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About Me

Dongmei Li received her PhD in Biostatistics from Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University in 2009. Her doctoral research focus on resampling-based multiple testing procedures with applications to microarray data analysis. Dr. Li's research focus on differential analysis methods and mul...
Dongmei Li received her PhD in Biostatistics from Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University in 2009. Her doctoral research focus on resampling-based multiple testing procedures with applications to microarray data analysis. Dr. Li's research focus on differential analysis methods and multiple testing procedures in genomic data analysis especially in methylation and transcriptome data analysis. Dr. Li also has extensive collaboration experience. She has collaborated with numerous investigators from a variety of schools and institutions such as school of medicine, nursing and dental hygiene, biomedical engineering, education, cancer center, center on disability studies, and institute of marine biology. Dr. Li has served as co-investigators and biostatisticians on multiple national grants including a 10 million grant from CMS on diabetes studies for Medicaid beneficiaries, NIH R21, P20, P30, and U54 grants on biomedical research. Dr. Li currently directs the Biomedical Data Science Certificate Program and is the Biostatistics and Informatics Core director for the WNY Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco Products (CRoFT), a center grant funded by FDA/NCI.

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Clinical and Translational Research (SMD)

Professor - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD) - Joint

Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint



PhD | The Ohio State University. Biostatistics. 2009

MS | The Ohio State University. Statistics. 2006



Journal Articles

Themes in e-liquid concept names as a marketing tactic: evidence from Premarket Tobacco Product Applications in the USA.

Laestadius L, Vassey J, Kim M, Ozga J, Li D, Stanton C, Wipfli H, Unger JB

Tobacco control.. 2024 April 1933 (3):412-413. Epub 04/19/2024.

Vaping: Public Health, Social Media, and Toxicity.

Sun Y, Prabhu P, Li D, McIntosh S, Rahman I

Online journal of public health informatics.. 2024 April 1116 :e53245. Epub 04/11/2024.

Actívatexto: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Intervention That Promotes Smoking Cessation and Physical Activity among Latinos.

Lara D, Alaniz-Cantú EI, Siddalingaiaha S, Oliveira I, Chávez-Iñiguez A, DeJesus E, Fuller D, Marquez DX, Vásquez E, Li D, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F

Cancer research communications.. 2024 April 84 (4):1016-1023. Epub 1900 01 01.

Social Network Analysis of e-Cigarette-Related Social Media Influencers on Twitter/X: Observational Study.

Zhou R, Xie Z, Tang Q, Li D

JMIR formative research.. 2024 April 18 :e53666. Epub 04/01/2024.

How to Identify e-Cigarette Brands Available in the United States During 2020-2022: Development and Usability Study.

Ma S, Kaareen A, Park H, He Y, Jiang S, Qiu Z, Xie Z, Li D, Chen J, O'Connor RJ, Fong GT, Shang C

JMIR formative research.. 2024 February 288 :e47570. Epub 02/28/2024.

Characterizing Anti-Vaping Posts for Effective Communication on Instagram Using Multimodal Deep Learning.

Xie Z, Deng S, Liu P, Lou X, Xu C, Li D

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2024 February 1526 (Supplement_1):S43-S48. Epub 1900 01 01.

Peer review of clinical and translational research manuscripts: Perspectives from statistical collaborators.

Schulte PJ, Goldberg JD, Oster RA, Ambrosius WT, Bonner LB, Cabral H, Carter RE, Chen Y, Desai M, Li D, Lindsell CJ, Pomann GM, Slade E, Tosteson TD, Yu F, Spratt H

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2024 8 (1):e20. Epub 01/04/2024.

Public perceptions of synthetic cooling agents in electronic cigarettes on Twitter.

Liu AH, Hootman J, Li D, Xie Z

PloS one.. 2024 19 (3):e0292412. Epub 03/12/2024.

Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

PloS one.. 2024 19 (4):e0291840. Epub 04/03/2024.

Recruiting Latino young adults into a vaping cessation study via social media: Feasibility and cost analysis.

Orfin RH, Uceda V, Gardner C, Estrada B, Tamayo E, Hernández-Torres R, Li D, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F

Tobacco prevention & cessation.. 2024 10 Epub 04/09/2024.

Fruit flavors in electronic cigarettes (ECIGs) are associated with nocturnal dry cough: A population longitudinal analysis.

Quinones Tavarez Z, Croft DP, Li D, Gill SR, Wojtovich AP, Rahman I, Ossip DJ

PloS one.. 2024 19 (6):e0306467. Epub 06/28/2024.

E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis.

Vassey J, Valente T, Barker J, Stanton C, Li D, Laestadius L, Cruz TB, Unger JB

Tobacco control.. 2023 August 32 (e2):e184-e191. Epub 02/07/2022.

Characterizing e-Cigarette-Related Videos on TikTok: Observational Study.

Xie Z, Xue S, Gao Y, Li D

JMIR formative research.. 2023 April 57 :e42346. Epub 04/05/2023.

Recurrence risk and risk factors for monozygotic twin and triplet birth in over 65,000 single-embryo transfers.

