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Xinping Zhang, B.Med., Ph.D.

Xinping Zhang, B.Med., Ph.D.


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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Orthopaedics, Center for Musculoskeletal Research (SMD)



PhD, | University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. Biochemistry. 1999

MS, | China-Shanghai Medical University. Biochemistry. 1993

MD | China-Shanghai Medical University. Medicine. 1990


MTF J.R. Neff Award. 2008

Orthopaedic Research Society New Investigator Recognition Award. 2005

Orthopaedic Research Society Travel Fellowship Award. 2002


Dr. Zhang's research centers on finding ways to "revitalize, " or reactivate the healing processes of bone. When people suffer massive bone loss due to traumatic injury or a tumor, bone grafts are used to restore the shape and strength of the bone. Even when a bone graft from the patient's own b...
Dr. Zhang's research centers on finding ways to "revitalize, " or reactivate the healing processes of bone. When people suffer massive bone loss due to traumatic injury or a tumor, bone grafts are used to restore the shape and strength of the bone. Even when a bone graft from the patient's own body is used, healing and strengthening are sometimes never complete.

By studying how our body's cells mature to become bone-forming cells, Dr. Zhang hopes to find ways to turn the process of healing on so that the entire bone graft will heal after surgery.

Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have enormous potential for bone tissue repair and regeneration. Our research has been focused on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control the activation, proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells during skeletal repair. We are particularly interested in the periosteal stem cells that play key roles in repair and regeneration. Our current program has integrated the following topics:
1) Molecular signals that control mesenchymal stem cell differentiation.
2) Mechanism of skeletal repair and regeneration
3) Stem cell therapy and bone tissue engineering for repair and reconstruction of large segmental defects.


Journal Articles

Masquelet Inspired in Vivo Engineered Extracellular Matrix as Functional Periosteum for Bone Defect Repair and Reconstruction.

Jiang C, Miao T, Xing X, Schilling KJ, Lenhard N, Wang L, McDowell S, Nilsson BL, Wang H, Zhang X

Advanced healthcare materials.. 2025 January 22 :e2404975. Epub 01/22/2025.

Differential bone and vessel type formation at superior and dura periosteum during cranial bone defect repair.

Zhai Y, Zhou Z, Xing X, Nuzzle M, Zhang X

Bone research.. 2025 January 1313 (1):8. Epub 01/13/2025.

Doctors vs. Nurses: Understanding the Great Divide in Vaccine Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers.

Ahamed SHR, Shakil S, Lyu H, Zhang X, Luo J

Proceedings : ... IEEE International Conference on Big Data.. 2022 December 2022 :5865-5870. Epub 1900 01 01.

High-resolution imaging of the osteogenic and angiogenic interface at the site of murine cranial bone defect repair via multiphoton microscopy.

Schilling K, Zhai Y, Zhou Z, Zhou B, Brown E, Zhang X

eLife.. 2022 November 311 Epub 11/03/2022.

Fabrication of channeled scaffolds through polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) printed sacrificial templates for tissue formation.

Wang H, Zhou X, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhu M, Wang H

Bioactive materials.. 2022 November 17 :261-275. Epub 01/29/2022.

A Comprehensive Assessment on the Pivotal Role of Hydrogels in Scaffold-Based Bioprinting.

Parimala Chelvi Ratnamani M, Zhang X, Wang H

Gels.. 2022 April 138 (4)Epub 04/13/2022.

Electrospun core-shell nanofibers with encapsulated enamel matrix derivative for guided periodontal tissue regeneration.

Lam LRW, Schilling K, Romas S, Misra R, Zhou Z, Caton JG, Zhang X

Dental materials journal.. 2021 September 3040 (5):1208-1216. Epub 06/12/2021.

Spatiotemporal blood vessel specification at the osteogenesis and angiogenesis interface of biomimetic nanofiber-enabled bone tissue engineering.

Zhai Y, Schilling K, Wang T, El Khatib M, Vinogradov S, Brown EB, Zhang X

Biomaterials.. 2021 September 276 :121041. Epub 07/26/2021.

Periosteum Mimetic Coating on Structural Bone Allografts Electrospray Deposition Enhances Repair and Reconstruction of Segmental Defects.

Zhuang Z, John JV, Liao H, Luo J, Rubery P, Mesfin A, Boda SK, Xie J, Zhang X

ACS biomaterials science & engineering.. 2020 November 96 (11):6241-6252. Epub 10/22/2020.

