B Paige Lawrence, Ph.D.
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B Paige Lawrence, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Environmental Medicine (SMD)
Chair - Department of Environmental Medicine (SMD)
Wright Family Research Professorship - Dean's Office M&D - Administration (SMD)
Professor - Department of Microbiology and Immunology (SMD) - Joint
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Toxicology Program and Dept. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University 1993 - 1997
PhD | Cornell University. Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology. 1993
BA | Skidmore College. Biology, Chemistry. 1986
Faculty Mentoring Award. 2012
Service Recognition Award for Excellence in Mentoring. 2007
Outstanding Young Investigator Award. 2006
Environmental signals influence the behavior of cells throughout the body. In some cases this is part of normal physiology, but in other instances environmental signals cue cells to work aberrantly. When this occurs, pathology ge...
Journal Articles
Haarmann-Stemmann T, Reichert D, Coumoul X, Lawrence BP, Perdew GH, Sherr DH, Weighardt H, Rolfes KM, Esser C
Biochemical pharmacology.. 2025 February 19 :116808. Epub 02/19/2025.
Sulentic CEW, Kaplan BLF, Lawrence BP
Annual review of immunology.. 2025 January 15 Epub 01/15/2025.
Post CM, McDonough C, Lawrence BP
Journal of immunotoxicology.. 2024 December 21 (1):2340495. Epub 07/01/2024.
Comprehensive Toxicology (2010)
Chapter: Cytotoxic T Cells
Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology (2006)
Chapter: Immune modulation by TCDD and related polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons
Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (2005)
Chapter: Encyclopedic Reference of Immunotoxicology
Encyclopedic Reference of Immunotoxicology (2005)
Chapter: Cell-mediated lysis
Current Protocols in Toxicology (2004)
Chapter: Examining the response of cytolytic lymphocytes
T Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Immunotoxicology (1998)
Chapter: T helper cell clones and in vitro assessment of immunotoxicity