Chu CS, Li D, Olson-Chen C, Kawwass J, Vitek W

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics.. 2023 April 40 (4):851-855. Epub 02/07/2023.

Public Perceptions of Flavored Waterpipe Smoking on Twitter.

Feliciano JR, Li D, Xie Z

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2023 March 2720 (7)Epub 03/27/2023.

Characterizing Heated Tobacco Products Marketing on Instagram: Observational Study.

Chen J, Xue S, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR formative research.. 2023 March 157 :e43334. Epub 03/15/2023.

Classification, Perception, and Toxicity of Emerging Flavored Oral Nicotine Pouches.

Shaikh SB, Newton C, Tung WC, Sun Y, Li D, Ossip D, Rahman I

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2023 March 320 (5)Epub 03/03/2023.

Public Perceptions of the Food and Drug Administration's Proposed Rules Prohibiting Menthol Cigarettes on Twitter: Observational Study.

Zhou R, Tang Q, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR formative research.. 2023 February 107 :e42706. Epub 02/10/2023.

Sex Differences in the Association of E-cigarette and Cigarette Use and Dual Use With Self-Reported Hypertension Incidence in US Adults.

Shi H, Leventhal AM, Wen Q, Ossip DJ, Li D

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2023 February 925 (3):478-485. Epub 1900 01 01.

Public Perceptions on the Policy of Electronic Cigarettes as Medical Products on Twitter.

Lou X, Liu P, Xie Z, Li D

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2023 February 120 (3)Epub 02/01/2023.

Dysregulation of Bile Acids, Lipids, and Nucleotides in Psoriatic Arthritis Revealed by Unbiased Profiling of Serum Metabolites.

Paine A, Brookes PS, Bhattacharya S, Li D, Garcia-Hernandez ML, Tausk F, Ritchlin C

Arthritis & rheumatology.. 2023 January 75 (1):53-63. Epub 11/25/2022.

Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Perception of Water Pipes on Reddit: Observational Study.

Zheng Z, Xie Z, Goniewicz M, Rahman I, Li D

JMIR infodemiology.. 2023 3 :e40913. Epub 04/20/2023.

SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 Infection During Pregnancy and Differential DNA Methylation in Human Cord Blood Cells From Term Neonates.

Urday P, Gayen Nee' Betal S, Sequeira Gomes R, Al-Kouatly HB, Solarin K, Chan JS, Li D, Rahman I, Addya S, Boelig RC, Aghai ZH

Epigenetics insights.. 2023 16 :25168657231184665. Epub 06/30/2023.

Are Black and Latino adolescents being asked if they use electronic cigarettes and advised not to use them? Results from a community-based survey.

Connolly M, Croft D, Ramírez-Palacios P, Cai X, Hill B, Orfin RH, Rivera MP, Wilson KM, Li D, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F

Frontiers in public health.. 2023 11 :1222184. Epub 08/10/2023.

Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling in comparison between pathological and physiological hypertrophy of human cardiomyocytes.

Shi H, Chen S, Meng FW, Ossip DJ, Yan C, Li D

Frontiers in genetics.. 2023 14 :1264382. Epub 09/27/2023.

Monitoring and Identifying Emerging e-Cigarette Brands and Flavors on Twitter: Observational Study.

Tang Q, Zhou R, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR formative research.. 2022 December 56 (12):e42241. Epub 12/05/2022.

Impact of the FDA flavour enforcement policy on flavoured electronic cigarette use behaviour changes.

Li D, Ossip DJ, Bansal-Travers M, Xie Z

Tobacco control.. 2022 November 31 (Suppl 3):s176-s183. Epub 1900 01 01.

Potential Impact of FDA Flavor Enforcement Policy on Vaping Behavior on Twitter.

Xie Z, Ruan J, Jiang Y, Zhang B, Chen T, Luo J, Li D

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2022 October 719 (19)Epub 10/07/2022.

Discussion of waterpipe tobacco smoking on reddit.

Zheng Z, Xie Z, Li D

Heliyon.. 2022 September 8 (9):e10635. Epub 09/17/2022.

Perceptions and Discussions of Snus on Twitter: Observational Study.

Chen J, Xue S, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR medical informatics.. 2022 August 2910 (8):e38174. Epub 08/29/2022.

Cross-Sectional Associations of Self-Reported Social/Emotional Support and Life Satisfaction with Smoking and Vaping Status in Adults.

Xie Z, Cartujano-Barrera F, Cupertino P, Li D

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2022 August 2819 (17)Epub 08/28/2022.

Perceptions of Oral Nicotine Pouches on Reddit: Observational Study.

Shao Y, Zou J, Xie Z, Mayne RG, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Li D

Journal of medical Internet research.. 2022 July 1524 (7):e37071. Epub 07/15/2022.

Investigating the Impact of the New York State Flavor Ban on e-Cigarette-Related Discussions on Twitter: Observational Study.

Gao Y, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2022 July 88 (7):e34114. Epub 07/08/2022.