Electrospun Fiber Mesh for High-Resolution Measurements of Oxygen Tension in Cranial Bone Defect Repair.

Schilling K, El Khatib M, Plunkett S, Xue J, Xia Y, Vinogradov SA, Brown E, Zhang X

ACS applied materials & interfaces.. 2019 September 1811 (37):33548-33558. Epub 09/04/2019.

Layer-by-layer nanofiber-enabled engineering of biomimetic periosteum for bone repair and reconstruction.

Wang T, Zhai Y, Nuzzo M, Yang X, Yang Y, Zhang X

Biomaterials.. 2018 November 182 :279-288. Epub 08/14/2018.

Teriparatide (human PTH) compensates for impaired fracture healing in COX-2 deficient mice.

Yukata K, Xie C, Li TF, Brown ML, Kanchiku T, Zhang X, Awad HA, Schwarz EM, Beck CA, Jonason JH, O'Keefe RJ

Bone.. 2018 May 110 :150-159. Epub 02/03/2018.

Teriparatide Treatment Improves Bone Defect Healing Via Anabolic Effects on New Bone Formation and Non-Anabolic Effects on Inhibition of Mast Cells in a Murine Cranial Window Model.

Zhang L, Wang T, Chang M, Kaiser C, Kim JD, Wu T, Cao X, Zhang X, Schwarz EM

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2017 September 32 (9):1870-1883. Epub 07/19/2017.

Osteogenic Differentiation of Periosteal Cells During Fracture Healing.

Wang T, Zhang X, Bikle DD

Journal of cellular physiology.. 2017 May 232 (5):913-921. Epub 10/26/2016.

Controlling Arteriogenesis and Mast Cells Are Central to Bioengineering Solutions for Critical Bone Defect Repair Using Allografts.

Antebi B, Zhang L, Sheyn D, Pelled G, Zhang X, Gazit Z, Schwarz EM, Gazit D

Bioengineering.. 2016 March 3 (1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Controlling Arteriogenesis and Mast Cells Are Central to Bioengineering Solutions for Critical Bone Defect Repair Using Allografts.

Antebi B, Zhang L, Sheyn D, Pelled G, Zhang X, Gazit Z, Schwarz EM, Gazit D

Bioengineering.. 2016 January 113 (1)Epub 01/11/2016.

Spatiotemporal Analyses of Osteogenesis and Angiogenesis via Intravital Imaging in Cranial Bone Defect Repair.

Huang C, Ness VP, Yang X, Chen H, Luo J, Brown EB, Zhang X

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2015 July 30 (7):1217-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Aging periosteal progenitor cells have reduced regenerative responsiveness to bone injury and to the anabolic actions of PTH 1-34 treatment.

Yukata K, Xie C, Li TF, Takahata M, Hoak D, Kondabolu S, Zhang X, Awad HA, Schwarz EM, Beck CA, Jonason JH, O'Keefe RJ

Bone.. 2014 May 62 :79-89. Epub 02/12/2014.

Overexpressing sonic hedgehog peptide restores periosteal bone formation in a murine bone allograft transplantation model.

Huang C, Tang M, Yehling E, Zhang X

Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.. 2014 February 22 (2):430-439. Epub 10/03/2013.

The spatiotemporal role of COX-2 in osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of periosteum-derived mesenchymal progenitors in fracture repair.

Huang C, Xue M, Chen H, Jiao J, Herschman HR, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

PloS one.. 2014 9 (7):e100079. Epub 07/02/2014.

The effect of mesenchymal stem cells delivered via hydrogel-based tissue engineered periosteum on bone allograft healing.

Hoffman MD, Xie C, Zhang X, Benoit DS

Biomaterials.. 2013 November 34 (35):8887-98. Epub 08/16/2013.

Electrospun fibers as a scaffolding platform for bone tissue repair.

Lyu S, Huang C, Yang H, Zhang X

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2013 September 31 (9):1382-9. Epub 04/11/2013.

Self-complementary AAV2.5-BMP2-coated femoral allografts mediated superior bone healing versus live autografts in mice with equivalent biomechanics to unfractured femur.

Yazici C, Takahata M, Reynolds DG, Xie C, Samulski RJ, Samulski J, Beecham EJ, Gertzman AA, Spilker M, Zhang X, O'Keefe RJ, Awad HA, Schwarz EM

Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.. 2011 August 19 (8):1416-25. Epub 01/04/2011.

Expression of endogenous BMP-2 in periosteal progenitor cells is essential for bone healing.

