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Suzannah J. Iadarola, Ph.D.

Suzannah J. Iadarola, Ph.D.



About Me

Job Title: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health

Suzannah Iadarola, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics (primary) and Public Health (secondary). She also serves as the Director of the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilitie...
Job Title: Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health

Suzannah Iadarola, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics (primary) and Public Health (secondary). She also serves as the Director of the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, a federally-mandated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Her research and clinical work focuses on programs, services, and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), across the lifecourse. With her colleagues, she conducts community-partnered research related to developing, disseminating, and evaluating community interventions to support individuals with IDD and their families. Additional translational research priorities include assessment of parent needs and barriers to self-care, as well as the development of programs to help address parent stress and well-being. Much of this research is conducted in collaboration with national, multi-site research networks. In addition to scholarship, she engages in the development, evaluation, and community dissemination of programs and services in the disability and related fields. She also prioritizes mentorship of trainees, staff, and junior faculty in research, scholarship, and program administration.

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (SMD)

Haggerty-Friedman Professorship in Developmental/Behavioral Pediatric Research - Department of Pediatrics, Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (SMD)

Associate Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Autism Research Fellow, The Center for Austism Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 2011 - 2012

Clinical Child Psychology Internship, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 2010 - 2011


PhD | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Clinical Psychology. 2011

MS | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Clinical Psychology. 2008

BA | Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA. Psychology. 2004


Ruth A. Lawrence Award in Community Service. 2023

Best Oral Presentation, URMC DEI and Healthcare Equity Symposium. 2023

Children's Agenda Advocate Spotlight. 2022

Starbridge Community Champion Award (SCDD). 2022

Susan B. Anthony Center Emerging Leader Award. 2019

Annual Tristram Smith Superhero Award, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2019

Graduate, Association for University Centers on Disability Leadership Academy. 2018

AutismUp Professional Service Award. 2016

Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND). 2011

COSAC Award for Best Poster. 2008

Quest Award for Best Poster. 2008

Organization for Autism Research Dissertation Award. 2008

Doug Flutie Jr., Inc, Scholarship. 2007

Cum Laude, Claremont McKenna College. 2004

Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology. 2004

Phi Beta Kappa. 2004

Psychology Dissertation Award, Claremont McKenna College. 2004


Suzannah Iadarola, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics (primary) and Public Health (secondary). She also serves as the Director of the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, a federally-mandated University Center for Excellence in Developmen...
Suzannah Iadarola, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics (primary) and Public Health (secondary). She also serves as the Director of the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, a federally-mandated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Her research and clinical work focuses on programs, services, and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), across the lifecourse. With her colleagues, she conducts community-partnered research related to developing, disseminating, and evaluating community interventions to support individuals with IDD and their families. Additional translational research priorities include assessment of parent needs and barriers to self-care, as well as the development of programs to help address parent stress and well-being. Much of this research is conducted in collaboration with national, multi-site research networks. In addition to scholarship, she engages in the development, evaluation, and community dissemination of programs and services in the disability and related fields. She also prioritizes mentorship of trainees, staff, and junior faculty in research, scholarship, and program administration.


Journal Articles

Building Better Bridges: Outcomes of a Community-Partnered New School Transition Intervention for Students on the Autism Spectrum.

Nuske HJ, Smith T, Levato L, Bronstein B, Sparapani N, Garcia C, Castellon F, Lee HS, Vejnoska SF, Hochheimer S, Fitzgerald AR, Chiappe JC, Nunnally AD, Li J, Shih W, Brown A, Cullen M, Hund LM, Stahmer AC, Iadarola S, Mandell DS, Hassrick EM, Kataoka S, Kasari C

Journal of autism and developmental disorders.. 2024 June 12 Epub 06/12/2024.

Coping Factors for Caregivers of Children With Medical Complexity During Hospitalization.

Krieg KD, Nooraie RY, Favella M, Iadarola S, Kuo DZ, O'Connor TG, Petrenko CLM, Bayer ND

Hospital pediatrics.. 2023 December 113 (12):e371-e376. Epub 1900 01 01.

COVID-19 Vaccine Equity and Access: Case Study for Health Care Chatbots.

