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Elaine L. Hill, Ph.D.

Elaine L. Hill, Ph.D.


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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)

Dean's Professorship - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)

Professor - Department of Economics RC (RC) - Joint

Professor - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD) - Joint



PhD | Cornell University. Applied Economics and Management. 2014

B.A. | Oberlin College. Economics and Mathematics, Economics Departmental Honors. 2005


Raymond Vernon Memorial Award (Best JPAM Paper). 2024

NIH Loan Repayment Program Renewal Award. 2020

NIH Loan Repayment Program Renewal Award. 2019

Faculty Mentorship Award from UPSTAT Conference. 2018

NIH Loan Repayment Program. 2016 - 2018

NIH Director's Early Independence Award. 2015

Cornell Population Center Rapid Response Grant ($2,000). 2013

Cornell Population Center Conference Travel Grant to PAA Meetings ($400). 2013

Population Association of America Poster Award. 2013

Cornell Population Center Conference Travel Grant to PAA Meetings ($400). 2012

Cornell Population Center Seed Grant with David Sahn ($9,950). 2011

Economics Departmental Honors. 2005

Comfort Starr Prize in Economics. 2005

National Academic Squad by National Field Hockey Coaches Association. 2004

Jesse Phillips Prize for most outstanding junior economics major. 2004

Albert Rees Assistantship to the President's Council of Economic Advisors. 2003


As an applied microeconomist, Dr. Hill's primary research interests are in health economics and environmental economics. In particular, her research focuses on the intersection between health, health policy, the environment and human capital formation. The unifying theme within these broad areas is ...
As an applied microeconomist, Dr. Hill's primary research interests are in health economics and environmental economics. In particular, her research focuses on the intersection between health, health policy, the environment and human capital formation. The unifying theme within these broad areas is the use of quasi-experimental designs to identify modifiable factors that are clinically- and policy- relevant. Her research also primarily studies vulnerable populations (e.g., pregnant women, children, rural populations, and older adults).

Dr. Hill is currently actively pursuing multiple NIH-funded research directions. First, her NIH-funded research utilizes quasi-experimental methods to study the impacts of shale gas development on human health in the US. Through support from a DP5 award, Dr. Hill's team has studied the impacts of shale gas development on childhood asthma, drinking water contamination, mortality and environmental justice concerns as well as the economic consequences of this industry via hedonic models. Second, Dr. Hill is PI of an NCI-funded R01 equivalent grant studying drug shortages in oncology care and Co-I with the University of Rochester NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Research Base which is directed by Drs. Gary Morrow and Karen Mustian. Third, she examines public policies and health system factors that influence the overdose crisis. Within this area, Dr. Hill is studying opioid-related mortality, opioid use during pregnancy, and access to treatment. Her NIDA U01 grant (MPI Meredith Adams) provides five years of funding to study how the COVID-19 Pandemic exacerbated the opioid crisis with a particular focus on policies and economic factors. Fourth, Dr. Hill's team is funded as part of the HEAL Initiative (PI Adams) to provide documentation and best practices on the use of Medicaid and Medicare claims for use in OUD and pain research. Fifth, Dr. Hill is co-lead of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Pregnancy Domain Team, member of the Pain N3C Domain Team, and site-PI/Co-I of the RECOVER project to uncover risk factors for long COVID using N3C data. Finally, Dr. Hill has received a NIA pilot to develop methods for identifying pregnancy in Medicaid claims, describe disparities in maternal mortality during the Pandemic, and to understand how continuous coverage in Medicaid may have protected postpartum women from adverse outcomes.

Other research projects include: understanding how hazardous waste clean-ups impact housing valuation and infant health, estimating the causal effect of wildfire smoke exposure on risk of fatal and nonfatal overdoses, and studying the impact of shale gas development exposure during pregnancy on education outcomes. Dr. Hill is also pursuing funding to expand her research into Medicaid payment policies for children, pregnant and postpartum women, people with OUD, people living with disabilities, and low-income childless Americans during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Dr. Hill is a recipient of the NIH Director's Early Independence Award. She is also affiliated with Wilmot Cancer Institute, the Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, the Environmental Health Sciences Center, the Institute for Human Health and the Environment, the UR Aging Institute, and the Center for Community Health & Prevention, and maintains courtesy faculty positions at external institutions. Dr. Hill received her BA in Economics and Mathematics at Oberlin College in 2005 and her PhD in Applied Economics from Cornell University in 2014.