Wang Q, Huang C, Xue M, Zhang X

Bone.. 2011 March 148 (3):524-32. Epub 11/05/2010.

Activation of the Hh pathway in periosteum-derived mesenchymal stem cells induces bone formation in vivo: implication for postnatal bone repair.

Wang Q, Huang C, Zeng F, Xue M, Zhang X

The American journal of pathology.. 2010 December 177 (6):3100-11. Epub 10/22/2010.

Magnetic-field-assisted electrospinning of aligned straight and wavy polymeric nanofibers.

Liu Y, Zhang X, Xia Y, Yang H

Advanced materials.. 2010 June 1122 (22):2454-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

PGE2 signaling through the EP4 receptor on fibroblasts upregulates RANKL and stimulates osteolysis.

Tsutsumi R, Xie C, Wei X, Zhang X, Flick LM, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2009 October 24 (10):1753-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Titanium particles stimulate COX-2 expression in synovial fibroblasts through an oxidative stress-induced, calpain-dependent, NF-kappaB pathway.

Wei X, Zhang X, Flick LM, Drissi H, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ

American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.. 2009 August 297 (2):C310-20. Epub 06/03/2009.

Rescue of impaired fracture healing in COX-2-/- mice via activation of prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype 4.

Xie C, Liang B, Xue M, Lin AS, Loiselle A, Schwarz EM, Guldberg RE, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

The American journal of pathology.. 2009 August 175 (2):772-85. Epub 07/23/2009.

Prostaglandin E2 inhibits BMP signaling and delays chondrocyte maturation.

Clark CA, Li TF, Kim KO, Drissi H, Zuscik MJ, Zhang X, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2009 June 27 (6):785-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reduced COX-2 expression in aged mice is associated with impaired fracture healing.

Naik AA, Xie C, Zuscik MJ, Kingsley P, Schwarz EM, Awad H, Guldberg R, Drissi H, Puzas JE, Boyce B, Zhang X, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2009 February 24 (2):251-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reduced COX-2 expression in aged mice is associated with impaired fracture healing

Naik A; Xie, C; Kingsley, P; Zuscik, MJ; Schwarz, EM; Awad, H; Guldberg, R; Drissi, H; Puzas, E; Boyce, B; Zhang, X; O'Keefe, RJ.

Journal of Bone & Mineral Research. 2009; 24(2): 251-64.

Rescue of Impaired Fracture Healing in Cox-2-/- mice via Activation of Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Subtype 4

Xie, C; Liang, B; Xue, M; Lin, ASP; Loiselle, A; Schwarz, EM; Guldberg, RE; O'Keefe, RJ; Zhang, X.

The American Journal of Pathology. 2009; 175(2): 772-85.

Prostaglandin E2 inhibits BMP signaling and delays chondrocyte maturation

Clark, CA; Li, TF; Kim, KO; Drissi, H; Zuscik, MJ; Zhang, X; O'Keefe, RJ.

J. Orthop. Res. 2009; 27(6): 785-92.

PGE2 Signaling Through the EP4 Receptor on Fibroblasts Upregulates RANKL and Stimulates Osteolysis

Tsutsumi, R; Xie, C; Wei, X; Zhang, X; Flick, LM; Schwarz, EM; O'Keefe, RJ.

J Bone Miner Res. 2009; 24(10): 1753-62.

Rescue of impaired fracture healing in COX-2 mice via activation of prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype 4.

Xie, C., Liang, B., Xue, M., Lin, ASP., Loiselle, A. Schwarz, EM, Guildberg, RE., O'Keefe, RJ, Zhang, X.

The American Journal of Pathology. 2009; 175(2): 772-85.

COX-2 from the injury milieu is critical for the initiation of periosteal progenitor cell mediated bone healing.

Xie C, Ming X, Wang Q, Schwarz EM, Guldberg RE, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

Bone.. 2008 December 43 (6):1075-83. Epub 08/16/2008.

The effect of surface demineralization of cortical bone allograft on the properties of recombinant adeno-associated virus coatings.

Yazici C, Yanoso L, Xie C, Reynolds DG, Samulski RJ, Samulski J, Yannariello-Brown J, Gertzman AA, Zhang X, Awad HA, Schwarz EM

Biomaterials.. 2008 October 29 (28):3882-7. Epub 06/30/2008.

A perspective: engineering periosteum for structural bone graft healing.

Zhang X, Awad HA, O'Keefe RJ, Guldberg RE, Schwarz EM

Clinical orthopaedics and related research.. 2008 August 466 (8):1777-87. Epub 05/29/2008.

