Laura B. Silverman, Ph.D.
Laura B. Silverman, Ph.D.
About Me
Dr. Silverman also provides diagnostic assessments for children and adolescents suspected of having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). She specializes in seeing children with complex developmental and psychosocial histories, who also have other mental health diagnoses.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Fellowship, Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, University of Rochester 2006 - 2008
Internship in Psychology at UCLA Medial Center, Autism and Developmental Disabilities Track. 2005 - 2006
Fellowship, Urban Education and Child Development at Yale Child Study Center 1996 - 1998
PhD | University of Rochester. Clinical Psychology. 2007
MA | University of Rochester. Clinical Psychology. 2002
BA | Vassar College. Psychology. 1996
Dissertation Award - Best Behavioral Dissertation. 2008
Helen and Vincent Nowlis Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2003
Cum Laude in Psychology. 1996
Dr. Silverman is also involved in a number of treatment-based research studies that examine the utility of behavior-based interventions, medication, and self-advocacy programs on behavioral outcomes in children with ASD. She believes strongly that research should inform clinical practice, and that the clinical concerns of families should drive research questions. As a result, she works hard to keep her research clinically relevant.
Journal Articles
A Multisite Trial of Atomoxetine and Parent Training in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Rationale and Design Challenges
Silverman, L., Hollway, J. A., Smith, T., Aman, M. G., Arnold, L. E., Pan,X., Li, X., & Handen, B. L.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2014; : 899-907.
A review of atomoxetine in young people with developmental disabilities
Aman, M.G., Smith, T., Arnold, L.E., Corbett-Dick, P., Tumuluru, R.V., Hollway, J.A., Hyman, S.L., Mendoza-Burchamm, M.I., Pan, X., Mruzek, D., Lecavalier, L., Levato, L., Silverman, L.B., Handen, B.
Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2014; : 1412-1424.
A Parent's Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis
Bing, N., Kovacs, E., Sikora, D., Silverman, L., Lantz, J., Handen, B., Rieger, R., Mitchell, Z., & Srivorakiat, L.
Autism Speaks Toolkit Series. 2012; .
Speech and gesture integration in high-functioning autism.
Silverman, L.B., Bennetto, L., Campana, E., Tanenhaus, M.K.
Cognition. 2010; 115: 380-393.
Semantic processing and verbal recall in adults with autism.
Silverman, L.B.; Minshew, N.J.; Bennetto, L.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2002; 8: 235.
Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2013)
Chapter: "Verbal Fluency"
Authors: Silverman LB
Publisher: Springer Publishing, New York 2013
Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2013)
Chapter: "Narrative Coherence"
Authors: Silverman LB
Publisher: Springer Publishing, New York 2013
Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2013)
Chapter: "Auditory Verbal Learning"
Authors: Silverman LB, Canfield A
Publisher: Springer Publishing, New York 2013
Supported Inclusion for School-age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2011)
Chapter: Individual Instruction: Part 1: Teaching Approaches
Authors: Mruzek D, Silverman LB
Publisher: Guildford Press, New York 2011
Child psychology: A handbook of contemporary issues. (1997)
Chapter: The role of gender knowledge in children's gender-typed preferences.
Authors: Aubry, S.: Ruble, D.N.; Silverman, L.B.
Publisher: Garland, New York 1997