Broad Cross-Reactive IgA and IgG against Human Coronaviruses in Milk Induced by COVID-19 Vaccination and Infection.

Wang J, Young BE, Li D, Seppo A, Zhou Q, Wiltse A, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Murphy K, Widrick K, Diaz N, Cruz-Vasquez J, M Järvinen K, Zand MS

Vaccines.. 2022 June 2010 (6)Epub 06/20/2022.

Predictors of Secondhand Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.

Quiñones Z, Li D, McIntosh S, Avendaño E, Sánchez JJ, DiMare-Hering C, Flores Golfín D, Wang S, Pérez-Ramos JG, D V Dye T, Ossip DJ

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2022 April 2824 (6):909-913. Epub 1900 01 01.

Perception of the Food and Drug Administration Electronic Cigarette Flavor Enforcement Policy on Twitter: Observational Study.

Lu X, Sun L, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2022 March 298 (3):e25697. Epub 03/29/2022.

Public Reactions to the New York State Policy on Flavored Electronic Cigarettes on Twitter: Observational Study.

Sun L, Lu X, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2022 February 38 (2):e25216. Epub 02/03/2022.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health Concerns on Twitter in the United States.

Senqi Zhang, Li Sun, Daiwei Zhang, Pin Li, Yue Liu, Ajay Anand, Zidian Xie, Dongmei Li.

Health Data Science. 2022; 2022: Article ID 9758408, 9 pages.

An evaluation of RNA-seq differential analysis methods.

Li D, Zand MS, Dye TD, Goniewicz ML, Rahman I, Xie Z

PloS one.. 2022 17 (9):e0264246. Epub 09/16/2022.

Characteristics of and User Engagement With Antivaping Posts on Instagram: Observational Study.

Gao Y, Xie Z, Sun L, Xu C, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2021 November 257 (11):e29600. Epub 11/25/2021.

Role of DNA methylation on the association between physical activity and cardiovascular diseases: results from the longitudinal multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA) cohort.

Shi H, Ossip DJ, Mayo NL, Lopez DA, Block RC, Post WS, Bertoni AG, Ding J, Chen S, Yan C, Xie Z, Hoeschele I, Liu Y, Li D

BMC genomics.. 2021 November 322 (1):790. Epub 11/03/2021.

Distinct Exosomal miRNA Profiles from BALF and Lung Tissue of COPD and IPF Patients.

Kaur G, Maremanda KP, Campos M, Chand HS, Li F, Hirani N, Haseeb MA, Li D, Rahman I

International journal of molecular sciences.. 2021 October 3122 (21)Epub 10/31/2021.

Broadly Reactive IgG Responses to Heterologous H5 Prime-Boost Influenza Vaccination Are Shaped by Antigenic Relatedness to Priming Strains.

Wang J, Li D, Perry S, Hilchey SP, Wiltse A, Treanor JJ, Sangster MY, Zand MS

mBio.. 2021 August 3112 (4):e0044921. Epub 07/06/2021.

Perceptions of Tobacco Product-Specific COVID-19 Risk and Changes in Tobacco Use Behaviors Among Smokers, E-Cigarette Users, and Dual Users.

White AM, Li D, Snell LM, O'Connor R, Hoetger C, Croft D, Lester RC, McIntosh S, Underwood M, Schneller L, Breland A, Barnes AJ, Cobb CO, Ossip DJ

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2021 August 1823 (9):1617-1622. Epub 1900 01 01.

Exploratory Analysis of Electronic Cigarette-Related Videos on YouTube: Observational Study.

Xie Z, Wang X, Gu Y, Li D

Interactive journal of medical research.. 2021 July 610 (3):e27302. Epub 07/06/2021.

Association of obesity with diabetic retinopathy in US adults with diabetes in a national survey.

Yang GR, Li D, Xie Z

Endocrine connections.. 2021 June 3010 (7):725-730. Epub 06/30/2021.

Potential Impact of a Paper About COVID-19 and Smoking on Twitter Users' Attitudes Toward Smoking: Observational Study.

Tao C, Diaz D, Xie Z, Chen L, Li D, O'Connor R

JMIR formative research.. 2021 June 155 (6):e25010. Epub 06/15/2021.

Prevalence of Depression or Anxiety During Antepartum Hospitalizations for Obstetric Complications: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Toscano M, Royzer R, Castillo D, Li D, Poleshuck E

Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2021 May 1137 (5):881-891. Epub 1900 01 01.

Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson's disease severity: the Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge.

Sieberts SK, Schaff J, Duda M, Pataki BÁ, Sun M, Snyder P, Daneault JF, Parisi F, Costante G, Rubin U, Banda P, Chae Y, Chaibub Neto E, Dorsey ER, Ayd?n Z, Chen A, Elo LL, Espino C, Glaab E, Goan E, Golabchi FN, Görmez Y, Jaakkola MK, Jonnagaddala J, Klén R, Li D, McDaniel C, Perrin D, Perumal TM, Rad NM, Rainaldi E, Sapienza S, Schwab P, Shokhirev N, Venäläinen MS, Vergara-Diaz G, Zhang Y, , Wang Y, Guan Y, Brunner D, Bonato P, Mangravite LM, Omberg L

NPJ digital medicine.. 2021 March 194 (1):53. Epub 03/19/2021.