Regulation of chondrogenesis and chondrocyte differentiation by stress.

Zuscik MJ, Hilton MJ, Zhang X, Chen D, O'Keefe RJ

The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2008 February 118 (2):429-38. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tamoxifen-inducible CreER-mediated gene targeting in periosteum via bone-graft transplantation.

Xie C, Xue M, Wang Q, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.. 2008 February 90 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):9-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Zhang, X., Awad, A.H., O'Keefe, R.J., Guldberg, R.J., Schwarz, E.M.

Periosteum is essential for the initiation of structural bone graft healing: implication

Perspective: Engineering Periosteum for Structural Bone Graft Healing

Zhang, X; Awad, HA; O'Keefe, RJ; Guldberg, RE, Schwarz, EM;.

Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 2008; 466(8): 1777-87.

COX-2 from the injury milieu is critical for the initiation of periosteal progenitor cell mediated bone healing

Xie, C; Xue, M; Lin, A; Schwarz, E; Guldberg, R; O'Keefe, R, Zhang, X.

Bone. 2008; 43(6): 1075-83.

The effect of surface demineralization of cortical bone allograft on the properties of recombinant adeno-associated virus coatings

Yazici, C; Yanoso, L; Xie, C; Reynolds, DG; Samulski, RJ; Samulski, J; Yannariello-Brown, J; Gertzmann, AA; Zhang, X; Awad, HA; Schwarz, EM.

Biomaterials. 2008; 29(28): 3882-7.

Organic crystal fibers aligned into oriented bundles with polarized emission.

Zhang X, Sun B

The journal of physical chemistry. B. 2007 September 20111 (37):10881-5. Epub 08/28/2007.

Recent advances in gene delivery for structural bone allografts.

Awad HA, Zhang X, Reynolds DG, Guldberg RE, O'Keefe RJ, Schwarz EM

Tissue engineering.. 2007 August 13 (8):1973-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Willingness to pay for social health insurance among informal sector workers in Wuhan, China: a contingent valuation study.

Bärnighausen T, Liu Y, Zhang X, Sauerborn R

BMC health services research.. 2007 July 207 :114. Epub 07/20/2007.

Bone morphogenetic protein 2 activates Smad6 gene transcription through bone-specific transcription factor Runx2.

Wang Q, Wei X, Zhu T, Zhang M, Shen R, Xing L, O'Keefe RJ, Chen D

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2007 April 6282 (14):10742-8. Epub 01/10/2007.

Structural bone allograft combined with genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells as a novel platform for bone tissue engineering.

Xie C, Reynolds D, Awad H, Rubery PT, Pelled G, Gazit D, Guldberg RE, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

Tissue engineering.. 2007 March 13 (3):435-45. Epub 1900 01 01.

Generation of a transgenic mouse model with chondrocyte-specific and tamoxifen-inducible expression of Cre recombinase.

Chen M, Lichtler AC, Sheu TJ, Xie C, Zhang X, O'Keefe RJ, Chen D

Genesis : the journal of genetics and development.. 2007 January 45 (1):44-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Radiographic Prediction of Biomechanical Strength in Structural Bone Grafts.

Reynolds, D.G., Hock, C., Shaikh, S., Jacobson, J., Zhang, X., Rubery, P.T., Beck, C., O'Keefe, R.J., Lerner, A., Schwarz, E.M., Awad H.

J. Biomech.

Xie, C., Xue, M., Naik, A., Lin, A., Schwarz, E., Guldberg, R., O'Keefe R, J., and Zhang, X.

Cox-2 deficient bone healing environment impairs initiation of

Targeted Gene Delivery for Femoral Allografts: A Novel Acellular Tissue Engineering Approach

Ghen, M; Lichtler, AC; Sheu, TJ; Xie, C; Zhang X; O'Keefe, RJ; Chen D.

Genesis. 2007; 45(1): 44-50.

Micro-computed tomography prediction of biomechanical strength in murine structural bone grafts.

Reynolds DG, Hock C, Shaikh S, Jacobson J, Zhang X, Rubery PT, Beck CA, O'keefe RJ, Lerner AL, Schwarz EM, Awad HA

Journal of biomechanics.. 2007 40 (14):3178-86. Epub 05/23/2007.

Metallic photonic crystals based on solution-processible gold nanoparticles.