Journal Articles

Diagnosis and Coding of Opioid Misuse: A Systematic Scoping Review and Implementation Framework.

Hurley RW, Bland KT, Chaskes MD, Hill EL, Adams MCB

Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.. 2025 February 28 Epub 02/28/2025.

Effect of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) on hospitalization among adults with COVID-19: An electronic health record-based target trial emulation from N3C.

Bhatia A, Preiss AJ, Xiao X, Brannock MD, Alexander GC, Chew RF, Davis H, Fitzgerald M, Hill E, Kelly EP, Mehta HB, Madlock-Brown C, Wilkins KJ, Chute CG, Haendel M, Moffitt R, Pfaff ER

PLoS medicine.. 2025 January 1722 (1):e1004493. Epub 01/17/2025.

Portable Medical Orders and Inpatient Cost at End of Life in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes.

LoCastro M, Baran A, Liesveld J, Huselton E, Hill E, Loh KP, Mendler JH

JCO oncology practice.. 2024 December 16 :OP2400556. Epub 12/16/2024.

Changes in traffic-related air pollution exposures and associations with adverse birth outcomes over 20 years in Texas.

Hystad P, Hill EL, Larkin A, Schrank D, Harleman M, Volkin E, Campbell EJ, Molitor J, Harris L, Ritz BR, Willis MD

International journal of epidemiology.. 2024 December 1654 (1)Epub 1900 01 01.

High traffic roads and adverse birth outcomes: comparing births upwind and downwind of the same road.

Larkin A, Willis MD, Harris L, Ritz B, Hill EL, Hystad P

American journal of epidemiology.. 2024 December 2193 (12):1720-1728. Epub 1900 01 01.

Associations of County-Level Social Determinants of Health with COVID-19 Related Hospitalization Among People with HIV: A Retrospective Analysis of the U.S. National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).

Islam JY, Hurwitz E, Li D, Camacho-Rivera M, Sun J, Safo S, Ross JM, Wilkins K, Hassan S, Hill EL, Nosyk B, Varley C, Fadul N, Madlock-Brown C, Patel RC,

AIDS and behavior.. 2024 October 28 (Suppl 1):136-148. Epub 09/18/2024.

Insights from an N3C RECOVER EHR-based cohort study characterizing SARS-CoV-2 reinfections and Long COVID.

Hadley E, Yoo YJ, Patel S, Zhou A, Laraway B, Wong R, Preiss A, Chew R, Davis H, Brannock MD, Chute CG, Pfaff ER, Loomba J, Haendel M, Hill E, Moffitt R

Communications medicine.. 2024 July 114 (1):129. Epub 07/11/2024.

Roadway construction as a natural experiment to examine air pollution impacts on infant health.

Hill E, Harleman M, Harris L, Sventek G, Ritz B, Campbell EJ, Willis M, Hystad P

Environmental research.. 2024 July 1252 (Pt 2):118788. Epub 03/28/2024.

Evaluating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness during pre-Delta, Delta and Omicron dominant periods among pregnant people in the U.S.: Retrospective cohort analysis from a nationally sampled cohort in National COVID Collaborative Cohort (N3C).

Qin QC, Wilkins KJ, Jones SE, Bradwell KR, Chan LE, Sun J, Anzalone J, Zheng Q, Liebman M, Mariona F, Faherty EAG, Challa AP, Hill E, Patel RC

BMJ public health.. 2024 July 2 (1)Epub 06/03/2024.

Pregnancy Outcomes among Pregnant Persons after COVID-19 Vaccination: Assessing Vaccine Safety in Retrospective Cohort Analysis of U.S. National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).

Faherty EAG, Wilkins KJ, Jones S, Challa A, Qin Q, Chan LE, Olson-Chen C, Tarleton JL, Liebman MN, Mariona F, Hill EL, Patel RC, The N C Consortium

Vaccines.. 2024 March 1112 (3)Epub 03/11/2024.