Association Between Pretreatment Sleep Disturbance and Radiation Therapy-Induced Pain in 573 Women With Breast Cancer.

Peoples AR, Pigeon WR, Li D, Garland SN, Perlis ML, Inglis JE, Vinciguerra V, Anderson T, Evans LS, Wade JL, Ossip DJ, Morrow GR, Wolf JR

Journal of pain and symptom management.. 2021 February 61 (2):254-261. Epub 08/05/2020.

Electronic Cigarette Users' Perspective on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Study Using Twitter Data.

Gao Y, Xie Z, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2021 January 57 (1):e24859. Epub 01/05/2021.

Tobacco Product Access Scenarios Influence Hypothetical Use Behaviors

White, Augustus M.; Ossip, Deborah J.; Snell, L. Morgan; Li, Dongmei; Hoetger, Cosima; O'Connor, Richard; Lester, Rebecca C.; Croft, Daniel; Underwood, Megan; McIntosh, Scott; Breland, Alison; Schneller, Liane; Cobb, Caroline O.; Barnes, Andrew J.

Tobacco Regulatory Science. 2021; 7(3).

Perspectives on Epigenetics Alterations Associated with Smoking and Vaping

Zidian Xie, Irfan Rahman, Maciej L Goniewicz, Dongmei Li.

Function. 2021; 2(3).

Perceptions of IQOS Heated Tobacco Product on Twitter in the United States

Canruo Zou, Xueting Wang, Zidian Xie, Dongmei Li.

Frontiers in Communication, section Health Communication. 2021; .

Feasibility of Using Mobile Technology to Improve Physical Activity Among People Living with Diabetes in Asia.

Lukkahatai N, Soivong P, Li D, Jaiman P, Thamkaew S, Chaiwong D, Hiranlalit N, Inouye J

Asian/Pacific Island nursing journal.. 2021 5 (4):236-247. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cross-Sectional Association of Lifetime Electronic Cigarette Use with Wheezing and Related Respiratory Symptoms in U.S. Adults.

Li D, Xie Z

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 December 1522 (Suppl 1):S85-S92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cross-Sectional Association Between Lifetime Use of Electronic Cigarettes With or Without Marijuana and Self-Reported Past 12-Month Respiratory Symptoms as well as Lifetime Respiratory Diseases in U.S. Adults.

Xie Z, Li D

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 December 1522 (Suppl 1):S70-S75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cross-Sectional Association Between Exclusive and Concurrent Use of Cigarettes, ENDS, and Cigars, the Three Most Popular Tobacco Products, and Wheezing Symptoms Among U.S. Adults.

Schneller LM, Quiñones Tavárez Z, Goniewicz ML, Xie Z, McIntosh S, Rahman I, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ, Li D

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 December 1522 (Suppl 1):S76-S84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Promotion of Disposable Electronic Cigarette Flavors and Topics on Twitter.

Sun L, Tao C, Xie Z, Li D

International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2020 December 1017 (24)Epub 12/10/2020.

The association between statewide vaping prevalence and COVID-19.

Li D, Croft DP, Ossip DJ, Xie Z

Preventive medicine reports.. 2020 December 20 :101254. Epub 11/25/2020.

Vinpocetine protects against the development of experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Zhang C, Hsu CG, Mohan A, Shi H, Li D, Yan C

Clinical science.. 2020 November 27134 (22):2959-2976. Epub 1900 01 01.

How effective are electronic cigarettes for reducing respiratory and cardiovascular risk in smokers? A systematic review.

Goniewicz ML, Miller CR, Sutanto E, Li D

Harm reduction journal.. 2020 November 2317 (1):91. Epub 11/23/2020.

Electronic Cigarette-Related Contents on Instagram: Observational Study and Exploratory Analysis.

Gao Y, Xie Z, Sun L, Xu C, Li D

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2020 November 56 (4):e21963. Epub 11/05/2020.

Home smoking and vaping policies among US adults: results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study, wave 3.

Li D, Shi H, Xie Z, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Bansal-Travers M, Winickoff JP, Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ

Preventive medicine.. 2020 October 139 :106215. Epub 07/18/2020.

Flavor Inconsistencies between Flavored Tobacco Products among US Adults.

Schneller LM, Li D, Tavárez ZQ, Goniewicz ML, Quisenberry AJ, Xie Z, Rahman I, McIntosh S, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ

American journal of health behavior.. 2020 September 144 (5):617-630. Epub 1900 01 01.

User Perceptions of Different Electronic Cigarette Flavors on Social Media: Observational Study.

Lu X, Chen L, Yuan J, Luo J, Luo J, Xie Z, Li D

Journal of medical Internet research.. 2020 June 2422 (6):e17280. Epub 06/24/2020.

A Social Media Study on the Associations of Flavored Electronic Cigarettes With Health Symptoms: Observational Study.