Perez-Ramos JG, Leon-Thomas M, Smith SL, Silverman L, Perez-Torres C, Hall WC, Iadarola SJ

JMIR formative research.. 2023 January 257 :e39045. Epub 01/25/2023.

Earning your way into general education: Perceptions about autism influence classroom placement.

Frake, E., Dean, M., Huynh, L., Iadarola, S., & Kasari, K.

Journal of Education Sciences. 2023; 13: 1050.

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children with Developmental Disabilities: Survey of New York State Parents' Willingness and Concerns.

Bonuck K, Iadarola S, Gao Q, Siegel JF

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 2022 December 143 (9):521-528. Epub 09/02/2022.

Using Novel Implementation Tools for Evidence-based Intervention Delivery (UNITED) across public service systems for three evidence-based autism interventions in under-resourced communities: study protocol.

Locke J, Hassrick EM, Stahmer AC, Iadarola S, Boyd B, Mandell DS, Shih W, Hund L, Kasari C,

BMC psychiatry.. 2022 July 1622 (1):478. Epub 07/16/2022.

COVID-19 vaccine perceptions in New York State's intellectual and developmental disabilities community.

Iadarola S, Siegel JF, Gao Q, McGrath K, Bonuck KA

Disability and health journal.. 2022 January 15 (1):101178. Epub 07/31/2021.

Thinking Small to Think Big: Modular Approach for Autism Programming in Schools (MAAPS).

Anderson CM, Iovannone R, Smith T, Levato L, Martin R, Cavanaugh B, Hochheimer S, Wang H, Iadarola S

Journal of autism and developmental disorders.. 2021 January 51 (1):193-211. Epub 1900 01 01.

Simpler Than Possible: Insurance Mandates for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Hyman SL, Iadarola S

Pediatrics.. 2020 October 146 (4)Epub 09/08/2020.

Disparities in Service Use Among Children With Autism: A Systematic Review.

Smith KA, Gehricke JG, Iadarola S, Wolfe A, Kuhlthau KA

Pediatrics.. 2020 April 145 (Suppl 1):S35-S46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mind the gap: an intervention to support caregivers with a new autism spectrum disorder diagnosis is feasible and acceptable.

Iadarola S, Pellecchia M, Stahmer A, Lee HS, Hauptman L, Hassrick EM, Crabbe S, Vejnoska S, Morgan E, Nuske H, Luelmo P, Friedman C, Kasari C, Gulsrud A, Mandell D, Smith T

Pilot and feasibility studies.. 2020 6 :124. Epub 09/07/2020.

Caregiver Voices: Cross-Cultural Input on Improving Access to Autism Services.

Stahmer AC, Vejnoska S, Iadarola S, Straiton D, Segovia FR, Luelmo P, Morgan EH, Lee HS, Javed A, Bronstein B, Hochheimer S, Cho E, Aranbarri A, Mandell D, Hassrick EM, Smith T, Kasari C

Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.. 2019 August 6 (4):752-773. Epub 03/11/2019.

Correction to: Caregiver Voices: Cross-Cultural Input on Improving Access to Autism Services.

Stahmer AC, Vejnoska S, Iadarola S, Straiton D, Segovia FR, Luelmo P, Morgan EH, Lee HS, Javed A, Bronstein B, Hochheimer S, Cho E, Aranbarri A, Mandell D, Hassrick EM, Smith T, Kasari C

Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.. 2019 August 6 (4):774. Epub 1900 01 01.

How meaningful is more? Considerations regarding intensity in early intensive behavioral intervention.

Pellecchia M, Iadarola S, Stahmer AC

Autism : the international journal of research and practice.. 2019 July 23 (5):1075-1078. Epub 06/06/2019.

Understanding stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A focus on under-represented families.

Iadarola S, Pérez-Ramos J, Smith T, Dozier A

International journal of developmental disabilities.. 2019 65 (1):20-30. Epub 07/09/2017.

Teaching Parents Behavioral Strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Effects on Stress, Strain, and Competence.

Iadarola S, Levato L, Harrison B, Smith T, Lecavalier L, Johnson C, Swiezy N, Bearss K, Scahill L

Journal of autism and developmental disorders.. 2018 April 48 (4):1031-1040. Epub 1900 01 01.

Implementing a Manualized, Classroom Transition Intervention for Students With ASD in Underresourced Schools.

