Rashad Hussain, Ph.D.
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Rashad Hussain, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Research Associate Professor - Department of Neurology, Center for Translational Neuromedicine (SMD)
Très Honorable (Most Honorable, Highest Ph.D grade). 2011
Journal Articles
Sun Q, Peng S, Xu Q, Weikop P, Hussain R, Song W, Nedergaard M, Ding F
Nature communications.. 2024 November 615 (1):9600. Epub 11/06/2024.
Hussain R, Graham U, Elder A, Nedergaard M
Trends in neurosciences.. 2023 November 46 (11):901-911. Epub 09/28/2023.
Hussain R, Tithof J, Wang W, Cheetham-West A, Song W, Peng W, Sigurdsson B, Kim D, Sun Q, Peng S, Plá V, Kelley DH, Hirase H, Castorena-Gonzalez JA, Weikop P, Goldman SA, Davis MJ, Nedergaard M
Nature.. 2023 November 623 (7989):992-1000. Epub 11/15/2023.