Chen L, Lu X, Yuan J, Luo J, Luo J, Xie Z, Li D

Journal of medical Internet research.. 2020 June 2222 (6):e17496. Epub 06/22/2020.

Use of Electronic Cigarettes and Self-Reported Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis in Adults.

Xie Z, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, Li D

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 June 1222 (7):1155-1161. Epub 1900 01 01.

E-cigarette-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Dysregulated Repair are Mediated by nAChR ?7 Receptor: Role of nAChR ?7 in ACE2 Covid-19 receptor regulation.

Wang Q, Sundar I, Li D, Lucas J, Muthumalage T, McDonough S, Rahman I

Research square.. 2020 May 18 Epub 05/18/2020.

Cyclosporine a directly affects human and mouse b cell migration in vitro by disrupting a hIF-1 ?dependent, o sensing, molecular switch.

Hilchey SP, Palshikar MG, Emo JA, Li D, Garigen J, Wang J, Mendelson ES, Cipolla V, Thakar J, Zand MS

BMC immunology.. 2020 March 1821 (1):13. Epub 03/18/2020.

Surgical Management and Adjuvant Therapy for Patients With Neurological Deficits From Vertebral Hemangiomas: A Meta-Analysis.

Piper K, Zou L, Li D, Underberg D, Towner J, Chowdhry AK, Li YM

Spine.. 2020 January 1545 (2):E99-E110. Epub 1900 01 01.

The correlation of fractional anisotropy parameters with Ki-67 index, and the clinical implication in grading of non-enhancing gliomas and neuronal-glial tumors.

Liu X, Tian W, Kolar B, Johnson MD, Milano M, Jiang H, Lin S, Li D, Mohile NA, Li YM, Walter KA, Ekholm S, Wang H

Magnetic resonance imaging.. 2020 January 65 :129-135. Epub 10/20/2019.

Analysis of potential associations of JUUL flavours with health symptoms based on user-generated data from Reddit

Luo, J.; Chen, L.; Lu, X.; Yuan, J.; Xie, Z.; Li, D.

Tobacco Control. 2020; .

Association of flavored electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) use with self-reported chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study, Wave 4.

Shi H, Tavárez ZQ, Xie Z, Schneller LM, Croft DP, Goniewicz ML, McIntosh S, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, Li D

Tobacco induced diseases.. 2020 18 :82. Epub 10/01/2020.

Electronic cigarette use and subjective cognitive complaints in adults.

Xie Z, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, O'Connor RJ, Li D

PloS one.. 2020 15 (11):e0241599. Epub 11/02/2020.

Differential plasma exosomal long non-coding RNAs expression profiles and their emerging role in E-cigarette users, cigarette, waterpipe, and dual smokers.

Kaur G, Singh K, Maremanda KP, Li D, Chand HS, Rahman I

PloS one.. 2020 15 (12):e0243065. Epub 12/08/2020.

Comparison of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke in Association with Diabetic Retinopathy in Adults with Diabetes Using a National Survey.

Yang GR, Li D, Li L

Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy.. 2020 13 :5079-5084. Epub 12/23/2020.

The Interplay Between Respiratory Microbiota and Innate Immunity in Flavor E-Cigarette Vaping Induced Lung Dysfunction.

Quinones Tavarez Z, Li D, Croft DP, Gill SR, Ossip DJ, Rahman I

Frontiers in microbiology.. 2020 11 :589501. Epub 12/16/2020.

Application of volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) to measure multidimensional anti-influenza IgG antibodies by the mPlex-Flu assay.

Wang J, Li D, Wiltse A, Emo J, Hilchey SP, Zand MS

Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2019 December 3 (6):332-343. Epub 09/26/2019.

Antepartum Contraceptive Counseling in Women with Preterm Birth.

Toscano M, Li D, Dye T, Olson-Chen C

American journal of perinatology.. 2019 October 36 (12):1310-1316. Epub 01/04/2019.

Comparative DNA methylomic analyses reveal potential origins of novel epigenetic biomarkers of insulin resistance in monocytes from virally suppressed HIV-infected adults.

Dye CK, Corley MJ, Li D, Khadka VS, Mitchell BI, Sultana R, Lum-Jones A, Shikuma CM, Ndhlovu LC, Maunakea AK

Clinical epigenetics.. 2019 June 2811 (1):95. Epub 06/28/2019.

Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes: Outcomes with Expectant Management until 34 versus 35 Weeks.

Lynch TA, Olson-Chen C, Colihan S, Meyers J, Holloman C, Li D, Link H, Torres P, Kim A, King DJ, Eckman C, Varlamov A, Dexter S, Pressman EK, Soto-Torres E, Malshe A

American journal of perinatology.. 2019 June 36 (7):659-668. Epub 12/15/2018.

Building Risk Prediction Models for Type 2 Diabetes Using Machine Learning Techniques

Zidian Xie; Olga Nikolayeva; Jiebo Luo; Dongmei Li.

Preventing Chronic Disease. 2019; 16.

Association of periodontal disease with depression and adverse birth outcomes: Results from the Perinatal database; Finger Lakes region, New York State.

Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Li D, Xiao J, Billings RJ, Dye TD

PloS one.. 2019 14 (4):e0215440. Epub 04/18/2019.

Association Between Neck Circumference and Coronary Heart Disease: A Meta-analysis.

Yang GR, Dye TD, Zand MS, Fogg TT, Yuan SY, Yang JK, Li D

Asian/Pacific Island nursing journal.. 2019 4 (1):34-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Improved Specificity and False Discovery Rates for Multiplex Analysis of Changes in Strain-Specific Anti-Influenza IgG.

Li D, Wang J, Treanor JJ, Zand MS

Computational and mathematical methods in medicine.. 2019 2019 :3053869. Epub 04/15/2019.

Continuous Readout versus Titer-Based Assays of Influenza Vaccine Trials: Sensitivity, Specificity, and False Discovery Rates.

Li D, Wang J, Garigen J, Treanor JJ, Zand MS

Computational and mathematical methods in medicine.. 2019 2019 :9287120. Epub 05/08/2019.

The Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Morbid Events in Type 2 Diabetes after a 7-Year Community Management: Beijing Community Diabetes Study 17.

Yang GR, Yuan MX, Fu HJ, Wan G, Li D, Dye TD, Zhu LX, Xie RR, Lv YJ, Zhang JD, Du XP, Li YL, Ji Y, Li Y, Cui XL, Wang ZM, Cheng SY, Liu DY, Wang Q, Zhou L, Gao Y, Yuan SY

Journal of diabetes research.. 2019 2019 :5237371. Epub 06/12/2019.

The effects of cardiovascular risk factor combined anti-platelet therapy and the risk of cerebrovascular events in patients with T2DM in an urban community over 96-months follow-up: The Beijing communities diabetes study 19.

Zhang XL, Fu HJ, Yang GR, Wan G, Li D, Zhu LX, Xie RR, Lv YJ, Zhang JD, Li YL, Dai QF, Ji Y, Gao DY, Cui XL, Liu DY, Yuan SY, Yuan MX,

Diabetes research and clinical practice.. 2018 October 144 :236-244. Epub 09/13/2018.

Genetic ablation of histone deacetylase 2 leads to lung cellular senescence and lymphoid follicle formation in COPD/emphysema.

Sundar IK, Rashid K, Gerloff J, Rangel-Moreno J, Li D, Rahman I

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2018 September 32 (9):4955-4971. Epub 04/09/2018.

Genetic Ablation of p16 Does Not Protect against Cellular Senescence in Mouse Models of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Emphysema.

Sundar IK, Rashid K, Gerloff J, Li D, Rahman I

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.. 2018 August 59 (2):189-199. Epub 1900 01 01.

Influence of Hearing Loss on Child Behavioral and Home Experiences.

Hall WC, Li D, Dye TDV

American journal of public health.. 2018 August 108 (8):1079-1081. Epub 06/21/2018.

Lung cellular senescence is independent of aging in a mouse model of COPD/emphysema.

Rashid K, Sundar IK, Gerloff J, Li D, Rahman I

Scientific reports.. 2018 June 138 (1):9023. Epub 06/13/2018.

The Association between Obesity-Risk Genes and Gestational Weight Gain Is Modified by Dietary Intake in African American Women

Ying Meng, Susan W. Groth, and Dongmei Li.

Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2018; 2018.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Financial Incentives for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Diabetes.

Fernandes R, Chinn CC, Li D, Frankland TB, Wang CM, Smith MD, Ozaki RR

The Permanente journal.. 2018 22 :17-080. Epub 1900 01 01.

The preliminary radiogenomics association between MR perfusion imaging parameters and genomic biomarkers, and their predictive performance of overall survival in patients with glioblastoma.

Liu X, Mangla R, Tian W, Qiu X, Li D, Walter KA, Ekholm S, Johnson MD

Journal of neuro-oncology.. 2017 December 135 (3):553-560. Epub 09/09/2017.

Risk of Diabetes Mellitus Among Medicaid Beneficiaries in Hawaii.

Li D, Chinn CC, Fernandes R, Wang CMB, Smith MD, Ozaki RR

Preventing chronic disease.. 2017 November 2214 :E116. Epub 11/22/2017.

Seroprevalence of HCV and HIV infection among clients of the nation's longest-standing statewide syringe exchange program: A cross-sectional study of Community Health Outreach Work to Prevent AIDS (CHOW).

Salek TP, Katz AR, Lenze SM, Lusk HM, Li D, Des Jarlais DC

The International journal on drug policy.. 2017 October 48 :34-43. Epub 08/02/2017.

The Rise of Female Sterilization: A Closer Look at Colombia.

Folch BM, Betstadt S, Li D, Whaley N

Maternal and child health journal.. 2017 September 21 (9):1772-1777. Epub 1900 01 01.

Culturally Competent Palliative and Hospice Care Training for Ethnically Diverse Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities.

Kataoka-Yahiro MR, McFarlane S, Koijane J, Li D

The American journal of hospice & palliative care.. 2017 May 34 (4):335-346. Epub 03/29/2016.