Influence of Community Determinants on Barriers and Facilitators to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: Regional Stakeholders' Perspectives.

Russ S, Bennett N, van Wijngaarden E, Hill E, Liu Y

Vaccine.. 2024 February 1542 (5):1160-1167. Epub 01/24/2024.

Multiple Dimensions of Environmental Justice and Oil and Gas Development in Pennsylvania.

Lieberman-Cribbin W, Fang X, Morello-Frosch R, Gonzalez DJX, Hill E, Deziel NC, Buonocore JJ, Casey JA

Environmental justice.. 2024 February 117 (1):31-44. Epub 02/07/2024.

Is the emergency department used as a substitute or a complement to primary care in Medicaid?

Denham A, Hill EL, Raven M, Mendoza M, Raz M, Veazie PJ

Health economics, policy, and law.. 2024 January 19 (1):73-91. Epub 10/23/2023.

A population-based cohort study of electronic tolling, traffic congestion, and adverse birth outcomes.

Willis MD, Harris L, Campbell EJ, Chaskes M, Sawyer E, Harleman M, Ritz B, Hill EL, Hystad P

Environment international.. 2024 January 183 :108355. Epub 11/27/2023.

Drinking Water Contaminant Concentrations and Birth Outcomes.

DiSalvo RW, Hill EL

Journal of policy analysis and management : [the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management].. 2024 43 (2):368-399. Epub 12/14/2023.

Assessing associations between individual-level social determinants of health and COVID-19 hospitalizations: Investigating racial/ethnic disparities among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the U.S. National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).

Vaidya D, Wilkins KJ, Hurwitz E, Islam JY, Li D, Sun J, Safo SE, Ross JM, Hassan S, Hill E, Nosyk B, Varley CD, Fadul N, Camacho-Rivera M, Madlock-Brown C, Patel RC

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e107. Epub 05/21/2024.

Changes in traffic congestion and air pollution due to major roadway infrastructure improvements in Texas.

Harleman M, Harris L, Willis MD, Ritz B, Hystad P, Hill EL

The Science of the total environment.. 2023 November 10898 :165463. Epub 07/17/2023.

Risk factors associated with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2: an N3C and NIH RECOVER study.

Hill EL, Mehta HB, Sharma S, Mane K, Singh SK, Xie C, Cathey E, Loomba J, Russell S, Spratt H, DeWitt PE, Ammar N, Madlock-Brown C, Brown D, McMurry JA, Chute CG, Haendel MA, Moffitt R, Pfaff ER, Bennett TD, ,

BMC public health.. 2023 October 2523 (1):2103. Epub 10/25/2023.

Who is pregnant? Defining real-world data-based pregnancy episodes in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C).

Jones SE, Bradwell KR, Chan LE, McMurry JA, Olson-Chen C, Tarleton J, Wilkins KJ, Ly V, Ljazouli S, Qin Q, Faherty EG, Lau YK, Xie C, Kao YH, Liebman MN, Mariona F, Challa AP, Li L, Ratcliffe SJ, Haendel MA, Patel RC, Hill EL,

JAMIA open.. 2023 October 6 (3):ooad067. Epub 08/16/2023.

Changes in Socioeconomic Disparities for Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure During Pregnancy Over a 20-Year Period in Texas.

Willis MD, Hill EL, Ncube CN, Campbell EJ, Harris L, Harleman M, Ritz B, Hystad P

JAMA network open.. 2023 August 16 (8):e2328012. Epub 08/01/2023.

The Geographical Correlation Between Historical Preterm Birth Disparities and COVID-19 Burden.

Marinescu PS, Olson-Chen C, Glantz JC, Hill E, Hollenbach SJ

Reproductive sciences.. 2023 April 30 (4):1343-1349. Epub 09/16/2022.

Associations among Historical Neighborhood Disinvestment, Hazardous Air Pollutants, and Current Adult Asthma Prevalence.

Campbell EJ, Sims KD, Hill EL, Willis MD

Environmental health perspectives.. 2023 March 131 (3):37702. Epub 03/22/2023.

SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection is Preceded by Unique Biomarkers and Related to Initial Infection Timing and Severity: an N3C RECOVER EHR-Based Cohort Study.

