in preventive medicine.. 2012 2012 :902487. Epub 12/31/2012.

State breastfeeding worksite statutes.…breastfeeding rates…and.….

Dozier AM, McKee KS

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2011 October 6 (5):319-24. Epub 1900 01 01.

A study of perinatal outcomes of Hispanic migrant farmworkers using the optimality index

Maher M, Dozier A, Lurie S, Trafton S.

Hispanic Health Care International. 2011; 9(1): 22-31.

Sexual partner type taxonomy use by Black adolescent mothers in the U.S.

Nelson LE, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A.

Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 2011; 20(1): 1-10 PMCID: PMC4220588.

Always, never, or sometimes: Examining variation in condom-use decision making among black adolescent mothers

Nelson LE, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A.

Res Nurs Health. 2011; 34(4): 270-81 PMCID: PMC3412048.

Contraceptive methods and use by women aged 35 and over; A qualitative study of perspectives

Godfrey EM, Chin NP, Fielding S, Fiscella K, Dozier A.

BMC Womens Health. 2011; 11: 5 PMCID: PMC3050835.

State breastfeeding worksite statutes....breastfeeding rates ...and...

Dozier AM, McKee KS.

Breastfeed Med. 2011; 6: 319-24 PMCID: PMC3233216.

The effect of cigarette smoking on cancer treatment-related side effects

Peppone LJ, Mustian KM, Morrow GR, Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Janelsins MC, Sprod LK, McIntosh S.

The Oncologist. 2011; 16(12): 1784-92 PMCID: PMC3248778.

Assessing research participants' perceptions of their clinical research experiences

Kost RG, Lee LM, Yessis J, Coller BS, Henderson DK.

Clin Transl Sci. 2011; 4(6): 403-13 PMCID: PMC3640854.

Sexual Partner Type Taxonomy Use Among Black Adolescent Mothers in the United States

LaRon E. Nelson, PhD, RN,FNP, Dianne Morris-Beedy, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, Margaret H. Keeerney, PhD, RN, and Ann Dozier, PhD, RN.

Can J Hum Sex. 2011; 20(1): 1-10 PMCID: PMC4220588.

The effect of cigarette smoking on cancer treatment-related side effects.

Peppone LJ, Mustian KM, Morrow GR, Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Janelsins MC, Sprod LK, McIntosh S

The oncologist.. 2011 16 (12):1784-92. Epub 12/01/2011.

Sexual Partner Type Taxonomy Use Among Black Adolescent Mothers in the United States.

Nelson LE, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A

The Canadian journal of human sexuality. 2011 20 (1):1-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Thyroid cancer risk 40+ years after irradiation for an enlarged thymus: an update of the Hempelmann cohort.

Adams MJ, Shore RE, Dozier A, Lipshultz SE, Schwartz RG, Constine LS, Pearson TA, Stovall M, Thevenet-Morrison K, Fisher SG

Radiation research.. 2010 December 174 (6):753-62. Epub 10/26/2010.

Community engagement and dissemination of effective breastfeeding programs.

Dozier AM

Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.. 2010 October 5 (5):215-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

How are restrictive abortion statutes associated with unintended teen birth?

Coles MS, Makino KK, Stanwood NL, Dozier A, Klein JD

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2010 August 47 (2):160-7. Epub 03/20/2010.

Breast cancer risk 55+ years after irradiation for an enlarged thymus and its implications for early childhood medical irradiation today.

Adams MJ, Dozier A, Shore RE, Lipshultz SE, Schwartz RG, Constine LS, Pearson TA, Stovall M, Winters P, Fisher SG

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology.. 2010 January 19 (1):48-58. Epub 1900 01 01.

Breast cancer risk 55+ years after irradiation for an enlarged thymus and its implications for early childhood medical irradiation today

Adams MJ, Dozier A, Shore RE, Lipshultz SE, Schwartz RG, Constine LS, Pearson TA, Stovall M, Winters P, Fisher, SG.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010; 19(1): 48-58 PMCID: PMC2939494.