Zhang X, Sun B, Friend RH, Guo H, Nau D, Giessen H

Nano letters.. 2006 April 6 (4):651-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

COX-2 has a critical role during incorporation of structural bone allografts.

O'Keefe RJ, Tiyapatanaputi P, Xie C, Li TF, Clark C, Zuscik MJ, Chen D, Drissi H, Schwarz E, Zhang X

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2006 April 1068 :532-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nano-featured scaffolds for tissue engineering: a review of spinning methodologies.

Murugan R, Ramakrishna S

Tissue engineering.. 2006 March 12 (3):435-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

Robertson, G., Xie, C., Chen, D., Awad, H., Schwarz, E.M., O'Keefe, R.J., Guldberg R.E., Zhang, X.

Alteration of femoral bone morphology and density in cox-2-/-

Periosteal progenitor cell fate in segmental cortical bone graft transplantations: implications for functional tissue engineering.

Zhang X, Xie C, Lin AS, Ito H, Awad H, Lieberman JR, Rubery PT, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Guldberg RE

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2005 December 20 (12):2124-37. Epub 08/08/2005.

Biological effects of rAAV-caAlk2 coating on structural allograft healing.

Koefoed M, Ito H, Gromov K, Reynolds DG, Awad HA, Rubery PT, Ulrich-Vinther M, Soballe K, Guldberg RE, Lin AS, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X, Schwarz EM

Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.. 2005 August 12 (2):212-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fibroblasts express RANKL and support osteoclastogenesis in a COX-2-dependent manner after stimulation with titanium particles.

Wei X, Zhang X, Zuscik MJ, Drissi MH, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2005 July 20 (7):1136-48. Epub 02/14/2005.

Lead exposure inhibits fracture healing and is associated with increased chondrogenesis, delay in cartilage mineralization, and a decrease in osteoprogenitor frequency.

Carmouche JJ, Puzas JE, Zhang X, Tiyapatanaputi P, Cory-Slechta DA, Gelein R, Zuscik M, Rosier RN, Boyce BF, O'Keefe RJ, Schwarz EM

Environmental health perspectives.. 2005 June 113 (6):749-55. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differential regulation of EP receptor isoforms during chondrogenesis and chondrocyte maturation.

Clark CA, Schwarz EM, Zhang X, Ziran NM, Drissi H, O'Keefe RJ, Zuscik MJ

Biochemical and biophysical research communications.. 2005 March 18328 (3):764-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Remodeling of cortical bone allografts mediated by adherent rAAV-RANKL and VEGF gene therapy.

Ito H, Koefoed M, Tiyapatanaputi P, Gromov K, Goater JJ, Carmouche J, Zhang X, Rubery PT, Rabinowitz J, Samulski RJ, Nakamura T, Soballe K, O'Keefe RJ, Boyce BF, Schwarz EM

Nature medicine.. 2005 March 11 (3):291-7. Epub 02/13/2005.

Periosteal stem cells are essential for bone revitalization and repair.

Zhang X, Naik A, Xie C, Reynolds D, Palmer J, Lin A, Awad H, Guldberg R, Schwarz E, O'Keefe R

Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions.. 2005 5 (4):360-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Antiapoptotic mechanism of insulin in reoxygenation-induced injury in cultured cardiomyocytes of neonatal rats.

Gu X, Feng Y, Shi C, Li M, Fu Z, Zhang X

Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical sciences = Hua zhong ke ji da xue xue bao. Yi xue Ying De wen ban = Huazhong keji daxue xuebao. Yixue Yingdewen ban. 2005 25 (6):632-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Functional integration of tissue-engineered bone constructs.

Guldberg RE, Oest M, Lin AS, Ito H, Chao X, Gromov K, Goater JJ, Koefoed M, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang X

Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions.. 2004 December 4 (4):399-400. Epub 1900 01 01.

A novel murine segmental femoral graft model.

Tiyapatanaputi P, Rubery PT, Carmouche J, Schwarz EM, O'keefe RJ, Zhang X

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2004 November 22 (6):1254-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

PGE2 inhibits chondrocyte differentiation through PKA and PKC signaling.

Li TF, Zuscik MJ, Ionescu AM, Zhang X, Rosier RN, Schwarz EM, Drissi H, O'Keefe RJ

Experimental cell research.. 2004 October 15300 (1):159-69. Epub 1900 01 01.

Primary murine limb bud mesenchymal cells in long-term culture complete chondrocyte differentiation: TGF-beta delays hypertrophy and PGE2 inhibits terminal differentiation.