Hadley E, Yoo YJ, Patel S, Zhou A, Laraway B, Wong R, Preiss A, Chew R, Davis H, Chute CG, Pfaff ER, Loomba J, Haendel M, Hill E, Moffitt R,

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2023 January 5 Epub 01/05/2023.

Post-Acute Care Use Associated with Medicare Shared Savings Program and Disparities.

Kim Y, Thirukumaran C, Temkin-Greener H, Holloway R, Hill E, Li Y

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2022 December 23 (12):2023-2029.e18. Epub 09/13/2022.

A population-based cohort study of traffic congestion and infant growth using connected vehicle data.

Willis MD, Schrank D, Xu C, Harris L, Ritz BR, Hill EL, Hystad P

Science advances.. 2022 October 288 (43):eabp8281. Epub 10/28/2022.

Coroner county systems are associated with a higher likelihood of unclassified drug overdoses compared to medical examiner county systems.

Denham A, Vasu T, Avendano P, Boslett A, Mendoza M, Hill EL

The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.. 2022 September 348 (5):606-617. Epub 06/06/2022.

Coding Long COVID: Characterizing a new disease through an ICD-10 lens.

Pfaff ER, Madlock-Brown C, Baratta JM, Bhatia A, Davis H, Girvin A, Hill E, Kelly L, Kostka K, Loomba J, McMurry JA, Wong R, Bennett TD, Moffitt R, Chute CG, Haendel M, ,

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2022 September 2 Epub 09/02/2022.

Mortality during Resource Booms and Busts.

Boslett A, Hill E

Journal of environmental economics and management.. 2022 September 115 Epub 07/06/2022.

Risk Factors Associated with Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 in an EHR Cohort: A National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Analysis as part of the NIH RECOVER program.

Hill E, Mehta H, Sharma S, Mane K, Xie C, Cathey E, Loomba J, Russell S, Spratt H, DeWitt PE, Ammar N, Madlock-Brown C, Brown D, McMurry JA, Chute CG, Haendel MA, Moffitt R, Pfaff ER, Bennett TD,

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2022 August 17 Epub 08/17/2022.

Where you drink water: An assessment of the Tennessee, USA public water supply.

Ding KJ, Hornberger G, Hill E, McDonald YJ

Water.. 2022 August 214 (16)Epub 08/20/2022.

Drinking water, fracking, and infant health.

Hill EL, Ma L

Journal of health economics.. 2022 March 82 :102595. Epub 01/30/2022.

Fatal opioid overdoses in the U.S. declined more than reported between 2017 and 2018.

Boslett A, Denham A, Hill E

The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.. 2021 November 247 (6):711-721. Epub 06/09/2021.

Associations Between Historically Redlined Districts and Racial Disparities in Current Obstetric Outcomes.

Hollenbach SJ, Thornburg LL, Glantz JC, Hill E

JAMA network open.. 2021 September 14 (9):e2126707. Epub 09/01/2021.

Motivation to move fast, motivation to wait and see: The association of prevention and promotion focus with clinicians' implementation of the JNC-7 hypertension treatment guidelines.

Sanders M, Fiscella K, Hill E, Ogedegbe O, Cassells A, Tobin JN, Williams S, Veazie P

The journal of clinical hypertension.. 2021 September 23 (9):1752-1757. Epub 08/10/2021.

The fracking concern with water quality.

Hill E, Ma L

Science.. 2021 August 20373 (6557):853-854. Epub 1900 01 01.

Institutional Postacute Care Use May Help Reduce Readmissions for Ischemic Stroke Patients.

Kim Y, Thirukumaran C, Temkin-Greener H, Hill E, Holloway R, Li Y

Medical care.. 2021 August 159 (8):736-742. Epub 1900 01 01.

Corrigendum to: Assessing the effectiveness of vehicle emission regulations on improving perinatal health: a population-based accountability study.

Willis MD, Hill EL, Kile ML, Carozza S, Hystad P

International journal of epidemiology.. 2021 July 950 (3):1046. Epub 1900 01 01.

Clinical Characterization and Prediction of Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among US Adults Using Data From the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative.

Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, Amor B, Anand A, Bissell MM, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Byrd JB, Denham A, DeWitt PE, Gabriel D, Garibaldi BT, Girvin AT, Guinney J, Hill EL, Hong SS, Jimenez H, Kavuluru R, Kostka K, Lehmann HP, Levitt E, Mallipattu SK, Manna A, McMurry JA, Morris M, Muschelli J, Neumann AJ, Palchuk MB, Pfaff ER, Qian Z, Qureshi N, Russell S, Spratt H, Walden A, Williams AE, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Austin CP, Saltz JH, Gersing KR, Haendel MA, Chute CG,

JAMA network open.. 2021 July 14 (7):e2116901. Epub 07/01/2021.

Associations between Residential Proximity to Oil and Gas Drilling and Term Birth Weight and Small-for-Gestational-Age Infants in Texas: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis.

Willis MD, Hill EL, Boslett A, Kile ML, Carozza SE, Hystad P

Environmental health perspectives.. 2021 July 129 (7):77002. Epub 07/21/2021.

Rural Light Pollution from Shale Gas Development and Associated Sleep and Subjective Well-Being.

Boslett A, Hill E, Ma L, Zhang L

Resource and energy economics.. 2021 May 64 Epub 01/19/2021.

The Effect of Medicare Shared Savings Program on Readmissions and Variations by Race/Ethnicity and Payer Status (December 9, 2020).

Kim Y, Thirukumaran C, Temkin-Greener H, Hill E, Holloway R, Li Y

Medical care.. 2021 April 159 (4):304-311. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute myocardial infarction associated with unconventional natural gas development: A natural experiment.

Denham A, Willis MD, Croft D, Liu L, Hill EL

Environmental research.. 2021 April 195 :110872. Epub 02/11/2021.

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Rationale, design, infrastructure, and deployment.

Melissa H, Christopher C, Kenneth G

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA.. 2021 March 128 (3):427-443. Epub 1900 01 01.

Natural gas development, flaring practices and paediatric asthma hospitalizations in Texas.

Willis M, Hystad P, Denham A, Hill E

International journal of epidemiology.. 2021 January 2349 (6):1883-1896. Epub 1900 01 01.

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative: Clinical Characterization and Early Severity Prediction.

Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, Amor B, Anand A, Bissell MM, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Byrd JB, Denham A, DeWitt PE, Gabriel D, Garibaldi BT, Girvin AT, Guinney J, Hill EL, Hong SS, Jimenez H, Kavuluru R, Kostka K, Lehmann HP, Levitt E, Mallipattu SK, Manna A, McMurry JA, Morris M, Muschelli J, Neumann AJ, Palchuk MB, Pfaff ER, Qian J, Qureshi N, Russell S, Spratt H, Walden A, Williams AE, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Austin CP, Saltz JH, Gersing KR, Haendel MA, Chute CG

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2021 January 23 Epub 01/23/2021.

Assessing the effectiveness of vehicle emission regulations on improving perinatal health: a population-based accountability study.

Willis MD, Hill EL, Kile ML, Carozza S, Hystad P

International journal of epidemiology.. 2021 January 2349 (6):1781-1791. Epub 1900 01 01.

Rural Light Pollution from Shale Gas Development and Associated Sleep and Subjective Well-Being

Boslett, A; Hill, E; Ma, L; Zhang, L.

Resource and Energy Economics. 2021; 64.

Health and charge benefits from decreasing PM2.5 concentrations in New York State: Effects of changing compositions

Philip K.Hopke; Elaine L.Hill.

Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2021; Volume 12(3): Pages 47-53.

Assessment of Financial Toxicity Among Older Adults With Advanced Cancer.

Arastu A, Patel A, Mohile SG, Ciminelli J, Kaushik R, Wells M, Culakova E, Lei L, Xu H, Dougherty DW, Mohamed MR, Hill E, Duberstein P, Flannery MA, Kamen CS, Pandya C, Berenberg JL, Aarne Grossman VG, Liu Y, Loh KP

JAMA network open.. 2020 December 13 (12):e2025810. Epub 12/01/2020.

Social distancing merely stabilized COVID-19 in the United States.