Thyroid cancer risk 40+ years after irradiation for an enlarged thymus: An update of the hempelmann cohort

Adams MJ, Shore RE, Dozier A, Lipshultz SE, Schwartz RG, Constine LS, Pearson TA, Stovall M, Thevenent-Morrison K, Fisher SG.

Radiat Res. 2010; 174(6): 753-62 PMCID: PMC3080025.

Community engagement and dissemination of effective breastfeeding programs

Dozier A.

Breastfeed Med. 2010; 5(5): 215-6 PMCID: PMC2966479.

The rules of engagement: Exploring use of a sexual partner-type taxonomy by Black adolescent mothers in the U.S

Nelson L, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney M, Dozier A.

J Adolesc Health. 2010; 46(2, Supp. 1): S5-S6.

Social network analysis as a method of assessing institutional culture: three case studies.

Lurie SJ, Fogg TT, Dozier AM

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2009 August 84 (8):1029-35. Epub 1900 01 01.

Health care workers in the Dominican Republic: self-perceived role in smoking cessation.

Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Sierra-Torres E, Quiñones de Monegro Z, Armstrong L, Chin NP, McIntosh S

Evaluation & the health professions.. 2009 June 32 (2):144-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Repeat EMS use by older adults in a rural community: impact on research methods and study length

Shah MN, Swanson P, Rajasekaran K, Dozier A.

Prehosp Emerg Care. 2009; 13(2): 173-178 PMCID: PMC2657922.

Social network analysis as a method of assessing medical-center culture; three case studies

Lurie S, Fogg T, Dozier AM.

Acad Med. 2009; 84(8): 1029-1035 PMCID: PMC2719826.

Repeat emergency medical services use by older adults in a rural community: impact on research methods and study length.

Shah MN, Swanson P, Rajasekaran K, Dozier A

Prehospital emergency care.. 2009 13 (2):173-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Contraceptive nonuse among US women at risk for unplanned pregnancy.

Wu J, Meldrum S, Dozier A, Stanwood N, Fiscella K

Contraception.. 2008 October 78 (4):284-9. Epub 07/22/2008.

Cardiovascular Health in the Developing World: Community Perceptions from Carriacou, Grenada.

Dozier AM, Block R, Levy D, Dye TD, Pearson TA

CVD prevention and control. 2008 September 13 (3):123-131. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ethical review issues in collaborative research between us and low-middle income country partners: a case example.

McIntosh S, Sierra E, Dozier A, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Primack A, Chadwick G, Ossip-Klein DJ

Bioethics.. 2008 September 22 (8):414-22. Epub 06/28/2008.

Tobacco use in six economically disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic.

Ossip-Klein DJ, Fisher S, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Sierra E, Dozier A, McIntosh S, Guido J, Winters P, Diaz O, Armstrong L

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2008 May 10 (5):851-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cardiovascular health in the developing world: community perceptions from Carriacou, Grenada

Dozier A, Block R, Levy D, Dye TD, Pearson TA.

CVD Prev Control. 2008; 3(3): 123-131 PMCID: PMC2707836.

Ethical review issues in collaborative research between us and low-middle income country partners: a case example

McIntosh S, Sierra E, Dozier A, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Primack A, Chadwick G, Ossip-Klein DJ.

Bioethics. 2008; 22(8): 414-22 PMCID: PMC3347871.

Tobacco use in six economically disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic

Ossip-Klein DJ, Fisher S, Diaz, S, Quiñones Z, Sierra E, Dozier, A, McIntosh S, Guido J, Winters P, Diaz O, Armstrong L.

Nicotine Tob Res. 2008; 10(5): 851-60 PMCID: PMC2730378.

Contraceptive nonuse among US women at risk for unplanned pregnancy

Wu J, Meldrum S, Dozier A, Stanwood N, Fiscella K.

Contraception. 2008; 78(4): 284-9.

Nursing homes' response to the nursing home compare report card

Mukamel DB, Spector WD, Zinn JS, Huang L, Weimer DL, Dozier AM.

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2007; 62(4): S218-25.