Assessing Weight Gain by the 2009 Institute of Medicine Guidelines and Perinatal Outcomes in Twin Pregnancy.

Ozcan T, Bacak SJ, Zozzaro-Smith P, Li D, Sagcan S, Seligman N, Glantz CJ

Maternal and child health journal.. 2017 March 21 (3):509-515. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bon-EV: an improved multiple testing procedure for controlling false discovery rates.

Li D, Xie Z, Zand M, Fogg T, Dye T

BMC bioinformatics.. 2017 January 318 (1):1. Epub 01/03/2017.

DNA methylation profiling in peripheral lung tissues of smokers and patients with COPD.

Sundar IK, Yin Q, Baier BS, Yan L, Mazur W, Li D, Susiarjo M, Rahman I

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Depression, Anxiety, and Pharmacotherapy Around the Time of Pregnancy in Hawaii.

Roberson EK, Hurwitz EL, Li D, Cooney RV, Katz AR, Collier AC

International journal of behavioral medicine.. 2016 August 23 (4):515-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sociocultural variation in attitudes toward use of genetic information and participation in genetic research by race in the United States: implications for precision medicine.

Dye T, Li D, Demment M, Groth S, Fernandez D, Dozier A, Chang J

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA.. 2016 July 23 (4):782-6. Epub 03/16/2016.

Variations in Patterns of Utilization and Charges for the Care of Headache in North Carolina, 2000-2009: A Statewide Claims' Data Analysis.

Hurwitz EL, Vassilaki M, Li D, Schneider MJ, Stevans JM, Phillips RB, Phelan SP, Lewis EA, Armstrong RC

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics.. 2016 May 39 (4):229-39. Epub 1900 01 01.

Variations in Patterns of Utilization and Charges for the Care of Neck Pain in North Carolina, 2000 to 2009: A Statewide Claims' Data Analysis.

Hurwitz EL, Li D, Guillen J, Schneider MJ, Stevans JM, Phillips RB, Phelan SP, Lewis EA, Armstrong RC, Vassilaki M

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics.. 2016 May 39 (4):240-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Variations in Patterns of Utilization and Charges for the Care of Low Back Pain in North Carolina, 2000 to 2009: A Statewide Claims' Data Analysis.

Hurwitz EL, Li D, Guillen J, Schneider MJ, Stevans JM, Phillips RB, Phelan SP, Lewis EA, Armstrong RC, Vassilaki M

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics.. 2016 May 39 (4):252-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Disparities in pregnancy outcomes between Caucasian andAfrican American women who conceived using in vitro fertilization (IVF)

SnigdhaAlur, Emily S Barrett, Dongmei Li, Kathy Hoeger, Tim Dye.

ClinObstetGynecolReprod Med. 2016; 2.

Participation in Genetic Research: Amazon's Mechanical Turk Workforce in the United States and India.

Groth SW, Dozier A, Demment M, Li D, Fernandez ID, Chang J, Dye T

Public health genomics.. 2016 19 (6):325-335. Epub 11/04/2016.

Psychosocial and Clinical Outcomes of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Asians and Pacific Islanders with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Inouye J, Li D, Davis J, Arakaki R

Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health : a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health.. 2015 November 74 (11):360-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

An evaluation of statistical methods for DNA methylation microarray data analysis.

Li D, Xie Z, Pape ML, Dye T

BMC bioinformatics.. 2015 July 1016 :217. Epub 07/10/2015.

Nursing Performance and Mobile Phone Use: Are Nurses Aware of Their Performance Decrements?

McBride D, LeVasseur SA, Li D

JMIR human factors.. 2015 April 232 (1):e6. Epub 04/23/2015.

Non-work-related use of personal mobile phones by hospital registered nurses.

McBride DL, LeVasseur SA, Li D

JMIR mHealth and uHealth.. 2015 January 133 (1):e3. Epub 01/13/2015.

Publication Link

Hyun-Hee Heo, Tetine L Sentell, Dongmei Li, Hyeong Jun Ahn, Jill Miyamura, and Kathryn Braun.

Disparities in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for

The Effect of a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention on Diet and Exercise Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders With Type 2 Diabetes

Jan Yomogida, Jillian Inouye, Dongmei Li, and James Davis.

Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal. 2015; 2(2): 1-11.

Obesity, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Behavior of Youth With Learning Disabilities and ADHD.

Cook BG, Li D, Heinrich KM

Journal of learning disabilities.. 2015 48 (6):563-76. Epub 01/21/2014.

Publication Link

Dongmei Li.

Power and stability comparisons of multiple testing procedures

RBM: a R package for microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis.

Li D and Liang C.

R package version 1.0.0. 2014; .

Lifestyle intervention for Filipino Americans at risk for diabetes.

Inouye J, Matsuura C, Li D, Castro R, Leake A

Journal of community health nursing.. 2014 31 (4):225-37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Development and validation of a web-based survey on the use of personal communication devices by hospital registered nurses: pilot study.