Zhang X, Ziran N, Goater JJ, Schwarz EM, Puzas JE, Rosier RN, Zuscik M, Drissi H, O'Keefe RJ

Bone.. 2004 May 34 (5):809-17. Epub 1900 01 01.

PGE2 and IL-6 production by fibroblasts in response to titanium wear debris particles is mediated through a Cox-2 dependent pathway.

Bukata SV, Gelinas J, Wei X, Rosier RN, Puzas JE, Zhang X, Schwarz EM, Song XY, Griswold DE, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2004 January 22 (1):6-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bukata, S., Gelinas, J., Wei, X., Rosier, R. N., Puzas, J. E., Zhang, X., Schwarz, E. M., Song, X. R., Griswold, D. E., O'Keefe, R. J.

PGE2 and IL-6 production by fibroblasts in response to titanium wear debris particles is mediated through a COX-2

A Novel Murine Segmental Femoral Graft Model. J. of Othopaedic Research.

Tiyapatanaputi, P., Rubery, P. T, Carmouche, J, Schwarz, E. M., O'Keefe, R. J. and Zhang, X.

J. of Othopaedic Research. 2004; : 1254-60.

Smad6 is induced by BMP-2 and modulates chondrocyte differentiation.

Li X, Ionescu AM, Schwarz EM, Zhang X, Drissi H, Puzas JE, Rosier RN, Zuscik MJ, O'Keefe RJ

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2003 September 21 (5):908-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of receptor activator of NFkappaB (RANK) signaling blockade on fracture healing.

Flick LM, Weaver JM, Ulrich-Vinther M, Abuzzahab F, Zhang X, Dougall WC, Anderson D, O'Keefe RJ, Schwarz EM

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2003 July 21 (4):676-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of receptor activator of NFkB (RANK) signaling blockade on fracture healing.

Flick, L. M., Weaver, J. M., Ulrich-Vinther, M., Abuzzahab, F., Zhang, X., Dougal, W.C., Anderson, D., O'Keefe, R. J., Schwarz, E. M.

J. of Orthopaedic Research. 2003; : 676-84.

Cyclooxygenase-2 regulates mesenchymal cell differentiation into the osteoblast lineage and is critically involved in bone repair.

Zhang X, Schwarz EM, Young DA, Puzas JE, Rosier RN, O'Keefe RJ

The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2002 June 109 (11):1405-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

COX-1 and COX-2 expression in osteoid osteomas.

Mungo DV, Zhang X, O'Keefe RJ, Rosier RN, Puzas JE, Schwarz EM

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.. 2002 January 20 (1):159-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

COX-2 Regulates Mesenchymal Cell Differentiation into Osteoblast Lineage and is Critically Involved in Bone Repair. Journal of Clinical Investigation

Zhang, X., Schwarz, E. M., Young, D. A., R., Puzas, J. E., Rosier, R. N., O'Keefe, R.J.

2002; : 1405-15.

Evidence for a 4 Direct Role of COX-2 in Implant Wear Debris Induced Osteolysis

J. Bone. Min. Res. 2001; 16 (4): 660-669.

The role of COX-2 in bone repair.

Zhang, X., Zhang, Y, Schwarz, E., O'Keefe, R. J.

Current opinion in Orthopaedics. 2001; : 397-402,.

Lack of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibits growth of teratocarcinomas in mice.

Zhang X, Morham SG, Langenbach R, Baggs RB, Young DA

Experimental cell research.. 2000 February 1254 (2):232-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Malignant transformation and antineoplastic actions of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on cyclooxygenase-null embryo fibroblasts.

Zhang X, Morham SG, Langenbach R, Young DA

The Journal of experimental medicine.. 1999 August 16190 (4):451-59. Epub 1900 01 01.

2001. COX-1 and COX-2 expression in osteoid osteomas. J. Ortho. Res.,

Mungo, D. V., Zhang, X., O'Keefe, R.J., Rosier, R.N., Puzas, J.E., Schwarz, E.M.

20(1): 159-62.

2003. Pharmacologic modulators of fracture healing: the role of cyclooxygenase inhibition.

Puzas, J.E., O'Keefe, R.J., Schwarz, E.M., and Zhang, X.

J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. : 308-312; Discussion 320-301.

Prostaglandin E2 inhibits BMP signaling and delays chondrocyte maturation.

Clark, CA, Li, RF., Kim, KO., Drissi, H., Zuscik, MJ., Zhang, X., O'Keefe, RJ.

Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 6: 785-92.