Wagner AB, Hill EL, Ryan SE, Sun Z, Deng G, Bhadane S, Martinez VH, Wu P, Li D, Anand A, Acharya J, Matteson DS

Stat : the ISI's journal for rapid dissemination of statistics research.. 2020 December 9 (1):e302. Epub 10/05/2020.

Using contributing causes of death improves prediction of opioid involvement in unclassified drug overdoses in US death records.

Boslett AJ, Denham A, Hill EL

Addiction.. 2020 July 115 (7):1308-1317. Epub 02/27/2020.

Unclassified drug overdose deaths in the opioid crisis: emerging patterns of inequity.

Boslett AJ, Denham A, Hill EL, Adams MCB

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA.. 2019 August 126 (8-9):767-777. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shale gas transmission and housing prices.

Boslett A, Hill E

Resource and energy economics.. 2019 August 57 :36-50. Epub 03/16/2019.

Reproductive health care in Catholic-owned hospitals.

Hill EL, Slusky DJG, Ginther DK

Journal of health economics.. 2019 May 65 :48-62. Epub 03/03/2019.

Unconventional natural gas development and hospitalizations: evidence from Pennsylvania, United States, 2003-2014.

Denham A, Willis M, Zavez A, Hill E

Public health.. 2019 March 168 :17-25. Epub 01/21/2019.

Shale Gas Transmission and Housing Prices

Boslett, Andrew; Hill, Elaine.

Resource and Energy Economics. 2019; .

Are Increasing Trends in Opioid-Related Hospitalizations Attributable to Increases in Diagnosis Recordability? Evidence from 2 Large States.

Denham A, Mullaney T, Hill EL, Veazie PJ

Health services insights.. 2019 12 :1178632919861338. Epub 07/11/2019.

Unconventional natural gas development and pediatric asthma hospitalizations in Pennsylvania.

Willis MD, Jusko TA, Halterman JS, Hill EL

Environmental research.. 2018 October 166 :402-408. Epub 06/21/2018.

Shale gas development and infant health: Evidence from Pennsylvania.

Hill EL

Journal of health economics.. 2018 September 61 :134-150. Epub 08/13/2018.

Psychosocial Implications of Unconventional Natural Gas Development: Quality of Life in Ohio's Guernsey and Noble Counties

Fisher, M.; Mayer, A.; Vollet, K.; Hill, E. Haynes, E.

Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2018; .

Shale Gas Development and Drinking Water Quality.

Hill E, Ma L

The American economic review.. 2017 May 107 (5):522-525. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bundling of Reimbursement for Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement Resulted in Significantly Decreased Utilization between 2012 and 2014.

Glocker RJ, TerBush MJ, Hill EL, Guido JJ, Doyle A, Ellis JL, Raman K, Morrow GR, Stoner MC

Annals of vascular surgery.. 2017 January 38 :172-176. Epub 10/25/2016.

Labor Migration and Health of Left-Behind Children in China

Lei, L.; Feng, L.; Hill, E.

Journal of Development Studies. 2017; .

The Economic and health Effects of the 2014 Chemical Spill in the Elk River, West Virginia

Guilfoos, T.; Dalton, k.; Boslett, A.; Hill, E.

American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2017; .

Patient Education for Consumer-Mediated HIE. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of the Department of Veterans Affairs Blue Button.

Turvey CL, Klein DM, Witry M, Klutts JS, Hill EL, Alexander B, Nazi KM

Applied clinical informatics.. 2016 August 37 (3):765-76. Epub 08/03/2016.

Environmental and Economic Impacts of Localizing Food Systems: The Case of Dairy Supply Chains in the Northeastern United States.

Nicholson CF, He X, Gómez MI, Gao HO, Hill E

Environmental science & technology.. 2015 October 2049 (20):12005-14. Epub 10/01/2015.

School food environments and policies in US public schools.

Finkelstein DM, Hill EL, Whitaker RC

Pediatrics.. 2008 July 122 (1):e251-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Does the Type of Legal Representation Affect Sentencing Outcomes?

Hill, E.

Undergraduate Economic Review. 2005; 5(1).


Human Capital and Health Behavior (2017)

Chapter: Birth Spacing and Educational Outcomes