Pizza is cheaper than salad: assessing workers' views for an environmental food intervention

Devine CM, Chin NP, Dozier AM, Fernandez ID.

Obesity. 2007; 15(Suppl 1): 57S-68S.

What is asthma control? Discrepancies between parents' perceptions and official definitions.

Dozier A, Aligne CA, Schlabach MB

The Journal of school health.. 2006 August 76 (6):215-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tobacco use in the Dominican Republic: understanding the culture first.

Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Chin NP, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Dye TD, McIntosh S, Armstrong L

Tobacco control.. 2006 June 15 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):i30-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

What is asthma control? Discrepancies between parents' perceptions and official definitions

Dozier AM, Aligne A, Schlabach MB.

J Sch Health. 2006; 76(6)(6): 214-218.

Tobacco use in the Dominican Republic: understanding the culture first

Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Chin NP, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Dye TD, McIntosh S, Armstrong L.

Tob Control. 2006; 15 Suppl 1: i30-6 PMCID: PMC2563549.

Effect of managed care on perinatal transports for the publicly funded in upstate New York.

Sinkin RA, Fisher SG, Dozier A, Dye TD

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.. 2005 February 25 (2):79-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

The influence of public reporting of outcome data on medical decision making by physicians.

Narins CR, Dozier AM, Ling FS, Zareba W

Archives of internal medicine.. 2005 January 10165 (1):83-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The influence of public reporting of outcome data on medical decision making by physicians

Narins CR, Dozier AM, Ling FS, Zareba W.

Arch Intern Med. 2005; 165: 83-87.

Effect of managed care on perinatal transports for the publicly funded in upstate New York

Sinkin RA, Fisher SG, Dozier A, Dye TD.

J Perinatol. 2005; 25(2): 79-85.

Development of an instrument to measure patient perception of the quality of nursing care.

Dozier AM, Kitzman HJ, Ingersoll GL, Holmberg S, Schultz AW

Research in nursing & health.. 2001 December 24 (6):506-17. Epub 1900 01 01.

Development of an instrument to measure patient perception of the quality of nursing care

Dozier AM, Kitzman HJ, Ingersoll GL, Holmberg S, Schultz AW.

Res Nurs Health. 2001; 24(6): 506-17.

Professional standards: Linking care; competence and quality

Dozier AM.

J Nurs Care Qual. 1998; 24(4): 22-29.

The Nurse-Client Service Encounter: Testing a Model

Dozier AM.

Doctoral Dissertation, University of Rochester. 1996; .

[Computerized analysis of spontaneous EEG in schizophrenics].

Yang ZJ

Zhonghua shen jing jing shen ke za zhi = Chinese journal of neurology

[Phakectomy and vitrectomy in chronic uveitis].

Gronemeyer U

Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie : Zeitschrift der Deutschen

Population dynamics of Schistosoma mansoni in mice repeatedly exposed to infection.

Crombie JA, Anderson RM

Nature.. 1985 315 (6019):491-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

[Long-term follow-up of abused children (apropos of 65 cases)].

Piussan C, Pautard JC, Gineston B, Lenaerts C, Boudailliez B, Goldfarb A

Child abuse & neglect.. 1985 9 (1):71-80. Epub 1900 01 01.


Breastfeeding and Feminism 2010: Informing Public Health Approaches (2011)

Chapter: Structural Violence and Infant Feeding: Risk Management Strategies of Low-Income Women

Principles of Community Engagement (2011)

Chapter: Program Evaluation and Evaluating Community Engagement

Principles pf Community Engagement (2011)

Chapter: The Value of Social Networking in Community Engagement

CTSA Community Engagement Key Function Committee Task Force on the Principles of Community engagement (2011)

Chapter: Principles of Community Engagement

Protecting Study Volunteers in Research: A Manual for Investigative Sites (2002)

Chapter: Community Based Research in Protecting Study Volunteers in Research

Education for women in health and illness: Process and content (1986)

Chapter: Dozier, AM (1986). Education for the elderly woman: Special considerations (Chapter XV). Extensive gynecologic surgery: Preparation and recovery (Chapter XXII).