In 2010, I received a PhD in Biostatistics and an MHS in Bioinformatics from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health under the supervision of Dr. Rafael Irizarry. From 2010 to 2014, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Rochester Medical Center under the mentorship of Drs. Anthony...
In 2010, I received a PhD in Biostatistics and an MHS in Bioinformatics from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health under the supervision of Dr. Rafael Irizarry. From 2010 to 2014, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Rochester Medical Center under the mentorship of Drs. Anthony Almudevar and Hartmut Land. In the fall of 2014, I accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology with a joint appointment in the Department of Biomedical Genetics at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor
Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology (SMD)
Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Genetics (SMD) - Joint
MHS | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.Bioinformatics.2010
PhD | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.Biostatistics.2010
BS | University of Michigan.Statistics.2004
My research interests are in statistical genomics, systems biology, and bioinformatics. Currently, I am focusing on: (1) developing methods to estimate gene regulatory networks involved in cancer from perturbation experiments, (2) examining the effect of cellular composition on tissue-level gene exp...
My research interests are in statistical genomics, systems biology, and bioinformatics. Currently, I am focusing on: (1) developing methods to estimate gene regulatory networks involved in cancer from perturbation experiments, (2) examining the effect of cellular composition on tissue-level gene expression, (3) tackling within-subject genomic heterogeneity, focusing on predicting recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation, and (4) developing methods for preprocessing and analysis of genomic data.
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Disease models & mechanisms.. 2024 June 117 (6)Epub 02/28/2024.
Verma RX, Kannan S, Lin BL, Fomchenko KM, Nieuwenhuis TO, Patil AH, Lukban C, Yang X, Fox-Talbot K, McCall MN, Kwon C, Kass DA, Rosenberg AZ, Halushka MK
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McCall MN, Kim MS, Adil M, Patil AH, Lu Y, Mitchell CJ, Leal-Rojas P, Xu J, Kumar M, Dawson VL, Dawson TM, Baras AS, Rosenberg AZ, Arking DE, Burns KH, Pandey A, Halushka MK
Genome research.. 2017 October 27 (10):1769-1781. Epub 09/06/2017.
Barry CT, D'Souza M, McCall M, Safadjou S, Ryan C, Kashyap R, Marroquin C, Orloff M, Almudevar A, Godfrey TE
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.. 2012 February 12 (2):428-37. Epub 10/18/2011.
Shi L, Campbell G, Jones WD, Campagne F, Wen Z, Walker SJ, Su Z, Chu TM, Goodsaid FM, Pusztai L, Shaughnessy JD, Oberthuer A, Thomas RS, Paules RS, Fielden M, Barlogie B, Chen W, Du P, Fischer M, Furlanello C, Gallas BD, Ge X, Megherbi DB, Symmans WF, Wang MD, Zhang J, Bitter H, Brors B, Bushel PR, Bylesjo M, Chen M, Cheng J, Cheng J, Chou J, Davison TS, Delorenzi M, Deng Y, Devanarayan V, Dix DJ, Dopazo J, Dorff KC, Elloumi F, Fan J, Fan S, Fan X, Fang H, Gonzaludo N, Hess KR, Hong H, Huan J, Irizarry RA, Judson R, Juraeva D, Lababidi S, Lambert CG, Li L, Li Y, Li Z, Lin SM, Liu G, Lobenhofer EK, Luo J, Luo W, McCall MN, Nikolsky Y, Pennello GA, Perkins RG, Philip R, Popovici V, Price ND, Qian F, Scherer A, Shi T, Shi W, Sung J, Thierry-Mieg D, Thierry-Mieg J, Thodima V, Trygg J, Vishnuvajjala L, Wang SJ, Wu J, Wu Y, Xie Q, Yousef WA, Zhang L, Zhang X, Zhong S, Zhou Y, Zhu S, Arasappan D, Bao W, Lucas AB, Berthold F, Brennan RJ, Buness A, Catalano JG, Chang C, Chen R, Cheng Y, Cui J, Czika W, Demichelis F, Deng X, Dosymbekov D, Eils R, Feng Y, Fostel J, Fulmer-Smentek S, Fuscoe JC, Gatto L, Ge W, Goldstein DR, Guo L, Halbert DN, Han J, Harris SC, Hatzis C, Herman D, Huang J, Jensen RV, Jiang R, Johnson CD, Jurman G, Kahlert Y, Khuder SA, Kohl M, Li J, Li L, Li M, Li QZ, Li S, Li Z, Liu J, Liu Y, Liu Z, Meng L, Madera M, Martinez-Murillo F, Medina I, Meehan J, Miclaus K, Moffitt RA, Montaner D, Mukherjee P, Mulligan GJ, Neville P, Nikolskaya T, Ning B, Page GP, Parker J, Parry RM, Peng X, Peterson RL, Phan JH, Quanz B, Ren Y, Riccadonna S, Roter AH, Samuelson FW, Schumacher MM, Shambaugh JD, Shi Q, Shippy R, Si S, Smalter A, Sotiriou C, Soukup M, Staedtler F, Steiner G, Stokes TH, Sun Q, Tan PY, Tang R, Tezak Z, Thorn B, Tsyganova M, Turpaz Y, Vega SC, Visintainer R, von Frese J, Wang C, Wang E, Wang J, Wang W, Westermann F, Willey JC, Woods M, Wu S, Xiao N, Xu J, Xu L, Yang L, Zeng X, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhao C, Puri RK, Scherf U, Tong W, Wolfinger RD,
Nature biotechnology.. 2010 August 28 (8):827-38. Epub 07/30/2010.