McBride DL, Levasseur SA, Li D

JMIR research protocols.. 2013 November 262 (2):e50. Epub 11/26/2013.

Genetic associations of relaxin: preterm birth and premature rupture of fetal membranes.

Rocha FG, Slavin TP, Li D, Tiirikainen MI, Bryant-Greenwood GD

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 2013 September 209 (3):258.e1-8. Epub 05/10/2013.

An economic model of the benefits of professional doula labor support in Wisconsin births.

Chapple W, Gilliland A, Li D, Shier E, Wright E

WMJ : official publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin.. 2013 April 112 (2):58-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validating the Impact of Teaching Pursed-Lips Breathing With Skype: A Pilot Study

Mark, Debra; Ikehara, Curtis; Matsuura, Christine MS; Hara, Kris; Li, Dongmei.

Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. 2013; 15(8): 424-432.

Factors related to essential workers' willingness to work and comply with personal infection control protocol during a large scale influenza pandemic in Hawaii

Kristine Qureshi; Robyn R. Gershon; Seiji Yamada; Dongmei Li.

Journal of Emergency & Disaster Medicine. 2013; 2(1).

Assessing physical activity and function in the Filipino older adults.

Ceria-Ulep CD, Dalusung-Angosta A, Magday-Asselstine RT, Castillo MA, Pagano IS, Li D, Wooton A

Journal of cultural diversity.. 2013 20 (1):30-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Associations between Psychosocial and Physiological Factors and Diabetes Health Indicators in Asian and Pacific Islander Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.

Li D, Inouye J, Davis J, Arakaki RF

Nursing research and practice. 2013 2013 :703520. Epub 10/24/2013.

Assessing differential expression in two-color microarrays: a resampling-based empirical Bayes approach.

Li D, Le Pape MA, Parikh NI, Chen WX, Dye TD

PloS one.. 2013 8 (11):e80099. Epub 11/27/2013.

Power and stability properties of resampling-based multiple testing procedures with applications to gene oncology studies.

Li D, Dye TD

Computational and mathematical methods in medicine.. 2013 2013 :610297. Epub 11/20/2013.

Leptospira infection prevalence in small mammal host populations on three Hawaiian islands.

Wong M, Katz AR, Li D, Wilcox BA

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.. 2012 August 87 (2):337-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of the National Kidney Foundation of Hawai'i's Kidney Early Detection Screening program.

Kataoka-Yahiro MR, Wong KA, Tamashiro J, Page V, Ching J, Li D

Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health : a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health.. 2012 July 71 (7):186-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Store and restaurant advertising and health of public housing residents.

Heinrich KM, Li D, Regan GR, Howard HH, Ahluwalia JS, Lee RE

American journal of health behavior.. 2012 January 36 (1):66-74. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ethnic and Gender Differences in Psychosocial Factors in Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Islanders, and Asian American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.

Jillian Inouye; Dongmei Li; James Davis; and Richard Arakaki.

Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice. 2012; 5(3): 1-11.

Associations between national tuberculosis program budgets and tuberculosis outcomes: an ecological study.

Chapple W, Katz AR, Li D

The Pan African medical journal.. 2012 12 :66. Epub 07/09/2012.

An Adaptive Bonferroni Procedure with Control of the Mean Number of False Discoveries with Applications to Microarray Data Analysis

Dongmei Li.

Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics. 2011; 2(4): 201-218.

Role of the stomatal development regulators FLP/MYB88 in abiotic stress responses.

Xie Z, Li D, Wang L, Sack FD, Grotewold E

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.. 2010 December 64 (5):731-9. Epub 10/13/2010.

Female disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus to sex partners: a two-city study.

Sullivan K, Voss J, Li D

Women & health.. 2010 September 50 (6):506-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Regulation of cell proliferation in the stomatal lineage by the Arabidopsis MYB FOUR LIPS via direct targeting of core cell cycle genes.

Xie Z, Lee E, Lucas JR, Morohashi K, Li D, Murray JA, Sack FD, Grotewold E

The Plant cell.. 2010 July 22 (7):2306-21. Epub 07/30/2010.

Comparison of dietary conjugated linoleic acid with safflower oil on body composition in obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Norris LE, Collene AL, Asp ML, Hsu JC, Liu LF, Richardson JR, Li D, Bell D, Osei K, Jackson RD, Belury MA

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2009 September 90 (3):468-76. Epub 06/17/2009.

Integration of tomato reproductive developmental landmarks and expression profiles, and the effect of SUN on fruit shape.

Xiao H, Radovich C, Welty N, Hsu J, Li D, Meulia T, van der Knaap E

BMC plant biology.. 2009 May 79 :49. Epub 05/07/2009.

Partitioning to uncover conditions for permutation tests to control multiple testing error rates.

Calian V, Li D, Hsu JC

Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift.. 2008 October 50 (5):756-66. Epub 1900 01 01.


Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences (2023)

Chapter: E-cigarettes and vaping

Computational Biology (2019)

Chapter: Statistical Methods for RNA Sequencing Data Analysis