Iadarola S, Shih W, Dean M, Blanch E, Harwood R, Hetherington S, Mandell D, Kasari C, Smith T

Behavior modification.. 2018 January 42 (1):126-147. Epub 07/05/2017.

Strategies to engage underrepresented parents in child intervention services: A review of effectiveness and co-occurring use

Pellecchia, M, Nuske, HJ, Straiton, D, Hassrick, EM, Gulsrud, A, Iadarola, S, Vejnoska, SF, Bullen, B, Haine-Schlagel, R, Kasari, C, Mandell, DS, Smith, T, & Stahmer, AC.

Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2018; 27(10): 3141-3154.

Community-Partnered Research With Urban School Districts That Serve Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Smith T, Iadarola S, Mandell DS, Harwood R, Kasari C

Academic pediatrics.. 2017 August 17 (6):614-619. Epub 04/25/2017.

The relationship among anxiety, depression, and family impact in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Iadarola, S., Oakes, L., Shih, W., Dean, M., Smith, T., Orlich, F., & the AIR-B Network.

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 2016; 33: 171-181.

Services for children with autism spectrum disorder in three, large urban school districts: Perspectives of parents and educators.

Iadarola S, Hetherington S, Clinton C, Dean M, Reisinger E, Huynh L, Locke J, Conn K, Heinert S, Kataoka S, Harwood R, Smith T, Mandell DS, Kasari C

Autism : the international journal of research and practice.. 2015 August 19 (6):694-703. Epub 09/05/2014.

Evidence Base Update for Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Smith T, Iadarola S

Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53.. 2015 44 (6):897-922. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comparative effects of mindfulness and skills-based parent training for parents of children of autism: Feasibility and preliminary outcome data

Ferraioli SJ; Harris SL.

Mindfulness. 2012; .

Effective Educational Inclusion of Students on the Autism Spectrum

Ferraioli SL; Harris SL.

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 2011; 41(1): 19-28.

Teaching joint attention to children with autism through a sibling-mediated behavioral intervention

Ferraioli SJ, Harris, SL.

Behavioral Interventions. 2011; 26: 261-281.

The impact of autism on siblings

Ferraioli SJ; Harris SL.

Social Work in Mental Health. 2010; 8(1): 41-53.

Living with autism: How families cope

Delmolino L; Harris SL; Ferraioli SJ; Hansford A.

Mensa Research Journal. 2009; 40(3): 8-18.

The relationship between compulsive behaviour and academic achievement across the three genetic subtypes of Prader-Willi syndrome.

Zarcone J, Napolitano D, Peterson C, Breidbord J, Ferraioli S, Caruso-Anderson M, Holsen L, Butler MG, Thompson T

Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR.. 2007 June 51 (Pt. 6):478-87. Epub 1900 01 01.

State of the art interventions for learners with behavioral problems

La Rue RH; Weiss MJ; Ferraioli SJ.

International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy. 2007; 4(2): 250-263.

A model for problem solving in discrete trial training for children with autism

Ferraioli SJ; Hughes CE; Smith T.

Journal of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention. 2005; 2(4): 224-246.

Benefits of including siblings in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders

Ferraioli, S. J., Hansford, A., & Harris, S. L.

Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 19: 413-422.

Conducting a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a comprehensive school-based intervention for students on the autism spectrum: Challenges and mitigation strategies

Martin, R.; Iadarola, S.; Iovannone, R;, Cavanaugh, B.; Fontechia, K.; Levato, L.; & Anderson, C.

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. : 1-27.


Primer on Autism Spectrum Disorder (2016)

Chapter: Behavioral Treatment

Schedules, Tools, and Activities for Transitions Manual (2015)

APA Handbook on Research Methods in Psychology (2012)

Chapter: Single-case Experimental Designs

Evidence-Based Practices and Treatments for Children with Autism (2011)

Chapter: Treatments to increase social awareness and social skills. In B. Reichow, P. Doehring, D. V. Cicchetti, and F. R. Volkmar (Eds.)

Treating Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities (2009)

Chapter: Treatment of autism spectrum disorders. In J. Matson, F. Andrasik, and M. L. Matson (Eds.)

Clinical Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders (2008)

Chapter: Evidence-based practice for autism spectrum disorders. In J. Matson (Ed.)